The Collection of The End

Two thousand three hundred and sixty-nine, North American Mythical War (252)

——Marvel, 2015——

Ocean planet, northern territory of the Cyrodiil Empire.

Villages close to the "Great Rift Valley" generally rely on livestock farming or collecting natural mineral veins born when the Great Rift Valley was created as their main source of income. They often have self-organized militia, which can slightly resist sporadic bandits and bandits. Hostile lords came with their troops, demanding supplies, soldiers, or even directly looting. These militiamen could do nothing but escort the villagers to escape.

At this time, a miniature team with only two cavalrymen entered such a village as if they were fleeing. After the originally nervous guarding soldiers confirmed that they were not hostile, they stopped paying attention.

"So, let's review now," Henry said while riding side by side with Watson: "You joined the Cyrodiil Empire after your family level reached two?"

"Yes," Watson scratched his head: "After I completed several delivery missions and participated in several competitive competitions, the level of the 'Watson Family' rose to level two, and then the emperor of Cyrodiil, 'Martin Sai' Putin offered me a mercenary contract, and I thought it was a fixed refresh event, so I agreed."

"You went around fighting bandits, participating in athletic competitions, raising your family level to three, and then directly joining Cyrodiil as a vassal?" Henry asked.

"Yes, one minute I was looking at the benefits of family level improvement, and the next minute His Majesty the Emperor's messenger arrived. He said," Watson paused: "'In view of your rising reputation, Cyrodiil The emperor hopes that you can officially become his vassal. If you are interested in this, go and interview him.'"

"Still think it's a fixed event?"


"Originally, when you were a mercenary, your 'influence' would be automatically converted into Baileys and given to you. But after you become a vassal, your influence will be accumulated and used to participate in the kingdom's decision-making. So you have no income and start taking on random tasks? No matter what Is it to force taxes, drive away herdsmen or even destroy villages?" Henry looked at Watson with eyes that hated iron.

"No, there's nothing I can do. Because I fought too many thieves, there are no more in Cyrodiil. And because I won too many games, the odds were terrible. The organizers advised me not to participate anymore, but to do it. The lords issued a mission - it was a high-reward mission that mercenaries could not accept." Watson tried to distinguish.

"But at what cost? Watson?" Henry looked at him, then looked around suggestively.

"...The relationship with the villagers has dropped significantly, making it difficult to recruit soldiers," Watson whispered: "And because the relationship has declined, the refresh rate of tasks that can improve the relationship will also drop."

"If this relationship declines and it is not the family as a whole, I will suggest that you let me lead the team alone." Henry shook his head: "Appoint me as the 'troop quartermaster'. My 'role' is somehow very charming. offset those adverse effects.”

"You are the Sheriff of Scotland Yard, the envy of many people." Watson said while adjusting his family panel.

"Are you the object of envy..." Henry stopped and looked at the village chief who was staring at Watson with unkind eyes: "Sir, are there any young people in this village who are eager to gain honor and money in the war?"

"Huh, I think..." The village chief turned his eyes and saw Henry's face. He originally wanted to refuse and turned around: "I think there will be about 25 young men jumping out to fight for this opportunity]."

"Even if I didn't lower my relationship, I would only have recruited 6 new recruits at most!" Watson exclaimed.

"It seems that your popularity in school is not very good. Don't you have any friends except Sherlock?" Henry looked at him.

"How is that possible! At least Irene is willing to talk to me!"



"Damn it! You win! Stop your lackeys!]"

Since the Eastern Empire and the Cyrodiil Empire are in a state of war, even if it is difficult to mobilize large-scale troops in this area close to the Great Rift Valley, there will still be small-scale troops from both sides here to conduct reconnaissance or plunder the enemy. village.

Henry and Watson passed three villages along the way and recruited about a hundred people in total. Because of the "instructor" trait, they were slightly upgraded on the way. They were initially divided into infantry and archers. However, because they did not buy horses, Still can't get promoted to cavalry.

And when they went to the fourth village that also produced war horses, they happened to encounter a small force from the East China Sea Empire there to force horses.

There were about 30 people on the other side. Although they were all cavalry, their equipment did not seem to be sophisticated enough. They looked like low-level cavalry who had just been promoted. Moreover, because they were fighting the village militia, they were all dismounted, and their combat effectiveness was once again reduced.

After discussing with Henry, Watson decisively chose to attack the Imperial Cavalry to support the attacked village, and wiped out the entire team after paying half of the casualties. Of course, the other side's lord would not die in battle and would still be there. There is a lot of talk about Watson there.

"You fought very well - ugh!]" Henry covered Watson's mouth mid-sentence.

"Do you want to let him go?" Henry instructed the soldiers to continue to guard the lord named "Annon" and took Watson away.

"Yes, what else?" Watson didn't understand why: "Choosing a captive will deduct 2 relationship points, while releasing directly will add 10 points."

"Excuse me, Mr. Watson, what do you want to do by establishing a good relationship with the enemy, country, lord, and lord?" Henry asked word for word: "If I were a high-level official in this empire, I would definitely accuse you of treason. Of course, since you work so diligently, this accusation will only be made when you have great power and great achievements."

"Huh? Huh?" Watson blinked in a daze, and after a moment he finally thought: "By the way, some lords in the Cyrodiil Empire have 'merciful' qualities. The next time they meet, they will say, 'I heard about you. It's true chivalry to defeat so-and-so but let him go,' and then add 2 points of relationship."

"I won't mention the meaningless 'chivalry'. Haven't you noticed that the better your relationship with the lords, the worse your relationship with the commoners? If you continue like this, you won't be able to recruit even with my charm. What should we do when we arrive?" Henry said.

"Ah? What should I do?" Watson asked blankly.

"Haha..." Henry almost laughed angrily: "Take this person away, then find a lord with whom he has a bad relationship, and then transfer him to the prisoner. By then, the relationship will be improved by about 10 points, if not 20 points."

"Well, okay, it's up to you," Watson agreed with this point of view after thinking, and then walked back to Annon: "You are my prisoner.]"

"Hmph, you guy who is greedy for ransom, my family will definitely give you a satisfactory price.]" Anon replied disdainfully.

"Next, we have to find a way to solve the 'capture a castle' mission that you randomly accepted. Pure infantry is not enough. We have to find a way to solve it..."

Boom boom boom——

Before Henry could finish speaking, thunderous hooves could be heard outside the village. Nearly two hundred cavalry galloped over and surrounded the village. Then, their commander rode out on horseback and stood high. shouted:

"Listen to the Cyrodiil bastards inside! I am the Baroness of the East China Sea Empire, 'Irene Adler'! You have only two choices! Surrender or die!]"

"...Does your classmate have this character?"

"……Ah ha ha."

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