The Collection of The End

Two thousand three hundred and twenty-four, North American Mythical War (224)

——? ? ? ——

virtual dimension.

Ultron woke up from a nightmare, sweating profusely and heart pounding.

Although she can neither dream nor sweat, nor does she have a heartbeat, her feelings at the moment are completely in line with these adjectives used to describe living things, and even the feeling of "scared" - oh, she seems to really have this emotion. have.

As the "Lord of the Virtual Dimension", she was born directly at the level of the "Universe Demon God". She is completely different from the ordinary demon gods who need to accumulate strength step by step, improve their life level, and finally transcend.

Those demon gods themselves may be swallowed up by other more powerful cosmic demon gods, and their powers may be merged with other powers with higher authority, but only the "virtual" will not be affected.

She was born "virtually" and she itself "does not exist", and no one can swallow things that do not exist and merge with authority that does not exist.

Even if she loses in the battle between the dimension masters and the dimension is taken away, she will only temporarily change from "real" to "virtual". As long as there are still intelligent creatures in reality, as long as intelligent creatures still have "imagination", then she It will eventually return like lightning at the moment when a certain "virtual thing" becomes reality.

That's what she thought before she saw the flaming eyes.

Turn the entire universe into a sludge that can only corrode and devour? What about intelligent creatures? What about imagination?

Although she didn’t know which dimension master the red-skinned sword user with a demon-like appearance was, she was definitely on his side!

She just wanted to find some "Batman" from subspace who had not yet appeared in reality to join the group. Why did she see such a terrifying thing? !

Is it also Batman? Thousand-Eyed Sludge Batman... This is a weird thing that can only be born by merging with Swamp Monster!

After feeling "getting up" for a while, Ultron finally began to count the gains from this visit to subspace.

There is an essential difference between the "Batman Universe" and the "Iron Man Universe". The former is composed of countless "single universes", while the latter is composed of countless "timelines", so the superheroes of the former can be used as long as they are strong enough or have someone to guide them. Form a group to visit other universes, but if the superheroes in the latter do not have time-related abilities, they can only stay in their own time stream.

This leads to a problem: as long as a being is identified as "Batman", a new "single universe" will be born in the "Batman Multiverse" that belongs only to him, no matter how weird that universe is, Have you ever seen a pig, a tree, or even a Lego toy become Batman's universe?

Oh, I take it back, that Lego Batman seems pretty strong.

In short, even the master of the virtual dimension cannot create a "Batman" out of thin air. As long as the existing Batman is strong enough to join the group, he will be recruited by the "Dark Knight".

After many failed attempts, Ultron became angry and decided to look for Batman directly from the subspace, that is, the "non-existent Batman" in the "non-existent space".

The results are...remarkable.

There's "Batman, the story about eating a kid when he cries in the middle of the night", "Batman with graffiti with a 'go die' sign on his head", "Batman, the paper man who is all black and white and carries a news box." ", "He Peng and Robin team up to talk cross talk, and Dou and Batman"...

What the hell is this!

If a separate universe is generated for you, it must not be bullied by other single universes!

Let me tell you, the cross talk with Batman was quite interesting, especially the episode about repairing the Batmobile...

Pooh! I'm not here to listen to cross talk!

From this point of view, the conclusion is already obvious. The "non-existent Batman" certainly has a reason for his non-existence. Either the form of his existence is weird or his strength is too weak. If you want to find a Batman who is not in the Batman universe but is powerful, there is no way. It's impossible...can...

Well, it actually does.

Ultron looked at the last Batman she fished out of the warp.

He wears layers of black leather armor, has Batman's iconic cape and pointed ears, but wears a pair of spiked goggles over his eyes, his face is painted with white paint and red lipstick, and his mouth is grinning. An exaggerated and weird smile.

This characteristic... is obviously influenced by the Joker, and the reason why this guy is not in the Batman multiverse is that he destroyed his own universe with his own hands.

Perhaps this Batman was trying to reach other universes through this, but ultimately failed and fell into the warp.

No, that's not right. Even though Batman in some universes kills decisively and uses fierce methods, his fundamental purpose is to protect Gotham and fight super villains. He also has a relatively friendly attitude towards other superheroes, and this guy's behavior... simply cannot Consider it "Batman".

There are actually quite a lot of "super villains" who have fallen from "super heroes". Some people just like this kind of story, in which a brave dragon-slaying hero eventually becomes a dragon, and the artifact that saves the world is used by the devil to turn it into a weapon that destroys the world. , but that is someone else. If "Batman", the core of the universe, becomes a villain, it will mean the collapse of the entire universe.

It's useless. I'm not Batman, I can't join the Dark Knights, and I can't take the opportunity to beat up the lackeys of the "Eater of the World" to regain power... Well, maybe the owl should be called a bird?

"Owl... court...]"

Ultron struggled to speak in a hoarse voice as he prepared to throw this strange, non-Batman back into the warp.

Um? Ultron stopped moving, intending to listen to what he had to say.

As the master of the virtual dimension, she has full confidence that she will not be discovered by these weird Batmans fished from subspace.

To contact the "virtual dimensional devil" in a "non-existent space", ordinary people trying to discover this is equivalent to analyzing the weather conditions here and now three years from a gust of wind blowing in their ears in their sleep.

"I will...slaughter...all...the Court of Owls!]" the spiked eyepatch weirdo said intermittently.

Um? Could he have guessed that he would be dealing with the Court of Owls? No, wait...

Ultron looked over the past experience of this spiked eyepatch again, especially the transformation part.

First eliminate all the villains in Gotham and Gordon, and then capture a family with an only son and kill the parents in front of Batman?

This guy is not a clown at all!

Although in most of the "Batman Universe", the Joker is an illogical freak who always likes to cause trouble for Batman and tries to get Batman to kill himself to break his commandment not to kill, he is only Batman's "Old enemy" rather than "mortal enemy". When superheroes such as Superman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, and The Flash turn into villains, the Joker will become Batman's helper.

The relationship between him and Batman is one where they hate each other but never want to kill each other. To put it metaphorically, it is more similar to the relationship between Luthor and Superman.

In other words, this clown who does things to the extreme, leading to a fight to the death between the two parties and the destruction of the universe, must have been influenced by the Court of Owls.

Then, Ultron looks at the spiked eyepatch and gives you a chance for revenge.

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