The Collection of The End

Two thousand two hundred and ninety-four, North American Mythical War (210)

In the Hogwarts Great Hall, Professor

"...the above sixteen students will be evenly distributed in the 'dungeon mirror' based on New York City, and engage in an indiscriminate brawl until the last seven contestants are determined to participate in the main competition of the 'Triwizard Tournament'. In addition, because the competition field is too large, the 'copy mirror' will gradually 'collapse' from the outside to the inside every once in a while, and players who fall outside the map will be eliminated directly.】"

"In order to ensure the fairness of the competition as much as possible, the 'Team Channel' of students who have formed a team before this will be disabled, while 'Shared Location' and 'Friendly Injury Avoidance' can still be used.]"

"Perhaps some players are very familiar with New York, and some just wandered around during the holidays, but this does not have much impact. Although the 'dungeon mirror' restores the topography of New York City, most of them can be used by the players. Items that brought advantages have been removed and replaced by various buff spells and equipment placed irregularly]"

"During the competition, students who are interested in watching the game can use the 'Second Structure' to observe the battlefield through a free perspective in VR. By the way, what you see in this kind of observation is a virtual image of the field, so you don't have to try to pick up on the players you are optimistic about. Revealing enemy intelligence, in fact, the contestants’ external communications will be cut off once the competition begins.]”

"in addition……】"

Hmm... In the end, the final draft was still an ordinary chicken-fighting game. I originally wanted to just make a simulated city, throw in those superheroes and super villains, and create some kind of event, so that some students who are not good at frontal combat can Go and take advantage of the situation.

Then it was discovered that that would create a parallel universe. The stupid system laughed and said: You obviously have some misunderstanding about your identity. 】

‘It’s so strange, how could a single city become such an outrageous thing as a parallel universe. ’

Let’s not mention Fuyuki and the like, let’s just talk about the blind lawyer. The universe of his personal magazine only has one Hell’s Kitchen. Who should he talk to for reasoning? 】

‘But there is no problem with the One Piece planet that Shirahoshi pinched. ’

It would be no problem for the 'Lord of the Ocean Dimension' to cut off a piece of his own 'Ocean Dimension' to use as a playing field. It would be fine for the 'White Queen' to cut off the Sea Restaurant or Hogwarts. If you want to control New York, you have to use high-level characters. . 】

‘This Supreme Mage is too shabby. ’

really. 】

"...Now, you can see on the big screen that sixteen players have 'landed' everywhere in the 'dungeon mirror'. They are just waiting for the game to start and immediately go to the surrounding buildings to collect magic buffs and equipment, or simply rely on Use your own ability to find other players and launch attacks.]" Professor

'ah? Is there such a link? ’

Is there a possibility that he was going to send a signal in the arena, but found that he did not have enough authority? 】

‘I clearly gave him permission, wasn’t he the one who helped catch Nidhogg? ’

What authority is that? 】

‘The audition venue…okay. ’

"Then next -" I held up the brim of my hat, took out my wand and waved it towards the big screen in the auditorium.

Countless fireworks suddenly exploded in the sky above "Copy Mirror New York", forming two words.

gamestart! 】


A moment later, the large reception room of Hogwarts.

"...Are you very free? Or do you plan to work part-time to cover a few classes? Except for Stark, everyone should be a good teacher."

I looked at almost all the Avengers members in the reception room, and I knew without thinking that Iron Man must be the leader.

"No matter how busy he is, this is the first time for his daughter to participate in a large-scale competition, and her father has to come to support her." Stark ignored my words that he couldn't be a teacher, and looked at the competition in the conference room like a good father. Live broadcast: "Oh, look at little Luna's beautiful travel outfit. It seems that her taste is similar to mine."

"That's what Mr. Howard and Mrs. Maria made for her."


After successfully choking Stark, I turned to Captain America, who was sitting upright: "Are you here to see Bucky? Captain?"

"It can be...cough," Steve coughed: "I heard that Hogwarts is holding a large-scale event, and many students must have been detained for violating discipline during the event. I think it is my responsibility to provide them with intensive education. "

Are you ready to fight one against a hundred again...

"Okay, then I'll leave those troublemakers to you," I passed Coulson behind the captain and stared at Spider-Man who was watching the live broadcast, looking like he wanted to participate: "Peter? You don't need to prepare for the exam. ?"

"Uh, um, I've already finished the exam in advance and received admission notices from thirteen universities at the same time." Peter scratched his head: "I'm worrying about which university to choose. After all, there aren't many good universities in New York, and my uncle and aunt still need... Take care, Mr. Stark suggested that I come to the game and relax.”

"I suggest you go to the University of Versailles." I looked at the Normal Hulk and said, "Dr. Banner, I didn't expect you to be here. Are you having a conflict with Miss Rose?"

"No, no, it's all my fault." Bruce Banner waved his hands repeatedly.

"Really? Where did you go wrong?"

"I made the mistake of pointing out the error in her perspective."

"You deserve it." x2

"Natasha, if you come..." I turned to the first SHIELD agent who said the same thing as me: "Is Nick Fury being pressured again?"

"I want to say that Hogwarts had better get some confidentiality rules or something," Natasha spread out a hand. "When those children go back, they will tell about their prop competition, fishing diving and dragon hunting." There was so much excitement, and when the congressman, who has always been thinking about magic, heard about it, he insisted on asking the director to submit a report on the details of this competition, and his hair turned gray with worry."

"What's white?"

"Well, he's bald with worry."

Got it, he didn't worry at all, he just sent Natasha to show off, and then casually prepared a report and handed it in.

"Well, it just so happens that Hogwarts needs to send out professors during the main game. You can go to Asgard with the team and see the real Aesir." I turned around and saw that I was completely indifferent to the game. Interested, Thor, who was eating hamburgers and fried chicken in the corner of the reception room, said: "Lest you always call him a golden-haired fool."

"Who called me?" Thor looked up.

Amidst the movement of the Avengers suppressing laughter or shrugging their shoulders, I silently covered my face.

This is a bit difficult to explain to Odin...

Cue: The ‘Dark Knights’ are born. 】

Hint: ‘Thanos’ is born. 】


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