The Collection of The End

Two thousand three hundred and forty-nine, North American Mythical War (240)

Tip: The Eye of Sauron, the Dark Mark, and the "Thousand-Eyed Demon" C'Thun's projection on Challenger Mountain were destroyed. 】

Tip: The mass-produced Dark Batman's Ringwraiths, Dementors, and the servants of C'Thun, the "Thousand-Eyed Demon", are escaping from the real dimension. 】

I looked at the two messages prompted by my sister and compared them with what was happening on the field...

‘What kind of weird fusion monster is this? ’

Do you want to first think about how you have integrated the dimensions of reality? ] The stupid system took the opportunity to complain.

'What did you say? The wind is too strong and I can’t hear clearly——’

Yes, the wind is very noisy today. 】

I couldn't decide whether I should throw the hat, throw the wand or hit the shark, and finally decided to ignore this sentence.

Like the previous worlds, the real dimension of the Marvel Universe has a clear boundary, which is the "Galaxy". I cannot observe or interfere with things outside the "border" because those places are not "a game". "Does not exist", but those indigenous people who regard it as "reality" can easily cross that line, but safety cannot be guaranteed.

For now, I can only use my identity as the "ocean demon god who is particularly interested in the earth" to let the cosmic demon gods of different dimensions take care of the adventurers, but I am not sure what will happen.

Of course, taking a step back, if these running guys "unfortunately die", at least there will be death to pick up their souls, but then they can only live in my divine universe.

Green Lantern, I mean Green Lantern Corps. The seven cosmic disasters they offer are all outside the galaxy. The same is true. Whether it's Green Lantern Corps targeting or Asgard delineating the battlefield, those places feel like they were built to me. The dark canopy or the crack generator were also invisible until the Triwizard Tournament started and the contestants entered the battlefield. It lit up like a bonfire in the darkness, allowing me to see what was happening there.

For example, Sherlock used the magic version of the holy spear given to him by Gray to directly penetrate the plane and lead the Dark Knights, which I had never been able to find, to the real dimension.

Although I didn’t see the main character, I only saw the Dark Mark and a group of dementors, oh, it was Challenger Mountain and the mass-produced Dark Batman.

However, the Dark Mark appears in the sky during the Quidditch Tournament, so what does it have to do with the Triwizard Tournament?

So did you ‘invent’ Quidditch? 】

'It looked too silly and unspectacular, so I replaced it with Duel Club Ranking. ’

Well, that's it, and because the headmaster of Hogwarts is Gandalf, the attributes of his great rivals Sauron and the Ringwraiths are also mixed in. 】

‘They obviously don’t have dubbing...and if that’s the case, then why doesn’t the genuine Professor X come to Magneto? ’

You'd better not talk nonsense, otherwise the three old gentlemen Grindelwald, Saruman and Professor

‘Stan Lee? ’


'Uh, flashback spell! I did not say anything! ’

Temporarily stopping my thoughts, I took care of a few Hogwarts official duties and perfected the rules of the ocean planet before turning my attention to the arena.

The Dark Mark, the Eye of Sauron, and the Challenger Mountain, one of the things they have in common is that they can transform the people they come into contact with or absorb into subordinates who obey their orders - although one of them is quite unreliable.

The Eye of Sauron - let's call it by its appearance - drilled out through the plane rift left after the plane demon was killed. It first blocked all conventional communication with the outside world in that galaxy, and then created a super giant The vortex, trying to suck in and transform all the Green Lanterns present, looks like it was the work of Dawn's Lantern - if he existed.

However, the Eye of Sauron obviously did not expect that there was such a thing as a "group consciousness network". When it finally reacted and cut off this "quantum communication network", the distress signal had already been sent out.

I don't know the situation on the Green Lantern Corps' side, but Ion Shark sent a message almost immediately to discuss how to deal with this accident. After all, although the target was chosen by the Green Lantern Corps, it was Odin who set up the battlefield.

Afterwards, whether out of confidence or arrogance, Odin's response was "wait a little longer", and then announced that he would allow the trapped Green Lantern to be resurrected unconditionally. He seemed very sure that his methods would be fine, and appeared in his "hunting ground." "The disaster in "It is impossible to escape from the cage, and I plan to take the opportunity to observe the strength of that eye.

Then, Professor X, or Gandalf, came and asked me what I planned to do.

Changing the decimal system into binary system is mainly to take advantage of the loose settings. In addition to "the green light will be destroyed after five seconds" and Gandalf and his close relationship "Angmar, the Witch King who will not be killed by men", there are also "Red A that can project nuclear bombs", "Diarmuid that can instantly kill any heroic spirit" and "Lancelot that can grab the earth" etc... If the setting is too simple and there are not a lot of supplementary conditions, it will definitely change. Like this.

However, if we want to save the Green Lanterns who are extremely far away from Asgard from being wiped out, simply converting their numbers here will definitely not work, or we must forcibly change the counting method of the entire galaxy to binary. Either they have to go directly to the battlefield and tell each Green Lantern their binary number.

I originally wanted to make it clear to Gandalf, but he turned around and left with an "I understand" look.

After a brief look, I found that he ran to find the Green Lantern Corps staff left on the "Flask Mother", and seemed to be preparing to use the trapped Green Lantern's personal belongings to locate the location for ultra-long-distance teleportation.

Did Emperor Weishan teach this kind of magic?

There is no magic, but isn't this kind of magic circle very common? 】

'ah? Have it? ’

Close it, close it——】

‘Okay, you don’t have to say anything, I haven’t turned around for a while. ’

Compared to Gandalf, who arranged the magic circle step by step, the contestants of the Green Lantern Corps were a lot more confused.

They tried to use the powerful computing power of the hive planet to reversely analyze the contact points of the group consciousness network to locate the cosmic coordinates, and then use the connections between attack camps provided by Asgard to "jump". There is no problem with this plan overall, but the plane The attack camp of the Demon Galaxy has been driven away by Luna. The location they thought was a safe location for the attack camp was actually the "child hole" of the Eye of Sauron.

So, when Gandalf successfully arrived and informed all the Green Lanterns in that galaxy of their "true number", the huge hive planet directly hit the "Eye of Sauron" with the raging fire rubbed in the subspace tunnel, causing The dimensional rift completely collapsed and disappeared.

If they were Hogwarts students, I would definitely deduct 50 points from them first, and then award each of them 100 points.

Well... although the impact was exciting, the seven escaping lifeboats looked really embarrassed.

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