The Collection of The End

Two thousand three hundred and sixty-seven, North American Mythical War (250)

Ocean dimension, Mermaid Island.

I'm watching "The Text of History" in Coral Jungle.

The surface of the giant stone cube showed the real-time distribution of forces on the ocean planet, and three of its surfaces tracked and displayed the action tracks and conversation records of Asgard, the Green Lantern Corps, and the Hogwarts contestants.

As for the last page, it contains the action records of all NPC countries, forces and characters. Even if there is no acceleration, they are still "refreshing" the screen very frequently. Unless there is a major problem that needs to be traced, the best thing to do is to watch it. Seek trouble for your own eyes.

Since the second game of the "Triwizard Tournament" was played in an "accelerated world", I naturally had to keep an eye on it in real time to avoid any bugs that didn't happen when I played it myself.

As for known bugs, for example, a soldier was knocked up and fell into a place that was inaccessible by conventional operations, causing a battle to be stuck for two months. Another example was the tense and exciting preparation stage for a siege battle, when one's own forces made peace with a third-party force. The entire city defense force was ejected from the city in an instant. Another example is that after receiving a peace request, most of the cities owned by the force were taken down in a short period of time, and then the peace was accepted under such circumstances that it was impossible to make peace, leading to peace. There was an error in the calculation of the required supply, and the peacemaker had to pay a tribute of 30 billion beli every day.

But you didn't fix it right away. 】The stupid system using the shape of Shark Mekaro said.

'Just to see how it would pay this outrageous payment and how many days it would endure before it declares war in anger. ’

The equipment of all the lords and nobles of that unlucky country disappeared in order to pay compensation, and the daily capital income was negative. He ran around with an army of only 1, and was captured by robbers and bandits from time to time. The king was also killed because he had no army at all. I dare not declare war, but even so I will pay you 30 billion beli regularly every day. 】

'So I, the merciful one, turned around and declared war on it, canceling the contribution. ’

That's so kind. 】

Uh-huh, in short, it doesn't matter even if staring at the field in real time will cause the "outside" to react slower. Anyway, no universe demon dares to stroke the tiger's beard.

Do you mean you are a tigress? 】

‘Give me a high—uh,’ I stopped flicking my tail to swat the shark away and said, ‘Huh, don’t try to induce me to take this title seriously. ’

At that time, when the contestants "landed" on the ocean planet, they were allowed to choose their own origins. In theory, they should be dispersed in various countries, but the only ones who were really dispersed were the group of adventurous students at Hogwarts. Asgard and the Green Lantern Corps were all born into the same, or at least adjacent, country.

Asgard is easy to understand, and it’s normal for Norse mythology to like Nords, but what does the Green Lantern Corps have to do with the nomads?

Is there a possibility that they like the green flag of Gondor? 】

‘Obviously the flag of Cuset next door is also green? ’

If you are not pure enough, you are the enemy. 】

'ha? ’

I distinguished the color difference between the Green Lantern Ring and Gondor and Couset, and decided to ignore this problem.

Compared to the first game where each player could show off their extraordinary powers, the second game was strictly prohibited from using extraordinary powers, which can be regarded as bringing everyone to the same level.

This world is a mixture of "The Lord of the Rings", "The Elder Scrolls" and "Mount and Blade", and is scheduled to become "One Piece" in the future. It looks quite complicated, but the cause is relatively simple.

One Piece's "One Hundred Years of Disappearance" corresponds to The Elder Scrolls' "Millennium Dragon Break", and the Nords of The Elder Scrolls have the same name as the northern people in Horseback and Blade. As for The Lord of the Rings, there is Gandalf and the intruding Sauron. The Eye, of course, was also involved. Of course, it was all about eliminating supernatural powers and only using traditional medieval tactics.

At present, it seems that at least "relative fairness" has been achieved.

As the first place winner in the first game, the Green Lantern Corps can get a powerful thug brother at the beginning. If used well, they can easily become kings in the early stage. But they don’t know what they were thinking. They named their brother very strangely. He wanted to use the code name of the ancient Green Lantern and ended up recruiting seven "heroic spirits". How about you start a Holy Grail War?

Isn't that what you acquiesced to? 】

‘It’s just too much of a coincidence that I didn’t intend to stop it. The soul exists in the Green Lantern Hall of Valor, using the identity and code name as the medium, and using magic to construct an incarnation to descend... It’s a very standard summoning process. ’

What did Sherlock say? 】

'Well, I can only say that he is indeed my best student. He has actually learned the ability to pull people into the world of reincarnation across realms without any teacher. If I hadn't found out and changed the text in time, that little fat guy Mycroft Will you see that you want to understand the meaning of life? 】Small advertisements like pop-up windows. ’

It's okay to call your method of attracting people small advertisements. 】

As for the final Asgardian side, because they are ranked at the bottom, they have no older brothers or younger brothers. There is only a younger sister who will join later. Their current actions are not too unexpected.

It's normal and normal to be besieged for a long time because you raise your flag and stand on your own without preparation.

The only trouble was Thor. After he learned about the schedule, he confidently asked me for a "brother" spot, saying that he would directly lead the Asgard warriors to victory.

I was really worried about whether he would go to Atreus, so I tried my best to give the Green Lantern Corps extra points at the tripartite meeting, as long as Asgard was not ranked first, but they ended up at the bottom.

I thought Thor would come to me and ask for a different way to join, but it turned out that he was smarter than expected and changed his identity from "brother" to "recruitable companion".

The abilities of these companions are basically fixed, it is difficult to upgrade, and they require a lot of salary. Unless the team is in urgent need of specific skills or needs someone to lead family troops and caravans, otherwise their practicality is far less than that of only one level and very strong initial abilities. And the brothers and sisters can be customized, unless like Xifu, who has been cornered and started to seek medical treatment indiscriminately.

——"Thor" Thor: I am Thor! For the glory of the Northern God! ——Sif, why do you have such a strange expression?

——Sif: ...I feel like a fool.

Hmm... He is indeed Thor, the first comic actor in Marvel.

This voice? I thought you would take the opportunity to change his appearance into a Shiba Inu. 】The stupid system showed a picture of a dog wearing a Walkman.

'It's probably acceptable to ask him to say it first every time he speaks. If he turns into a dog, he'll probably flip the table. ’

Do people who eat themselves into fat men care about the appearance? 】

'That's because no one cares. Now that Odin and Frigga are here, he has no chance to eat junk food. ’

Bruce Wayne clicked and left cursing. 】

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