The Collection of The End

Two thousand three hundred and seventy-one, North American Mythical War (254)

——Marvel, 2015——

Ocean Planet, Hammerfall.

This is a giant peninsula bordering the South China Sea Empire in the northeast. The sunshine is strong and the climate is hot and dry. The skin of the humans living here ranges from reddish brown to pitch black, and their hair is mainly in the shape of thick waves and curly filaments, so it is called As "Red Guards".

Legend has it that two gods fought here, and one of them lost half a move. The warhammer "Alikir" in his hand was shot down and fell into the sea, smashing the peninsula. The warhammer also turned into ashes. It turned into a boundless desert, so it was called "Hammerfall".

No matter how the hammer shattered so completely, the great desert in the middle of Hammerfell is indeed called "Alikr".

The huge Alikel Desert covers most of the peninsula. The only remaining habitable places are the mountains in the north and the rain forests in the south. The Redguards who settled here were divided into two factions, the Ancestors and the Crown. The former adhered to the Red Guard tradition and believed in the gods of their ancestors, while the latter advocated learning the imperial culture and changing their lifestyles. Both sides refused to give in and eventually met each other in war. However, due to environmental factors, the scale of the war was never large.

When the empire's territory finally expanded to this desert and after understanding the ideas held by the Ancestors and the Crown sect and the reasons for the war, they decisively sent troops to attack the Crown sect.

The Crown Faction was stunned at first, and only after losing most of its land and city did they realize that the empire allows people with strange appearances to maintain strange traditions, but it is impossible to allow them to learn their own culture and then integrate into themselves - even if they have this tendency, it will not work .

Just when the Crown Faction was about to be defeated in the capital, the Ancestor Faction finally sent troops to rescue them. They first cut off the empire's backup at the entrance to the peninsula, and then relied on their familiarity with the terrain to chase the invading troops and beat them. The empire was completely unprepared for this. , under attack from both sides by the guerrillas of the Ancestors faction and the defense of the city by the Crown faction, they were finally defeated and fled in all directions.

Obviously, the South China Sea Empire had never considered that former rivals could become comrades-in-arms. After all, the four empires wished for the immediate demise of the other three countries, and there was absolutely no way they could help one party when it was weak.

After this battle, the Ancestors and the Crown Faction reconciled and jointly announced the establishment of the United Emirates of Hammerfell to confront the South China Sea Empire. The South China Sea Empire lost the battle. Under the pressure of the other three empires, they could not spare more manpower for the expedition, so they publicly announced It has successfully occupied Hammerfell, established the "Hammerfell Province", and then built a fortress city at the entrance of the peninsula to serve as the capital, and then used it as a base to send mercenaries or small troops from time to time to invade the towns and villages of Hammerfell, and the original The existence of "sand pirates" mixed together, which annoyed Hammerfell, and began to accept outsiders seeking Pele or honor to join in to fight against them.

T'Challa, who directly chose to "come" in Hammerfell because of his affinity for skin color, is one of them.


South of Hammerfell, "Sentinel" Fortress.

A'tor, the little prince of the Crown faction, met with T'Challa, the leader of the Wakanda family, in the lord's hall with a strong desert nomadic style.

"Long time no see, T'Challa. I heard that you defeated that bastard Dram. I hope you made him suffer enough." Brown skin, with a short braid, wearing an empire armor with an inappropriate style. The young man with a weak stomach said to T'Challa.

"You are still so well-informed. It's a pity that you didn't catch him and let him run away." T'Challa, who is also dark-skinned in his incarnation, replied: "I came here today to discuss a proposal with you that is beneficial to both of us. ]."

"I'm listening]." Atla crossed her arms.

"So..." T'Challa looked at the negotiation panel opened in front of him and swept a lot of supplies such as grains, fish, cabbage, fruits, cheese, bacon, beer, sausages, etc. into the negotiation chips, and then did not ask for anything. Just click Confirm.

"I accept this proposal], and I will ask people to move these goods to..." Atla nodded, and then realized something was wrong: "Are you going to do this again?"

"Which one is coming?" T'Challa blinked.

"Don't act stupid, every time you give us food in bulk-"

"Your Highness!" At this time, a herald outside the hall barged in regardless of the presence of guests: "Neferagus from the South Sea Empire is launching a siege on us! Please give the order immediately!"

"Organize people to defend the city immediately!], will I, a prince, still break through and escape? You bastard!" Atla drove the herald out directly.

"I think you need help," Tachala then said: "I have brought one hundred and fifty people to help you guard the city wall."

"Yes, you even attracted the gang of guys who are besieging outside," Atla looked at him angrily: "Neferagus's legion is clearly about to send the main force to the ancestors for a decisive battle, why do they suddenly appear here?"

"I don't know, I just led the team around them, and the whole legion chased them like crazy dogs," T'Challa spread his hands: "Fortunately, they walked slowly because of the large number of people, otherwise I would have been caught up halfway. ”

"Okay, I will allow your people to participate in the city defense, and I will also give you the right to use the siege equipment. Isn't this exactly what you want?" Atla waved her hand silently: "Go ahead, go ahead."


"You've been discovered, brother." Outside the Lord's Hall, T'Challa's sister, the similarly dark-skinned girl "Suri Wakanda" met him and said with a smile: "Every time you give someone food, you will The city is under siege. It’s a shame that the ancestors and the people from the Crown Faction didn’t arrest you.”

"That's because every time I repel the siege army, and the supplies I send just make up for their consumption during the siege," Tachala knocked on her head and said while walking towards the city defense camp: "This How about the city's siege equipment? The city where the prince is located doesn't only have ballistas, right?"

"Can you believe it, there are flaming catapults in this city?" Su Li's eyes sparkled: "These catapults are much easier to use than traditional catapults. Even if the enemy approaches the city wall, you can directly throw the gunpowder pot Go down and blow them up.”

"You find a good position to control it directly," Tachala nodded and shook his head: "It's unbelievable, how do those NPC soldiers controlling the catapult manage to launch slowly, accurately and with their heads down."

"Of course it's to give 'players' a chance to attack the city. If every NPC was a master of engineering machinery like your sister and me, no one would be able to attack the city," Su Li looked at the approaching city defense camp. He seemed a little excited: "Fire Catapult, here I come."

"Oh, you have never shown any interest in mechanical things in your family," Tachala smiled: "After you return to Wakanda, ask your father to arrange a teacher for you in related fields."

"How can you repay kindness with hatred? I still want to pretend to be an ignorant little girl for a few more years!" Su Li glared at him.

"Believe me, the sooner knowledge is acquired, the better, because application and practice also take time. Look at our cousin 'Eric'..."

Boom! Boom!

Ahead, in the blacksmith shop of the city defense camp, a muscular, dark-skinned man was forging iron. Both the soldiers and his assistants were all amazed by the gleaming swords or heavy axes that had been tempered.

"I don't want to be like that." Su Li made a face at him from a distance.

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