The Collection of The End

Two thousand three hundred and sixty-eight, North American Mythical War (251)

——Marvel, 2015——

Ocean planet, southern border of the East China Sea Empire.

The "Great Rift Valley" formed by the "Great Cataclysm" is a natural border. No one can cross the abyss that seems to go straight to the ground. However, the wonders created by this natural power can easily arouse the awe and even awe of ordinary people. As a result of worship, at least a dozen cities or towns of various sizes were named "Rift Valley" in the four great empires close to the edge of the two great rift valleys.

At this time, a team of about fifty people appeared outside the "Rift Valley City", which was more of a small fortress than a city, consisting of most infantry, a small number of archers, and sporadic cavalry. A slightly fat young man with the name "John Watson" on his head and wearing a wrinkled blue dress was riding a lame-looking hunting horse at the front.

"Well... my team has 57 people, and there are only 39 defenders in this city. We should be able to win." He looked at the city wall, then looked down at his horse's head, and then raised his hand: "Everyone, listen Order, siege] this town!”

Tap tap tap...

After hearing these words, the infantrymen who looked listless and wearing only simple cloth or tattered leather armor slowly changed from the long snake formation on the road to the defensive round formation, and got off the backs of the pack animals following the troops. We took down all kinds of materials and started building the camp.

The archers came slowly to the front of the formation, symbolically aiming at the city walls and gates from a distance with their old and tattered-looking short bows.

Only the few cavalrymen who were better equipped and wore chainmail along with their horses were more responsible. They galloped out from the flanks of the team and circled around Rift Valley City. At the same time, they shouted: "Mr. John of the Watson family is here." Besiege this city! Keep no one near!】"

Following these shouts, Rift Valley City quickly closed its city gates. Shooters began to appear between the battlements of the city wall, and people who looked like engineers appeared on several towers to supervise the assembly of ballistae and catapults.

"After the invention of gunpowder, castles that relied on thick walls for defense have withdrawn from the stage of history, and the remaining castles have become tourist attractions," Watson said to himself while waiting for the construction of the siege camp: "But this world will not be the same for a thousand years." Don’t even think about inventing gunpowder this year, right? This is the so-called ‘technological lock’, right?”

The soldiers who were building the camp did not respond to him, perhaps because they did not understand, perhaps because they could not hear. Only after the simple tents and horses in the siege camp were roughly completed, a cavalryman came to ask for instructions:

"Lord John, the siege camp has been built. Do you plan to lead the attack personally, sit in command, or retreat?"

"No, I want to build a catapult," Watson pointed to the open space in front of the camp: "to counter the defensive equipment on the city wall."

"As you command, my lord." The cavalry turned their horses and left, shouting to the infantry who were resting after building the camp, asking them to rush to the predetermined location and continue working.

"Well... I have the trait of reducing the chance of being hit by equipment by 25% during the siege], and the ability of crossbow damage +3], so I only need to wait for the catapult to be built, smash the city defense equipment, and I will follow the archer to clear the city wall. , just cover the infantry as they ascend the city—"

Boom boom——

The thunderous sound of hooves coming from the city interrupted Watson's thinking. When he turned his head in surprise, he saw an elite cavalry group of about thirty people, including men and horses, all wearing thick equipment, galloping out of the city gate, and then Charge his camp without hesitation.

"How is it possible - half of the regular garrison should be militia without combat effectiveness -"

Boom boom boom!

Watson also wanted to fight back with a simple hand crossbow, but he shot away the enemy cavalry who passed by him before he could take aim.

After a while, the temporary camp was completely destroyed, half of the soldiers were killed or captured, and the other half fled.


Riften City Dungeon.

After being disarmed by the defenders and thrown into the dungeon, Watson sat dejectedly against the wall, fiddling with the mission panel that only he could see: "Ah... Capture a castle] The mission is about to expire... and the lord who issued the mission. The relationship is going down again.”

Tread, tread, tread.

The footsteps of the jailer silenced the prisoners who were noisy because of the sight of "Lord Lord", and then watched the vicious-looking jailer come to Watson's cell door.

"Lord, I think a big man like you would not want to waste time in a dark prison," the jailer said, "You only need to pay me 2,300 Baileys, and I will release you. How about this deal?" "

"I refuse]!" Watson glared at him, "That's one-third of my total assets!"

"That's really a pity. Then you can continue to wait for our lord to be kind enough to release you or make a deal. Or, you can also try to escape from prison on your own." The jailer shook his head indifferently, then turned and left. .

"These jailers can always know the approximate assets of the captured lord and accurately demand money in proportion. If it weren't for the fact that those 'Baileys' would become 'numbers' instead of entities when they got into our hands, I'm afraid they would have been snatched away long ago. ," Watson lowered his head and looked at his property page: "But it doesn't matter. According to experience, I can escape on my own in three days at most -"


With a dull crash, the jailer who was about to leave the dungeon was hit on the head with a sap and fell straight on his back. But before he actually fell to the ground and made a loud noise, the attacker had already rushed up and killed him. The jailer caught it and then slowly lowered it to the ground.

The visitor was a tall man wearing gray clothes and a hood. He first put his finger to his lips to signal other agitated prisoners to be quiet, then took the key from the guard's waist and opened the prison doors of the prisoners one by one. , pointing outwards quietly.

After being freed from their shackles, the prisoners were very cooperative and quietly left.

Finally, the infiltrator came to the cell door where Watson was located and looked up and down at the somewhat embarrassed lord.

"It seems that your situation is not good," he said. "Why didn't Holmes come to help you?"

"That's because we are not in the same country..." Watson stared at the visitor's head, looking surprised: "No, wait, why do you know about Sherlock?"

"Of course it's because you always brag about how awesome he is every time you go home on vacation." The visitor took off his hood, revealing a face that was not much different from Watson's, but with sharper eyes and a more serious expression: "Now, you You have to explain why you named your 'brother' after your cousin me, Scotland Yard's best detective, Henry Watson?"

"Because I hope he can be as powerful as you?" Watson replied blankly.

"Oh, passed." Henry opened the cell door and stretched out his hand to him: "Let's go, let us occupy this castle together."

"Did you sneak in?" Watson took his hand and stood up: "Without siege, the castle cannot be occupied in this way."

"...Hogwarts has so many rules."

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