The Collection of The End

Two thousand three hundred and twenty-three, North American Mythical War (223)

——? ? ? ——

Although subspace is a "non-existent space", it still generates "thrust" due to the collision between dimensions. These "light wind"-like thrusts are entangled and mixed with each other, turning into a relatively long-lasting and intense "hurricane" At that time, its existence form will be named "subspace storm" by intelligent creatures who are exposed to the concepts related to subspace.

It will interrupt all communication and travel through the warp and bring catastrophe to those living in the warp.

Of course, since "subspace" itself "does not exist", the elimination of "subspace creatures" can hardly be regarded as death in the conventional sense.

"Warp creatures" that are powerful enough, or have a way to escape the warp storm, will be able to grow by absorbing others of their kind who are torn apart by the storm.

When these subspace creatures become more powerful and reach a certain critical point, they will turn from "virtual" to "real" and enter the real space, becoming "space monsters".

Most of them will develop wisdom in this process, learn to use power, become cosmic demons, and then use various methods to make themselves stronger, and eventually become "Lords of Dimensions" - of course, the greater possibility is In the process of development, it became the object of sharing the power of other universe demons, and once again became "non-existent".

However, the only rule of subspace is that it does not abide by any rules. As these subspace creatures gradually grow, it is also possible that they will stubbornly persist even if their power far exceeds the limit of "floating up" to "reality". Strange creatures that stay in the subspace and never go anywhere.

At this time, the giant flaming eye whose existence form is named "Corrupted Spirit" is driven by the "subspace storm" and is floating around aimlessly. At the same time, it is constantly sending crazy words of unknown meaning to the surroundings. , even their few words are enough to drive any rational creature crazy, so even if there are countless wasted "foods" on its path, the surrounding subspace creatures will instinctively stay away from this dangerous giant monster. Even though it doesn't seem to have any organs for eating.

In fact, if the current state of this "corrupted spirit body" is described in terms of real space, it can be said to be "sleepwalking", and those crazy words that are constantly being sent are "sleep talking".

However, "Dreamland" is the authority of the "Lord of the Dream Dimension, the Dream Demon". Even if the "Corrupted Spirit" itself is strong enough to rival the "Dream Demon", it is still in the subspace and is not qualified to dream at all. , that is to say, its "dreams" are the past that it has actually experienced, and its "dream talks" are the words that it has actually roared.

Any intelligent creature that receives these words will passively receive the memory of when it shouted these words. As a subspace creature with strength comparable to the Lord of Dimensions, the only result of this kind of memory infusion is to drive the recipient into madness. .

Assuming that an intelligent creature hears these crazy words, it will have no countermeasures and can only "filter" content that it cannot accept according to the strength of its own will and rationality to maintain sanity, but this "filtering" ” will directly “awaken” the “corrupted spirit body” and cause it to directly “look” at it.

As a subspace creature that looks like one eye, its "focusing" power is comparable to a strong subspace storm. Even if the hypothetical intelligent creature is lucky enough and mentally strong enough, after hearing the crazy words, Still normal, after being directly looked at, unless he is protected by other beings whose strength is comparable to the corrupted spirit, his reason will be burned out instantly like a feather close to the flame, and he will become a loyal believer of this corrupted spirit.

However, as a matter of fact, what really causes madness is not the memory, but its size and the subspace creature itself. If you put aside other factors and only look at the memory content that this flaming eyeball tries to instill in others, it is actually not that big. crazy:

——Since the formation of a planet, a wide variety of creatures with different shapes have appeared continuously. They form tribes, establish countries, and develop civilizations. They seem to be prosperous and are only one step away from entering space.

——A giant hand descended from the sky, grabbed the highest mountain on the planet, and uprooted it.

——The world has undergone drastic changes, the planet has fallen into decline at an extremely high speed, and the newly born civilization has become fragmented in an instant.

——Centered in the huge pit that was sucked away from the mountain, the four tribes gradually reorganized, but their members were all distorted and mutated from relatively normal native organisms, and began to merge with each other over time.

——The four tribes eventually integrated into four individuals. They devoured everything the fusion came into contact with, and fought when they met each other.

——In the end, an individual with a thousand eyes defeated all opponents with a thousand mouths, a thousand heads, and a thousand tentacles, and after devouring and merging the entire planet, left the original galaxy to find new prey. .

——Then, he ran into the owner of the hand that had returned from the mountain for unknown reasons.


This is the most complete and oldest memory. After that, the memory becomes fragmented. It is constantly born in different worlds, constantly swallowing and growing. Sometimes it can swallow and merge multiple planets, and sometimes it is destroyed by people in the process of development and destroys it. The one who has done this most often is still the “man who lifts up the mountain”.

From the protracted and fierce battle between the two sides, it can be seen that the purpose of the "man who pulled up the mountain" to destroy the planet seems to be to prevent the "devourer" born from the planet like the "corrupted spirit body". If a If the planet has the conditions for birth, the development potential of the planet will be taken away. If signs of birth are found, the entire planet will be destroyed immediately.

The conflict between destroying and extracting planets and corrupting devouring planets is irreconcilable. Every encounter is a battle of life and death, but the corrupted spirit never wins.

In the end, the "corrupted spirit body" that has been destroyed too many times completely loses the possibility of being born in reality and no longer "exists". It can only roar and scream in the subspace, constantly issuing curses to its destined opponent. .

The crazy phrase it sends out most often is, "ag"agthlwhukhagthu! ”, which means “We will eat the whole world.”

Based on his experience, this sentence should have the second half, that is, "We will devour the entire world! Come to take revenge on you!"

If there are no accidents, judging from the fact that it cannot return to reality and will drive all intelligent creatures it comes into contact with crazy, these cruel words are impossible to achieve.

If there are no accidents.

As the corrupted spirit continued to drift, he suddenly felt a strong line of sight.

A very familiar gaze from a "world that no longer exists."


"Inherent time control!"

The corrupted spirit body no longer has the will to think. It looked at the location where the "sense of gaze" just appeared just out of stress, and showed no interest in the actions of the small creatures that suddenly appeared nearby.

Unless they don't die from madness and appear before its eyes again.

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