The Collection of The End

Two thousand two hundred and ninety-two, North American Mythical War (208)

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The middle level of the Anti-Monitor tower.

After basically clarifying the experiences of the three newly recruited Batmans, Morbius gathered them into a conference room through the tower broadcast and began to explain to them the concepts of the "multiverse" and the "Court of Owls". Of course , there is no need to talk about some insignificant details, such as the commission of "death" and the fact that the ladies have messed up several times.

"...So, we followed the 'Court of Owls' into your world, not the other way around. The misfortunes you encountered have nothing to do with us. As the regulators of the multiverse, we don't need to formulate any plan to secretly control the world. The purpose of taking you away from your original universe is to use your power to deal with the 'Owl Court' that is still preying on other universes." Mobius showed his previous business-like attitude at the Space-Time Administration and looked at the person sitting opposite him. The three Batmans: "Do you have any more questions?"

"No problem." The muscular Batman kept his posture of sitting upright and spoke concisely.

"I have a problem." The thinner Batman couldn't sit still. Hearing this, he continued: "Why me? I mean, there are obviously many superheroes who are better than me in my world. If we take them away, Doesn’t it supplement my combat power even more? Of course, I don’t mean to say that I am weak.”

"It can only be you, or you, unless your strength breaks through the ceiling of the single universe or you have enough personality, only 'Batman', who is the foundation of the world, can safely enter the multiverse," Mobius replied Said: "Otherwise, it will be like a deep-sea fish suddenly being pulled out of the water - snap!"

The thin Batman trembled in fright: "Okay, I have no problem."

"I also have a question," Batman, who had been folding his arms and wearing a steel bat suit, said through the loudspeaker: "Since the 'Eating Evil of the World' is the culprit that caused the destruction of our universe, then there are three other What are disasters doing to our world? Do you have a plan to deal with them?"

"What a good question," Mobius replied: "In fact, the 'Eating Evil of the World' only attracts attention because the behavior of 'eating' is too obvious, while the other three disasters are better at quietly Infiltration of the multiverse."

"Take the super criminals you are familiar with as examples. 'Scarecrow' and 'The Riddler' were influenced by the 'Whisper of the Void'. 'Poison Ivy' and 'Killer Croc' are inseparable from the 'Weave of Life'. , as for the 'instrument of thirst', 'Mad Hatter' and 'Mr. Freeze' are its representatives."

"Oh? So, by killing Batman and destroying the universe, the 'Eating Evil of the World' is equivalent to attacking the other three disasters?" Iron Batman's eyes flashed, thoughtfully.

"Unfortunately, that's not the case," Mobius shook his head: "Only the minions of the 'Eating Evil of the World' can be eliminated through direct means. The other three disasters cannot be cured through physical means. Taking the previous example, you must To get the Riddler to give up on riddles, to cure Killer Croc of his mutation, and to get the Mad Hatter to stop being obsessed with Alice."

"It's faster to kill them." Iron Batman spread his hands to the other two Batmans beside him.

"I won't stop you if necessary." Strong Batman replied.

"What? Isn't it necessary?" The thin Batman blinked: "Wouldn't it be better to lock him up?"

"Look, Batman who 'must be Bruce' has three personalities: he is not allowed to kill, he does not take the initiative to kill, and he is decisive in killing." The Mobius chair cooed in Mobius's ear: "I have seen that as the number of Batmans increases, they start to quarrel or even fight because of different ideas.]"

"There is no need to disagree about this," Mobius stood up: "There are still many universes under the threat of the Court of Owls. You can do it according to your own ideas and use the results to convince others. However, since you are still If you are not familiar with the multiverse, your first mission will be completed with the 'guide' who takes you away from your original world."

"The last question," Iron Batman said: "Do these four disasters have a source that can be solved once and for all?"

"Of course, the name of this source is," Mobius raised his eyebrows: "'Kang the Conqueror'."

"Beautiful black pot.]" the Mobius chair admired.


The top of the Anti-Monitor tower.

"Alas..." Mobius sighed deeply: "What do you think, you dare to let them move freely? And also give them permission to recruit people?"

"..." The fireproof girl and Cortana looked at each other and continued to remain silent.

"Uh," Yin Di blinked: "Because they are Batman?"

"They better be." Mobius glared at her, then turned to look at the messy floors on the surveillance projection.

You don't even need to think about it to know that it is the "reverse nestling plot" that is causing the problem. One or two of them regard Batman as their son, and they will agree to anything as long as they say something nice.

Then, "Batman Brawl" took place in the Anti-Monitor Tower.

In addition to the three Batmans previously recruited, the new members include:

Dick Grayson, the "Robin Batman" who became a regular after Bruce's death, was good at acrobatics and bow and arrow, performing in the circus while taking time off to fight crime.

When Bruce was the mayor of Gotham, he was forced to take over the responsibilities of Batman. He only investigated at night but did not act. During the day, he led the Gotham Police Department to arrest people at his doorstep, James Gordon, the "Director Batman".

After Bruce got married, he gave up his duties and took the initiative to put on the Bat suit because he couldn't stand it anymore. Selina Falcone, the "Cat-Eyed Batman" who found time to fight crime while shopping for groceries, cooking, coaxing his children, and stealing jewelry.

After Bruce disappeared mysteriously, in order to help his friend Damian find his father, he transformed into a bat suit and ran around in Gotham. However, he accidentally bumped into "Thunder Batman", Billy Batson, who had solved the incident many times.

Bruce's resurrection from the dead caused countless demons to appear throughout Gotham. When they came to clean up the mess, they disguised themselves as Batman's "Hell Batman", John Constantine, in order not to be discovered by their creditors.

After breaking Bruce's spine, he took the opportunity to inject a mind-altering drug into the jar on his back. He then put on an ill-fitting Bat suit and began to use his muscles and wrestling skills to fight crime, or to maintain his territory as a "wrestling bat." "Xia", Bane.

The origins and identities of these "Batman" are different. The only thing they have in common is that the universe they live in has been destroyed by the Court of Owls. In other words, the second operation still ended in total failure. As for their strength... it is difficult to describe.

"Looking at the bright side, these nine people just fill up my nine-square grid, man," the Mobius chair said, whether comforting or mocking, "Anyway, let's give this team a name."

"Didn't Batman call himself the Dark Knight? Then call him - The Dark Knights]."

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