The Collection of The End

Two thousand three hundred and forty-eight, North American Mythical War (239)

——Marvel, 2015——

Hive Planet Master Control Room.

The burning eyes on the huge screen of the planet host scanned the Green Lantern Corps players one by one as if they could see everyone in front of the screen, making everyone present freeze in place and unable to move.

It wasn't until a few seconds later that Shi Tie slowly backed away and disconnected himself from the screen, causing the image to disappear, that they all regained their composure.

"...So, that Sherlock really wasn't bragging. Hogwarts really killed the 'Demon of the Planes' instead of defeating it?" Jade returned to normal the fastest because she had a blindfold on her face. : "And its death also triggered the worst-case scenario among the various predictions of the Green Lantern host - attracting something that made the bug desperately try to escape from its original plane."

"Is your crowd intelligence network still usable? Contact Oaxing immediately to inform them of this matter." Kyle Reina said quickly to Shi Tie.

"It's okay to receive distress signals, but not now," Shi Tie said as a green arc flashed around him: "The crowd intelligence network experienced an abnormal interruption."

"Fortunately, this can be regarded as a signal. Since the distress signal of the Plane Demon Galaxy and the group intelligence network signal interruption occurred one after another, as long as the Green Lantern responsible for staying behind to communicate has an IQ higher than the average, he will not do anything about the current situation. "We made a wrong judgment," Kyle Reiner breathed a sigh of relief: "As for us, we can only wait for follow-up support."

"No, wait?" Can Guang's eyes widened: "Are you going to ignore the Green Lanterns who are trapped in that galaxy? We are the only team closest to them that can carry out rescue!"

"Alas..." Kyle Rayner glanced at him: "Think about it again?"

"Ah? I remember that there is indeed only one legion supporting the Triwizard Tournament. Are there other backup forces?" Can Guang clenched his fists and looked excited.

"Kyle means..." Jade touched her blindfold: "When did you have the illusion that we are not trapped?"

"Huh? Huh?" Can Guang scratched his head in confusion.

"Although the seven venues in the preliminary round are far apart, they are connected to each other by the 'front-line base' provided by Asgard. That flaming eye that I don't know what it is, it is through this connection that we are isolated from the outside world. Contact us,]" Shi Tie said: "The difference between us and our colleagues in the Demon Galaxy is just the distance from the unknown threat.]"

"Then I'm right? We are the only team that can rescue them right now!" Can Guang repeated his previous point.

"You mean..." Kyle Rayner raised his eyes and looked at the young man seriously: "A team composed of us, the 'apprentice Green Lanterns' who came to see the world without any preparation, went to rescue various projects. A 'sector army' whose system is already very mature?"

"Yes." Can Guang replied without hesitation, as if he had not considered the meaning of that string of prefixes at all.

"I support you." Peng Di, the giant stone man "Chen", patted him on the shoulder and knocked the green light boy off his feet.

"Since t1080 finally chose to ask me for help, I will not let it go.]" Shi Tie answered forcefully.

"Tomato Head" The tomato with a huge human face showed something like a happy expression, and then floated to Canguang's side.

"It has been judged that what is happening in the target galaxy is some kind of 'disaster'," the green light ring flying around the miniature black hole said in a synthetic female voice: "As the former 'sr666' disaster seal, I think it is necessary for me to go to the target galaxy." Its control and seal.]"

"Are you serious? It's written in the Green Light Code of Conduct -" Jade looked incredulous, and seemed to be ready to quote the classics, but was interrupted.

"Never mind the 'code of conduct'," Kyle Rayner came to her side at some point and raised his hand to pat the girl on the head who was afraid of the blindfold: "The only criterion for the Green Lantern Corps' behavior is whether their behavior can be punished by the Lantern Furnace. response, and see."

"What..." Jade looked up and found that the usually dull green light of the team members was now so bright that it was dazzling.

"It's up to you," she crossed her arms in anger: "If things get out of hand and my father or even Mr. Ion Shark comes to the scene in person, I don't care."

"Oh, don't worry," Kyle Rayner smiled at her reassuringly, and then joined the conversation: "We can indeed trace the contact path backwards through the attack camp provided by Asgard and move to the target galaxy, but what should we do next? Do it? If there are only seven of us, enthusiasm and determination alone cannot fill the gap in strength."

"Of course there are more," Shi Tie lowered his big head and looked at the floor under his feet: "There is also this 'meteorite'."



The plane of the demonic galaxy.

The galaxy that was originally filled with "biomass" has turned into a huge whirlpool of flames.

The "dimensional rift" where the "Demon of the Plane" was stuck before has been filled by a blazing flame eye.

The moment it appeared, it ignited all the biomass in the entire galaxy, and caused the flames burning unreasonably in space to continuously rotate, turning into a "typhoon eye" that absorbed everything in the entire galaxy.

First there were asteroids, then gaseous planets, then rocky planets, and eventually even stars were slowly approaching that eye. The Green Lanterns, who were cut off from outside communications, could only rely on their green lantern energy or vehicles to desperately move towards the galaxy. Edge running wild.

Theoretically speaking, because their size is small enough, the Green Lanterns can wait until the star comes into contact with the eye. Whether it is absorption or explosion, as long as the environment changes further, they can escape, but that is just a theory.

Different from inanimate and unconscious asteroids and meteorites, that eye obviously had another level of preparation for the Green Lanterns who were intelligent creatures. In the flames of burning biomass, batch after batch of gray-clad creatures were drilled out completely unreasonably. Cloaks are just monsters in black mist. They have no attack method at all, and they will not fight back when attacked. They just approach every Green Lantern unswervingly, and the Green Lantern who is approached will feel extremely cold. Not only The body and even the mind are frozen by it. In the eyes of others, people who are accidentally touched by the gray cloth and black fog monster will freeze on the spot, and then drift along the whirlpool towards the "eye of the typhoon" like fallen leaves.

"——This is what we encountered in this galaxy. I am not sure whether my 'black box' can preserve this information, but this is the only thing I can do before I run out of energy. 】"

Near the center of the vortex, a humanoid mechanical Green Lantern, whose whole body was made of a silver-white metal frame and whose only eyes glowed green, said as he buried a blue cylinder into the energy core of his chest, then closed his chest. Baffle, the whole person curled up into a ball, and began to be wrapped in layers of green light.

"Well... although it is inappropriate to interrupt your seemingly tragic behavior, I still want to ask before you seal yourself in amber, how many people in the Green Lantern Corps are trapped in this galaxy?" A human old man's voice sounded.

T1080 raised his head and looked at the person who made the sound. After a simple comparison, he found that he was the principal of Hogwarts, Mr. Professor .

Although there were processes that persuaded him to leave or asked for help to obtain front-end permissions, they were all rejected by t1080. After all, the "green light crystal" cannot be released by itself.

"When the accident occurred, there were a total of 255 Green Lanterns in the galaxy." It finally answered.

"Tsk, that's a lot of 5," Professor

"...?" As a robot, t1080 knows that this is just a simple hexadecimal conversion, but what is its significance?

"Oh, this is really an immediate result." Professor X raised his hand on his eyebrows and looked up.

T1080, who was almost completely "frozen", used his remaining consciousness to turn his eyes and follow his gaze.

A mechanical planet made of pure metal, with blazing green fire burning all over its body, and a honeycomb-like surface was smashing towards the flaming eye with majestic momentum.


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