The Collection of The End

Two thousand two hundred and ninety-six, Sherlock and? ? ? (1)

——? ? ? ——

"I was wrong, I was really wrong," Sherlock looked at the gray mist in all directions, mumbling: "I shouldn't have chosen to break the dimensional rift with Moriarty in the first place. If I didn't break the dimensional rift, , he would not have fallen into the 'subspace' beyond the latitude. If he had not fallen into the subspace and been rescued by Ms. Irisviel, he would not have subconsciously thought that the subspace was safe and used 'Sherlock's Unpredictability' indiscriminately. So I won’t fall into this familiar place during the qualifying finals..."

After reading it twice more and still no one responded, Sherlock crossed his arms and started thinking about ways to save himself.

The previous competitions were obviously very smooth. Sherlock used "Sherlock's Unpredictability" to participate in land racing and underwater treasure hunting respectively. In both cases, he achieved double gains as expected and successfully entered the top seven. This made him very confident that he could eliminate some "stuck". In addition to "Dun", I can freely use this ability in the "dungeon mirror", and confidently formulated a plan on how to help the team win as the "seventeenth person" in the finals, and finally made a decisive decision after the finals began. Use "Sherlock's Unpredictability".

Then, he fell out of that world.

It's hard to describe the feeling. First, he stepped on the air, and the whole world became distorted and blurry. Then he fell at a high speed, and then the whole person fell into a kind of half-dream and half-awake state. When he finally regained consciousness, there was only the world around him. The "gray fog" of the "subspace" was reduced. At the same time, because there was no reference object and environmental feedback, he could not even determine whether he was rising or falling, or whether he was actually spinning like a top.

The good news is that the self who made another choice did not fall together. The bad news is that the "time stone" is in the other self.

Now, even without too much analysis, it can be deduced that the original "stuck" was not at all "the NPCs in the copy image could not react", but that the different choices of oneself were "switching worlds", and in the finals everyone was In the same "copy mirror", after making different choices, one of you will inevitably fall out of the world.

Sure enough, because he was so well protected by Hogwarts and it was an intra-school competition, he subconsciously ignored that there might be huge differences between different choices, or even a life-or-death decision?

It's like the protagonist of a work has a decisive battle with his old enemy and falls off the cliff of a waterfall. The author announces that he is dead and the story is over. However, after a period of time, he cannot bear the pressure and continues the story of his escape.

……Um? Have you ever read a book with similar content?

Forget it, it’s not important.

The top priority is how "this self" who made the wrong choice can save himself.

Based on past experience, the other chosen self can only vaguely feel that this self is still safe at this time, and can be sensed if injured or encounters a crisis.

He doesn't want to know the answer to the question "If the wrong choice will lead to his death, will he receive death information if he makes the right choice?"

The currently known information is that in the "subspace" "beyond the latitude", neither the "Lord of Dimensions" nor the "Universe Demon God" can interfere, but there are a large number of things here that can destroy the minds of ordinary people and cause them to go crazy, and there are It looks like a mist wearing a black cloak, a hostile monster with unknown strength.

There is one and only one way to escape from the current situation, which is to enter any dimension and then find a way to open the passage to the "ocean dimension".

The question is...which direction should we go?

According to conventional logic, if you have just fallen out of the "Earth", then as long as you take the current coordinates as the center and explore outward in a spiral, you will soon be able to come into contact with the "Ocean Dimension". the logical laws of reality really apply to "subspace"? The distance between the "Clock Tower" and the "Ocean Dimension" was ridiculously far back then.

Speaking of which, the "Galaxy Train" that took him and Moriarty back from the "Magic Dimension" to the "Ocean Dimension" seemed to be able to help him out of the predicament, but there was no train platform here, and Ms. Irisviel made it clear He said that it had been out of service for a long time, and it was impossible to expect it to pass by by chance. There might be a way to summon that train, but he didn't know it at all.

So what you should do next is...


While Sherlock was trying to think of a countermeasure, a somewhat familiar noise gradually sounded from the surrounding fog.

Sherlock subconsciously held his breath and tried to avoid attracting attention, but obviously the things in the fog were not disturbed by the thick fog. It should be said that they didn't even have eyes at all.

After a moment, the fog around Sherlock spread in a circle, causing his visual range to change from "elevator room" to "living room". However, this was obviously not a good thing, because there were two familiar monsters in black fog cloaks wearing it. After passing through the gray mist, he stepped into the "living room" and slowly floated towards him.

"Oh, thank you," Sherlock pulled out his wand from his sleeve and threw a spell at each of them. "Split into four! The flames are blazing!"

The former took effect smoothly. When it hit, the old cloak was instantly torn into several rags and flew away together with the black mist wrapped in it. The latter seemed to be of no use. The cloak was indeed successfully ignited, but the monster itself was still alive. Keep approaching at the original speed.

Sherlock took two steps back and prepared to continue doing the same thing, but what he saw out of the corner of his eye forced him to change his approach temporarily.

The "torn apart" rags began to "grow" almost at the same time, and in the blink of an eye they "grew" into four still worn cloaks. The black smoke responsible for "filling" these cloaks also began to increase in value, turning They "stretched" up.

"——Four...fainted!" Sherlock's wand emitted a shock wave, knocking the monster with its cloak on fire away far away.

Obviously, subspace monsters cannot be judged by common sense. Sherlock slowly retreated. If he wanted to completely eliminate them, he needed to use the rules unique to this space, that is... singing?

Sherlock recalled the song that Ms. Irisviel had sung. After pondering it for two seconds, he realized that with his tone-deafness, singing it would only strengthen those monsters.

Putting aside the "Lungominyade" which has a limit on the number of times it can be used, there is still one option left.

While retreating, Sherlock quickly flipped through the magic book, pulled out the magic spell that could not be used in the real dimension, and pointed at the cloaked monster.

"Calling God to protect you! Expe!]"

Suddenly - bang bang bang bang!

While Sherlock shouted the spell, the top of the wand suddenly shone brightly, and then, a female figure wearing a khaki monk's robe, an orange cloak over her shoulders, and a head as smooth as a mirror rushed out with the light and struck with extremely fast techniques. He hit all the cloaked monsters approaching here with one "human" palm.

Sherlock vaguely saw something phantom-like being blown away from the cloaked monster. Then, the cloak withered and collapsed, and the black mist dispersed and disappeared.

The bald female figure looked back at him, shook her head with a helpless expression, and then disappeared along with the light surrounding her.

"Wait..." Sherlock put down his wand, feeling disappointed.

So, what she originally warned him about could also be understood as "if you throw your name into the Holy Grail of Fire, you may die in the game"?

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