The Collection of The End

Two thousand two hundred and ninety-five, North American Mythical War (211)

Hogwarts, large drawing room.

Since the contestants in the finals had already encountered each other, the big screen was divided into sixteen picture-in-pictures to show their actions at the same time. Although ordinary people may be dazzled looking at so many screens and can only focus on one or two that they care about. The players are watching, but everyone here is a "superhero" and it's easy to pay attention to the overall situation.

As the saying goes, experts watch the excitement, while laymen watch the door. 】Stupid system commented.

‘Is it the opposite? ’

Experts know that there is no technical content and they are just watching the fun, while laymen who don't understand try to analyze the meaning of the operation. 】

'Well, indeed, Luna's plan was a simple one: assemble as quickly as possible and blow everyone else away. ’

Most of the Avengers were watching with amusement, except for Thor, who didn't even intend to watch.

After learning that Atreus, or Loki, had used his dual identity as dean and student to sneak into the competition, and even participated in defeating Nidhogg, he kept clamoring to participate in the competition, and after throwing his name into the Holy Grail, he After being sprayed out for more than a dozen times, he finally gave up and started eating junk food to vent his anger. Occasionally he raised his eyes to see what Atreus was doing.

Well, since he has been beaten by the students of the Physical Strengthening Department, he probably won't become a big fat man...

‘If you think about it carefully, in the original work, it should be that he just wanted to get fat. Otherwise, Asgard eats and drinks a lot every day, so why don’t you see all the Aesir warriors getting fat and strong? ’

If you accidentally eat into a body that is not conducive to fighting, as long as you die in battle and are resurrected in the Hall of Valor, you will return to your standard body shape. 】

‘The Hall of Valor is really convenient. ’

Stark has been paying attention to Luna, paying special attention to other opponents she may encounter. He is still mumbling words, trying to provide her with intelligence or remote command through the telepathy between father and daughter. If you ask me, he might as well try to develop What about quantum entanglement communication?

Even if it is developed, it will be blocked by you. 】

‘That’s true. ’

After Peter Parker stared aimlessly for a while, he turned to stare at Sherlock, seeming to judge his ability to use various spells that were just right to solve the problem when faced with different situations. He was very interested, maybe because he thought he had an ability very similar to his own "Peter Yoshiki".

'It's a pity that Sherlock is a prophecy of the time and space guidance system, while Peter is just a danger perception of the physical variation system. ’

Theoretically speaking, as long as he is strong enough, Peter can detect threats even if they come from outside time, space or even dimensions. 】

‘You also said it was a theory. Although he is now possessed by ‘End of get out of class’, the person who told him ‘the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility’ is still alive, and the upper limit of his strength is locked. ’

I think Captain America may have felt a chill in his back just now. 】

'I did not say anything. ’

Steve Rogers originally discussed the battlefield situation with Coulson from a strategic height and commented on it in a low voice, but as the game progressed, he began to focus on Watson, and he began to praise Watson in his words, so he was straightforward. Will people be attracted to each other?

It's also possible that you saw something you were missing. 】

‘A familiar personality? ’

A group of friends of the same age. 】

‘You’re kind of making a hell of a joke, and if you’re someone of the same age, doesn’t Natasha count? ’

As for Natasha, not surprisingly, she has been paying attention to the female students in the competition. Luna, Miku, Hannah, Gamora, Nebula and Erin are all on her watch list, compared to the other more "magical" ones. Among the students, she is most concerned about Miku, especially the look she transformed into after the battle, dressed in black and holding a big gun.

It's the same type of stand-in. 】

‘Is there a double personality type stand-in? ’

Um? Why not? 】

'Okay, Hulk. ’

According to Dr. Banner, he focuses on players who are strong, able to transform, and are green in color, such as Hannah, Gamora, Nebula, Drax, and T'Challa. No matter how you think about it, these are all Hulk's aesthetics. , I’ll ask Professor x to give him some psychological counseling later.

Do you remember that your principal was not actually Professor x? 】

‘Anyway, the Mind Stone is in his hand, so that’s it. ’

as long as you are happy. 】

How should I put it, the focus of these Avengers who were watching the game with great interest was completely missed by the popular list watched by the students using two-dimensional VR.

The most popular one is Star-Lord, who is very talkative and has his own BGM. Even during the battle, he does not forget to dance. I have reason to suspect that many students are actually waiting to see him overturn, while the rest are simply here to listen. Song.

The second place is Moriarty, who is arrogant and elegant, ruthless but graceful. Most of the people who come to see him are students from the so-called magic family, and a few... well, they are not very intelligent. Maybe the students are planning to improve their IQ by watching what smart people do?

As for the third one, although it is unbelievable, the one in this position is "Slender Man". Theoretically speaking, the character "Slender Ghost" is just a legend and has no definite entity. It should not really appear, but maybe it is I went to One Piece for a walk, and I accepted this kind of weirdo with uncoordinated body proportions well. As a result, he was born as an "Inhuman", and the "Slender Ghost"'s characteristic of preying on children also became A trait that inexplicably attracts the attention of other students.

The eight-foot-tall girl calls her an expert. 】

'Bachi girl... Jin Jing seems to be fighting Thanos, can you beat him? ’

The half-baked Shazam beats Thanos without gems, which is half a dozen. 】

‘Anyway, there’s no way to catch the editors from both sides fighting, so let’s just leave it at that. ’

Speaking of which, the protagonists of this third major event are obviously unbalanced.

The Dark Knight and Thanos?

Fortunately for Thanos, he was originally scheduled to appear. Although he was much weaker in DC due to the inability to obtain infinite gems, he is still qualified as a "doomsday element".

But the Dark Knights? This is a bit outrageous.

It's not that they are too strong, but that they are too weak. Those darkened Batmans are not qualified to be the boss of the final big event together with Thanos.

If the Chitauri and the Court of Owls at the beginning were basically qualified as warm-ups, and Ultron and Blackest Night in the middle also posed quite a challenge because the subject in question could not be easily eliminated, then the same level as Thanos The threat must at least be Darkseid, right?

Or, the Chitauri are considered Thanos' subordinates, so as the boss of the Court of Owls, should Barbatos make an appearance?

Is there a possibility that Nidhogg is Barbatos and has been killed by Luna and the others? 】

‘No way, absolutely impossible. ’

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