The Collection of The End

Two thousand three hundred and sixty-six, North American Mythical War (249)

——Marvel, 2015——

Ocean Planet, Nord.

Sif left the trebuchet position and returned to the city lord's hall to deal with other matters during the siege.

Along the way, the soldiers changing guard, the logistics personnel repairing siege equipment and replenishing lost arrows, the doctors treating grinning injuries, and the scavengers cleaning the battlefield and collecting the equipment of the dead. After seeing their queen, They all saluted and paid tribute in their own way.

Sif knew very well that she did not have the qualifications to be a king at all, but if she had to choose a king from the other six contestants in Asgard - she would still reluctantly become the king herself.

As for the origin of this throne... it was a product of chance.

For the players of Asgard, Nord, a country where battles can happen anytime and anywhere, is very friendly. The pre-war preparations and logistics here are extremely simplified under the influence of the rules. There is not even a need to clean the battlefield, as long as they are hearty Just fight.

What? Can't use divine power, don't have the physical fitness of an Asgardian, and are still limited by skills, attributes, and equipment? So what does it matter!

Except for Pegasus, who was born as a light elf and didn't like fighting, everyone else, including Sif herself, quickly promoted their respective families to the second level in continuous battles. After they became employees of various forces, After the war, naturally there will be larger-scale and more intense battlefield confrontations, and they will gradually reach the fourth level where they can build their own kingdom.

The Asgard players who were originally scattered around had seen each other many times in many battles. At that time, they gathered under Sif's many contacts and began to discuss whether to formally join a certain force or establish themselves as kings.

As for the option of ignoring the battle and looking for the Certificate of Overlord according to the treasure map obtained in hand... it was directly rejected by the battle fanatics.

There is a reason for their choice. Even if they reach the level where they can build a kingdom, judging from the time it takes, it is still in the early stages of the entire competition schedule. The combat skills of each "incarnation" are not high enough, and they are likely to encounter unexpected situations. Unable to cope.

To put it simply, I just didn’t enjoy it.

At this point in time, a rebellion broke out in Windhelm City, where the "Stormcloak" family established themselves as kings and declared war on all eight Nordic forces, including the North Sea Empire.

With such a "target", the Asgardians naturally don't have to rush to make a decision. They can wait and see the attitude of the Nords towards becoming a self-proclaimed king, and they can even join other forces to fight with its troops to try out the depth.

After a six-month-long war against each other, the Stormcloaks captured three cities and were beaten back two more. The entire Skyrim province was in chaos. Finally, all parties reached a peace agreement, allowing the Stormcloaks to become the new nation. The Nord Lord.

This lesson can be said to be of great reference value. After the Asgardians gathered various powerful troops and formed a large army of more than a thousand people, they took advantage of the fact that Snowrun City had just thawed and no other city lords had claimed ownership of it. Settled in and set up Asgard's raven flag on the city wall to declare independence.

And then...the series of declarations of war seemed quite exciting.

The next step is to fight until the multi-party war potential is exhausted, and we have to admit the existence of their new force...?

Sif stopped in the noble area on higher ground, turned around and looked back at the flags outside the city and the busy-looking civilian area.

Now, a problem arises that was not anticipated before the start of self-reliance - the daily salary to be paid to the troops.

When working as a mercenary, each force will give mercenary money according to the "influence" each family obtains through fighting or completing tasks. Combat maniacs, calculators or task experts can easily use this system to achieve a balance of payments, even if they cannot make ends meet. , you can also get enough subsidies by participating in power struggles, killing pirates or escorting livestock for others.

However, after becoming independent and under siege, it is equivalent to directly cutting off all sources of income. Sif has not tried what will happen if Bailey cannot pay wages. Even if there is no mutiny or rebellion, but low morale or desertion, it will directly lead to the defense of the city. The collapse of the war.

As for the taxation of Xueman City itself... The city was besieged almost as soon as it thawed. All the people who came were speculators. There was no business at all, so how could there be taxation?

If the current situation does not improve, the troops will not be able to be paid in about 10 days, and the food in the city will be exhausted after 20 days. According to my experience as a mercenary, each siege will last at least 30 days.

Therefore, that "Ulfric Stormcloak" must have been preparing for the rebellion for a long time - of course, it may also be that the NPC's data during the rebellion were different from the players.

The possibility of victory now is that the besieging party will retreat voluntarily if their food supply cannot support it, or they can repair the siege equipment within ten days and launch another general attack, or they can lead a small group of elites to take the initiative to attack the besieged camp and implement decapitation tactics to kill the enemy. All the lords who led the troops were captured.

The possibility of the first two is almost zero, while the latter must be completed by a team composed entirely of "heroes". Ordinary soldiers cannot be sent to participate - no matter how advanced they are,

Even counting Pegasus, who has little fighting power, there are only seven Asgardian players at full capacity. According to the calculations on the action options, at least thirteen people are needed to attack the army currently besieging Xueman.

If they ranked first or even second in the last game, the older brother or younger brother they were given would be enough to make up the number, but now... can they really only go to the "comradeship group"?

It was a warrior group headed by "White Mane" Krako. It was also one of the few organizations that never evacuated from Snowrun even during the Ice Age. They never participated in the battles between forces and went around Skyrim to help towns. or village residents, and occasionally take the initiative to attack pirates. Among them, in addition to the logistics personnel, there are nearly twenty members of this group who can be called "heroes". If they can be mobilized, this raid has been successful. More than half of it.

But the problem is that their demands are not easy to accept.

Sif went to see them at the beginning of the siege, and Krakow's condition was that the god they believed in, the "Northern God" named "Taros", should be established as the official faith of Snowrun City, and be established among the nobles. Build temples and statues in the area.

For those Nords, this condition may be easy to accept, but for the Asgard players who really have gods to believe in, it is a big trouble. They can't even pretend to believe it. For a game It would be too exaggerated to receive a shot from Odin's thunder for winning the game.

However, defeat in the defensive battle would cause everything accumulated so far to start over, causing Asgard to be last again in the second game, which is also unacceptable.

It seems that this decision can only be made by myself, a "Valkyrie" who values ​​actual combat ability more than belief in Odin.


A moment later, the "Warrior's Home", the headquarters of the Comrade Corps.

"Then, according to the agreement, we will send elite warriors to assist you in fighting." "White Mane" Krako, who had white beard and hair, confirmed the signed contract and clapped his hands: "But most of the warriors are still dealing with the incidents caused by the siege. , they will join you when they come back, now you can take 'Thunder God' Thor away first."

"Okay, okay...who?" Xifu, who was still a little reluctant to let go of the erection of the statue of the Northern God, raised her head in shock.

"I am Thor, the God of Thunder! For the glory of the Northern God!]"

Following the familiar yet unfamiliar noise, a tall man with dazzling blond hair and sparse stubble, wearing an Asgard-style golden armor and holding a warhammer walked in from the side hall: "Hahaha! Even if you don't have a brother, I can also find loopholes and sneak in, although it’s a little bit like not being able to use my divine power—Sif, why do you look so weird?”

"...I feel like a fool."

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