The Collection of The End

Two thousand three hundred and forty-two, Sherlock and the Twilight of the Gods (6)

——Marvel, 2015——

Planar demons attack the camp.

"For such a major event, the Green Lantern Corps was not prepared to deal with the crisis at all. It was really useless to wait until something happened to rush to remedy the situation."

Luna held up her staff and held up an orange shield-shaped shield for the entire camp. At the same time, she did not forget to taunt the Green Lantern flying around outside.

Maybe they didn't hear her, maybe they were really wrong, or maybe they didn't want to meet the little girl. Green Lanterns of different sizes were running around here and there, with no intention of stopping to explain to her.

"Actually, you can use the camp's built-in shield to resist those... uh... 'raindrops'?" Sherlock tried to say.

"..." Luna turned her head and glared at him: "Although I am the captain, and the attack plan has been approved by me, that doesn't mean that you who actually took action can make sarcastic comments on the sidelines. If those things are smashed, In the camp, even with the shield, I couldn't stay there for even a second."

Okay, Sherlock shrugged and shut up. God knows why a game AI would have mysophobia after it ascended to another dimension.

Luna resolutely refused to let the "biomass" that splashed like a meteor shower after the death of the "Plane Demon" hit the camp. For this reason, she did not hesitate to spend magic power to set up an additional layer of shield that would not cause contact.

If you have to find a reason... As the shipboard AI of the "Normandy", maybe she is allergic to this big bug that looks similar to the "Reaper" in "Mass Effect"?

However, Sherlock agreed with her other statement, which was that the Green Lantern Corps was not ready at all.

After the "Plane Demon" was eliminated, the "Green Lanterns" hurriedly came in from all directions of the galaxy to deal with the debris, but when faced with the "biomass meteor shower", everyone looked like they had no idea what to do and flew around in all directions. , manifesting various things, trying them out and then dispelling them one by one.

Sherlock even saw a very large cargo ship. After removing a pair of giant shackles that seemed to be used to fasten multi-limbed creatures, its staff looked like "Who am I, where am I, and what am I going to do?" sense of confusion.

After a comprehensive analysis, the Green Lantern Corps is not without crisis management, but those protective measures are all used to protect players or limit targets. They have not made any preparations for "what to do if a 'space disaster' encounters a fatal crisis."

Thinking about it, according to common sense, it would take a long time to kill such a big monster, and these events were enough for them to change their strategy and call for support - but they obviously have not seen "Lungo Miniyad" The power.

Calculating carefully, the strongest spear "Lungominiad", the strongest shield "Eight Formations of Stone Soldiers", the "Occlumency Technique" to maintain the spirit from being affected, and the unknown strength but obviously fast enough "Batman"...

At present, it seems that these abilities are obviously not used to deal with other contestants. So, what level of enemies must be worthy of such a luxurious package?

"Okay, don't be in a daze here, let's drive this camp away." Luna seemed to have finally lost interest in the Green Lanterns, and walked towards the lounge of the attack camp with her staff.

"Huh? Is this a fixed facility set up by Asgard? Can it be driven away?" Watson asked in surprise.

"The abilities of the Orange Lantern Corps can be snatched away if you fancy them," Luna said without looking back, "unless Odin wants to be like a little girl."



"Haha... this game is at least watertight in terms of rules." Moriarty crossed his arms and looked at the newly-appeared "Boundary Gate".

In the lounge of the attack camp, the large void screen that was originally used to display information related to the "Demon of the Plane" has now turned into a very simple dark golden thick wooden door, with colorful light like arcs constantly flowing on it.

The overall background of the door is a giant tree with lush branches. There are nine small circles in the middle, depicting landscapes of unknown meaning, and the outer circle is seven whirlpools that are constantly flashing golden light. Next to the whirlpools are " The simple strokes outline the images of seven "space disasters".

No matter how you look at it, this is a miniature version of the Rainbow Bridge Hall, a vertical version.

When someone stands in front of the door and touches it, except for the vortex of the "Demon of the Plane" which remains motionless, the other six will slowly accelerate and rotate. When the "Opener" focuses his attention on one of them, the vortex will The speed became the fastest, and real golden light and subtle wind sounds began to leak out from the gaps in the entire door. At this time, with a gentle push, all the people standing in front of the door should be sent to the corresponding position.

But the only problem here is that it is completely impossible to see which "space disaster" the other two teams are challenging. If you make a mistake, you will have no chance to cause trouble, and you may have to eliminate the space disaster at the target location before you can move again.

It is obvious that Odin neither supports nor opposes players trying to make trouble for each other. Whether he can successfully cause trouble depends entirely on luck or sufficient analytical ability.

"According to previous speculation, the Asgardian side is most likely to challenge the 'Aether Dragon', and the Green Lantern Corps may attack the 'Hive Planet'. Do you want to give it a try?" Sherlock said to Luna who was hesitating in front of the door.

Depending on her personality, she might say something like "I want it all," and then——

"No, let's go find the 'Void Spawn'." Luna clicked on the whirlpool door whose icon was a simple drawing of a strange fish that had just hatched from an egg shell.

"Then divide the troops - ah?" Sherlock paused mid-sentence.

"Ah what? The orange light can take everything, but it can't destroy everything. That's the characteristic of the red light." Luna glanced back at him: "We are 100% sure of the score we will get, so of course we can't give up. "

"It's rare for Sherlock to guess wrong." "His expression is so funny." Watson and Irene were cooing nearby.

"Well, okay then, let's..."

"But this operation does not include you," Luna interrupted: "After killing the 'Plane Demon', your mission in the team has been completed."

"...Wait?" Although he guessed what Luna was going to say, Sherlock was still a little unbelievable.

"Moriarty is enough for the analysis and on-the-job command to eliminate the 'Breed of the Void'. You go to other teams to cause chaos for them and try to slow down their killing speed. If you can make them give up hunting the second space head, Disasters are best,” Luna said.

"Yes, that's right," Moriarty said in a very agreeable tone, "If you don't have the confidence to complete the task, it's not impossible to switch with me."

It's really a crude way of provoking generals.

"Of course, no problem." Sherlock responded.

"Okay, let's go!" Luna lit up the whirlpool door leading to the three locations just mentioned as if pressing an elevator button.

Obviously you can only go to one place at a time... Orange Lantern's ability is really convenient.

"Come on, great detective"

Following Luna's words, the golden door suddenly opened, and the contestants and the entire attack camp turned into a colorful light and disappeared from the place, entering the "Rainbow Tunnel" used when starting from the Rainbow Bridge Hall.

But this time, Sherlock's "color" only flew with his companions in the "tunnel" for a moment, and then parted ways with them like a meteorite that cracked after falling into the atmosphere, cutting through the void made of gray mist, and flew to different places. The fork in the road.

The next moment, a huge eye made of flames opened at the position where the "fork" was formed, looking straight at Sherlock.

This situation... was not unexpected at all. Sherlock quickly used Occlumency on himself.

But why does it look a lot weaker?

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