The Collection of The End

Two thousand three hundred and forty-one, Sherlock and Ragnarok (5)

——Marvel, 2015——

"Plane Demon" attacks the camp.

After being sent to this place by the Rainbow Bridge, which was built on a pale golden void plane that seemed to have no thickness at all, the seven contestants in Hogwarts immediately divided their work to check the environment or conduct preliminary analysis of the distant targets, but both sides Nothing much was achieved.

The "attack camp" itself is similar to their lounge and dormitory in the Golden Palace. There is no shortage of living supplies, but there is no shortage of anything that can be used as weapons.

As for the giant bug whose half body was trapped in the crack in the void, because it was too far away, there was nothing that could be done except to compare and confirm its true situation one by one with the intelligence obtained from the Green Lantern Corps in advance.

What caught Sherlock's attention was one of his own: Moriarty had been in a daze from time to time after he appeared in the camp, as if he could hear something, and Atreus frowned hard when he just "landed" I frowned for a while, seeming to hear some huge noise, and the most obvious one was T'Challa. The phantom of the "Loa God" on his body emerged uncontrollably, constantly facing the "Demon of the Plane" in the distance. Make a silent roar of filial piety.

According to the information that "the plane demon's attack range is extremely far", those animal gods' blessings probably felt the threat that was so close and warned them. As for the other two... they should not be like me. Did you see something in the subspace?

"According to the conclusions we have deduced based on the existing intelligence, this insect attacks from a very long distance...well, it needs to be killed with Sherlock's 'Lungominiad'," Luna said while standing in the camp. The viewing platform looked at the plane demon: "But the attack distance of both sides cannot be confirmed. The insect is fine, but the number of your 'light cannons' is limited, right?"

"Well, there are only three times. When you use up, you have to go to the wand shop in the magic dimension to recharge." Sherlock nodded.

"So, we should find a location just outside its attack range to aim and attack," Watson continued: "Leave the investigation work to me. I am very fast. The vice-principal even praised me as 'golden' flash'."

She probably didn't mean to say this word at that time...

That day, the vice-principal lady came to observe Professor Donald, or Thor's class. Watson showed off the melee moves of converging thunder into a constantly rotating thunder ball, and first throwing an undetectable thunder and lightning, and then shooting towards the ball. The movement method of Thunder Apparition.

Then, under the combination of the two, the thunder god was caught off guard and knocked down again.

"Are you sure you can still move in space after leaving the camp?" Eileen asked with her gaze retracted.

"Oh, yes, I found a note in the camp," Watson nodded, "We will ignore the space environment during this competition, and can stand in thin air at any place based on our ideas, and we can also determine a certain We will carry out a 'short jump' after reaching a specific target. Of course, we have to do the regular movement ourselves."

Hmm... This is probably one of the reasons for setting up the "attack camp". After jumping to the target, there is a coordinate point to return to.

"I think Stark's mecha also needs this function." Luna said over there.

As for this, you don't have to worry too much. With the character of the "Iron Man", as long as there are techniques that can be learned in Asgard, he will definitely not let them go.

"Then, be careful on the road." Sherlock waved to Watson.

"Okay! I'm leaving!" Following the words, Watson's figure disappeared from Sherlock's eyes with a hint of thunder.



"Ahem! I'm back..."

About half a minute later, an embarrassed Watson reappeared in the camp with this spatial fluctuation, and his clothes were scorched in several large areas.

There is no need to ask how to achieve this appearance. Just look at the monster that is using its six articulated claws to emit a red beam of light and sweep it across the entire galaxy.

Against the background of the dark starry sky, it looked like a concert glow stick, but the length was quite ridiculous.

When those beams of light swept across the attack camp, they activated the golden spherical shield that enveloped it, making a sizzling sound like water droplets falling into the fire being instantly evaporated.

"This is unscientific," Luna glared: "At this angular speed, the ends of the beams that swept the entire galaxy would have exceeded the speed of light many times, and the beams themselves should have dispersed over such a long distance."

"Are you going to lecture on science to a group of magicians, Asirs, God Kings and Lords of Dimensions?" Moriarty mocked.

"Magic must also be logical." Luna turned to look at Watson, who had just received Erin's "cleaning up": "How powerful are those beams?"

"Uh... I was accidentally swiped twice. It felt like it was enough to knock someone over, but my clothes were almost burned." Watson scratched his head.

"Sure enough, those who play with thunder are more resistant to beatings." Atreus said meaningfully.

"Hmm... That makes sense," Luna nodded: "Next, as long as we determine a distance that allows Sherlock to aim with peace of mind, and we can just prevent those 'unscientific beams' from interfering with him, we can prepare to launch an attack. .”

"Do you want to get closer gradually and try and make mistakes? Then let me do it." Chatra showed off his less obvious muscles: "The Loa is very good at protracted battles."

"I'll build a bunker," Atreus said.

"Then I'll attract the monster's attention. I've been annoying it for a while, and it must hate me now." Watson, who recovered, patted his chest and volunteered.

"In that case, we will follow-"

"Ahem, do you want to listen to my opinion as the person responsible for the attack?" Sherlock raised his hand to stop them from starting to make plans.

"This is a tough battle, Holmes," Moriarty raised an eyebrow at him: "Even if you can deduce what it ate last night and who it met today, it's useless."

"I mean," Sherlock shrugged: "I have found the best attack point, I just need to go there and aim."



In the chaos of crimson beams that spread throughout the galaxy, a sharp beam like a golden spear penetrated the right side of the monster's abdomen, between the two jointed limbs, and after a short delay, it exploded into half of the body. Irregular debris from a galaxy.

"You are worthy of Sherlock for being able to find the weakness of the plane demon in such a short period of time." Watson, who returned with the electric light, sincerely admired.

"Oh, if Chu Qian is not discovered, it means Chu Qian is not there." Moriarty said.

In fact, in the "preview", I saw that the strange creature called "Abathur" once "sampled" at this location, and the plane demon looked very painful at that time, which had nothing to do with the time stone, but …

"This is simple reasoning, my friend."

he finally said.

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