The Collection of The End

Two thousand three hundred and seventy-two, North American Mythical War (255)

——Marvel, 2015——

Ocean planet, Ravdru Islands.

This archipelago consisting of several larger islands and scattered surrounding islets and reefs is located to the west of the North Sea Empire and to the east of the West Sea Empire. It is still under the jurisdiction of the empire in theory, of course, only in theory.

Hundreds of years ago, inspired by the South Sea Empire's hiring of Sturgians to become "royal pirates," the North Sea Empire and the West Sea Empire each sent out envoy fleets to recruit and hire sea peoples to fight against other empires, but the results were not good.

Although they have found and incorporated many pirates, these guys who are stragglers are naturally unorganized and undisciplined. They are only willing to bully the weak, with more people and fewer people. If the battle situation reaches a stalemate, they will start to flee, and they will be at a disadvantage and may even directly counterattack. The envoy managed them almost pinching his nose at the water, but could never find a way to navigate it smoothly - until they finally arrived at the Laughtale Islands.

After confirming the name of this archipelago, almost all the pirates went crazy. They cried, laughed, howled, and then went to the envoy collectively to express their loyalty to the Northern Empire/Western Empire as long as they allowed them to occupy this place.

The special envoy was puzzled. After searching for information and asking some old pirates in detail, he finally confirmed that this island called "Joke" turned out to be a legend among pirates. "It is an island that is absolutely impossible to reach as long as you want to find it." Legend has it that as long as you find this island , will become the "King of Pirates".

The envoy who accidentally found this place because he didn't know the legend sneered at this statement. After all, how could a bunch of loose pirates be stronger than the "royal pirates" supported by the empire? Not to mention the "King of Pirates", but since the targets he wanted to fight for had this idea... After thinking briefly, he agreed to the pirates' request to occupy this archipelago.

However, halfway through their outing-like enclosure, they had to stop abruptly - from the other direction of the archipelago, a special envoy from another empire recruiting pirates and his pirate legion appeared.

So they found the "Impossible Island" at the same time? This is really a "joke".

After that, the pirates who originally had no motivation and just wanted to catch fish seemed to have gotten better and began to fight on the islands and surrounding waters. They even called on their friends to mobilize men and ships from other sea areas, just to capture the guys on the opposite side. By conquering the sea, this achieved the goal of the two empires to control this sea area on the other hand.

But no one expected that this "War on the Joke Islands" would last for hundreds of years, and there is still no winner. Two groups of outsiders and the natives of the archipelago who finally couldn't bear it anymore and walked out of the forest to beat people each occupied the islands. Some of them conquered each other, and even learned from the empire to build cities and castles. After the empire finally gave up direct management, the three powers of Valentia, Swadia, and Batania were formed. The pronunciation of these country names is "A". " is an onomatopoeia often spoken among sailors, meaning "receive" or "understand".

Not long ago, a family named "Moriarty" arrived here. After joining Swadia, they established huge achievements in a short period of time, and their influence is more than twice that of other small families combined. , and was finally elected with a high vote in the king's election after the death of King Haraus, and officially became the King of Swadia.


The capital of Swadia, Palawind.

James Moriarty, or "King James" as he should be called, was standing on the terrace of the Lord's Hall looking at the departing ships of the pirate lords.

"My lord, are you satisfied with the opportunity I provided?" He said without looking back after hearing the door opening and closing behind him.

"It's a bit interesting, but it's still far from what you promised." Dormammu Moriarty, who looked dull and even had the same hands and feet, walked onto the terrace and stood side by side with Moriarty: "Why do you Instead of going to the mainland and using the same means to occupy an empire? Are you willing to become a mere pirate chief?"

"That will definitely be discovered by the 'Lord of the Ocean Dimension'," Moriarty replied: "When she stares at the war-torn land countries, she may subconsciously ignore the ocean countries. This is called 'dark under the light' .”

"Oh, it's obvious that I used the power of the dark dimension to block some key information. Even if someone is staring at you, they will only think that you are a traitor who wants to take the throne at all costs." Dormammu said.

"It seems that you already know a lot about this world. What's your overall assessment?" Moriarty asked instead of refuting his traitorous assessment.

"Evaluate it, it seems to be a world similar to your Middle Ages and the Age of Discovery, but in essence it is just a toy of the mermaid: humans will not die in battle, only die, and have no extraordinary power, but can be unlocked through 'skills'" The trait' is even stronger than the regular supernatural power. All the natives turn a blind eye to words involving the 'game' and the 'upper dimension'. Although they can chat at will, they only respond to specific statements. The conclusion is..." Dormammu straightened up slightly. Body: "She is trying to turn this planet into Asgard's 'Tenth Realm.'"

"Oh?" Moriarty didn't seem to be surprised and only responded with modal particles.

"All the demon gods of the universe know that the purpose of the Lord of the Ocean Dimension is to make humans understand each other. When the wall of the heart disappears, she can absorb the resulting -" Dormammu paused: "Do you know this?"

"...I know now," Moriarty said expressionlessly, "but I feel like this is impossible."

"The Demon God of the Universe has determined that one thing can always be achieved, no matter how much time it takes. After all, this concept is only important to short-lived species," Dormammu continued: "And when she achieves her goal, she will use the 'Sea of ​​Souls' 'After being incorporated into its dimension, what if someone wants to go out in physical form? Granted an avatar, of course, like the ones you use when fighting on this planet."

"..." Moriarty raised his arm and looked at the palm and back of his hand.

"After this ridiculous game is over, she should keep this planet to house the believers she received while waiting for humans to turn into 'orange juice', and entrust Odin to manage it on her behalf, and this is the opportunity, Dormammu raised the corners of his lips: "When she finds out that this private territory has been occupied by me without anyone noticing, her expression will definitely be very exciting."

"So, what is the specific plan?" Moriarty looked at him.

"For example, quietly grant power to the natives of this planet." Dormammu raised his hand and picked up a pineapple from the fruit plate on the terrace table. The pineapple, which did not look very good in quality, immediately began to swell and deform, and its color changed. It becomes gorgeous and eventually turns into a gorgeous fruit that has nothing to do with pineapple: "Try it?"

"As a contestant, I want to..."

"What? Is there something to eat?"

The door behind the two people was knocked open again, and a girl rushed in like a gust of wind, snatching the fruit Katcha and taking a bite.

"Wait, Uma—"

"Bah! It tastes worse than Shet! Bastard brother!" The girl called Uma smashed the "front pineapple" directly on Dormammu's face and rushed out of the door.

"I think..." Moriarty looked at Dormammu, whose head was flowing with unknown purple juice: "I won't eat it."

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