The Collection of The End

Two thousand two hundred and ninety-one, North American Mythical War (207)

——? ? ? ——

Anti-Monitor Tower.

When Mobius returned to his loyal chair, the three women who had set out earlier were already gathered around the round table for a reflection meeting.



"how so……"

"The universe is destroyed, but Batman is still alive. Are we considered a success or a failure?"

"They now completely regard us as bad guys. It does not match the plan of the Anti-Monitor. It can be considered a failure."

"But the Court of Owls that attacked their universe were all wiped out. Can it be considered a success?"

"This wave is not a loss."

There is no doubt that they have blown up three more universes, but they are still thinking about analysis instead of being dejected. It seems that they are indeed different from before. In addition...

Mobius looked down. As the manager of the giant tower, he could clearly know that there were three more people in the tower, or in other words, three "different time and space homotopes" of the same person.

Judging from the shape of the tights, big capes and pointed-eared hats, they are all "Batman", but there are many differences in details.

A man with a strong body, steady steps, and sharp muscles. The bat suit on his body looks plain and simple, with almost no props in sight. He is doing pull-ups in the gym with a serious look on his face.

A man with a slender figure and nimble movements is flying around the department store using a bat hook. The storage bag on his body is filled with various small props. While flying around, he will fall on it from time to time. Pick up some of the items on the counter and have a look.

The last one...well...other Batman's suits are basically ordinary tights. At most, they are made of stronger materials or have some special effects added to them, but this "Bat suit" is completely armed to the teeth. The mechanical armor was spraying lasers from some kind of weapon on its back to cut the window panes of the Anti-Monitor tower.

"Is this the result of your 'cultivation'?" Mobius, who was already familiar with the operation of the giant tower, projected the images of three Batmans in front of the instigator.

"Ah..." The three ladies who were still chattering fell silent instantly.

"In any case, 'Bringing Out Batman' and 'Destroying the Court of Owls' are completed. As for the universes themselves, even if we don't go, they will be 'eaten' by the Court of Owls," Mobius continued : "Let's talk about it. Any experience or lessons may be helpful to our next actions."

"Hey, you look like a team leader now, man," the Mobius chair whispered in his ear.

There is no way. If you chase the Owl Court everywhere by yourself, you will end up just tearing down the east wall to make up for the west wall and putting out fires everywhere. It is necessary to build an efficient team.

"Let's start with you," Mobius waited for a while and saw that they were still winking at each other, so he took the initiative to name them: "Fireproof Girl."

"Hmph..." The fireproof woman adjusted her hood: "I rescued little Bruce from Crime Alley, and then I looked for a teacher of fighting techniques for him, and on the other hand I looked for ways to strengthen his physical fitness. Finally, I used to deal with Lazarus Lu Zhichi's research resulted in a super enhancer, which greatly enhanced his physical fitness. He can quickly repair himself from any injuries, and he can still move even if he is fatally injured by ordinary people."

"If I remember correctly, people who have soaked in that pool will go crazy. How did you solve it?" Mobius asked.

"It's not solved. While the super enhancer greatly improves the strengthening and repairing effect, it will also increase the degree of madness. Ra'salghul, who stole the enhancer and used it in large quantities, went crazy because of this, and then turned into a clown and ran away. Go to Gotham and fight Thomas Wayne, who became the 'Bat Daddy'." The fireproof girl pursed her lips: "In the end, Bruce picked up his daughter Thalia, took over the League of Assassins and renamed it the Justice League, and then... Superman's identity recruits 'Bat Daddy' to beat up Thunder Joker together."

"It does sound crazy," Mobius said, holding his forehead: "How did you convince him to leave that universe?"

"Not convinced. After the Court of Owls invaded and killed 'Bat Daddy', he suddenly returned to normal. He first inherited the Bat suit, and then cooperated with Lei Xiaogu to formulate a plan that, although it would cause the collapse of the universe, would also completely How to eliminate the invading Court of Owls, and then he came to me playing Supergirl and asked me to take him away, saying that he wanted to kill more 'Court of Owls'." Fireproof Girl replied.

"Hmm... Is Batman's physical fitness equivalent to Superman's? It's also useful..."



Mobius was still thinking about Batman's combat prowess, but the other two were fussing over other details of these words.

"What are you doing? Can't you be Superman if you're wearing a mask?"

"Then where is your s?"

"Put on the blindfold."


"Fifteen hundred ducks.]" said the Mobius chair.

"...What about you, Cortana? Why does your son look like a monkey? Did you find the Red of Life to bless him?" Mobius interrupted the three ladies' teasing.

"No, that comes from the 'Loa gods', that is, the power of the animal gods in the Egyptian pantheon." Cortana seemed to accept the title "son" well: "What you see is the 'speed of the leopard', he Also possesses 'the strength of a bear', 'eyes of an eagle' and 'ears of a wolf'."

Doesn't sound very strong...and where are the bats?

"At that time in Crime Alley, I couldn't rescue little Bruce alone because he was tightly held in Martha Wayne's arms, so I had to rescue his mother together," Cortana continued: "As a result, Martha Suffering from some kind of PTSD, once Bruce is out of sight, he will be very panicked. From staring at him to following closely, in the end, he even locked little Bruce at home and refused to let him go out. He put on the bat suit and called himself " "Bat Mother', who stays day and night, and specializes in picking out drunk criminals with guns in their hands."

"Well... although it's extreme, it's understandable."

"Then, while she was not at home, I hacked the surveillance system she installed at home, secretly took little Bruce out to play with the animal spirits, taught him how to read, learn how to fight, and at the same time fight crime and help others," Cortana shrugged. Shrugged: "But one time I was accidentally discovered by Martha, and she chased me while shouting, 'The clown who wants to steal my son'."

Bat Mother and the Female Clown seem to be quite suitable rivals...

"There was no Alfred in that world for some reason. The Wayne Group was divided among the major shareholders after the death of Thomas Wayne. Although Martha had a lot of savings, it was no problem to raise little Bruce, but it was not enough to arm him." Batman', which led to her eventual death when the Court of Owls invaded." Cortana sighed: "Maybe it's because she is too far away from the real Batman. The Court of Owls who invaded that world were not many in number, but they were easily destroyed. After I eliminated them, Bruce, who had grown up, made a Bat suit suitable for exerting his power, and asked me to take him away from the universe that was about to be destroyed, and wanted to save his parents in other universes. "


Because the story was relatively sad, others did not make fun of her.

The rest is... Mobius turned his attention to Indy.

"Is it my turn? Is it my turn?"

Yin Di's eyes lit up, Zengdi jumped up on the table, pointed at the last bat armor on the monitor and announced loudly:

"Pay attention, this is the 'Iron Batman' who 'both parents died', 'the company was handed over to a butler', who 'took over the family business as an adult and instantly became the richest man in the world', and 'publicly announced his identity'!"

"So what is your identity?"

"Alfred's granddaughter with a genius business mind!"


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