The Collection of The End

Two thousand three hundred and seventy-seven, North American Mythical War (260)

——Marvel, 2015——

Ocean planet, the sea in the center of the earth.

——Afraid I have nothing to give you]——

——Loving you also requires a lot of courage]——

Night has come to Mermaid Island, or in other words, night for most residents.

The giant golden tree floating above the island is still bright and dazzling, but the city directly below it gradually sinks into darkness. Mermaid buildings with different functions one after another "absorb" the light around them, and then open various There are various lamps that are either gorgeous and beautiful or simple and calm, and the vehicles traveling on the road also light up their headlights. At first glance, it looks like a normal city night scene.

Atreus, who had been bored and "hanging up" on the balcony of his apartment for a long time, looked at the coral jungle on the outskirts of the city and decided to set off now.

Previously, out of curiosity, he studied how the Sea Demon placed her followers. Its technology may be a reference for Asgard, which is getting bigger as its population grows.

And the conclusion cannot be referenced.

Just like Lily "said", the number of rooms in this apartment is "infinite". He stayed outside the door and foyer of the apartment for a while, and found "tens of digits" and "more than ten digits and letters" respectively. For residents who use a mix of "unrecognized strings" and "some complex calculation" as their house numbers, Atreus's own "402" can be called plain and simple by comparison.

But at the same time, there were never more than twenty people in the lobby and common room of the apartment, as if an astonishing number of residents disappeared after entering the apartment building.

No, they should be separated into different "mirrors", just like the vice-principal did when he held a warm-up match at Hogwarts. The upper limit of the number of people in each mirror is twenty, and only the residents in the "mirror lobby" Only after guests leave and "vacancies" appear, new residents will enter, and the number of residents that can be contacted in a short period of time should only be as many as the "total number of rooms" visually observed from outside the apartment.

This kind of precise manipulation of space is basically impossible for the big guys in Asgard.

By analogy, other buildings in this city should also be of the "super compression" type. Mermaids or fishmen who don't care about this will naturally live in them, while those who can't accept it will move out and build their own homes just like Lily said. ——But how can they be sure that the land they use to build their houses has not been occupied by other invisible residents in advance?

If you can't see it, it doesn't exist, right?

Please choose your destination】

Lobby】Street】Visit other residents】

Just like before, when Atreus put his hand on the handle of the door to the room, an orange roulette-like option appeared. After he selected the street and opened the door, the street view in front of the Coral Apartments appeared outside. .

There is actually another similar thing, which is an illusory sign standing on the roadside outside the apartment. It is about half a person tall and has a shape similar to the sign Lily held. It is the same as the apartment door. When someone puts their hand on it, it will open. The "Destination Roulette" pops up, and soon after you select one of the items, a giant Neptune-type creature like a killer whale will appear and lie down, making the bottom of the ancient carriage it is carrying as close to the ground as possible so that passengers can get on and off. .

This method of operation is quite similar to the ongoing second game, but there is no one on Mermaid Island similar to the "NPCs" on the field, and no one responds to "specific keywords", but like Lily - well ?

Atreus suddenly became alarmed: This was the first time in a short period of time that he thought of the little mermaid who was a little confused and naive?

He suddenly turned his head and looked at the floor-length mirror placed at the door of the apartment room.

In the mirror, he naturally saw the tall and thin man with a hooked nose, slightly greasy black hair and a gloomy expression "randomly", but at this moment, there was a faint light of pleasure and expectation flashing in his eyes. .

——I'm just afraid that I will fall in love with you】——

——Maybe one day I can’t help myself]——

A moment later, the coral forest.

"This is ridiculous. In terms of appearance, according to human standards, I am only thirteen years old - but that is only human standards, I am a god,"

Atreus cooed while pushing aside the branches blocking the road and heading towards the location of the "Historical Text" stone tablet that he had asked about before:

"Li, cough, what Miss Laura Angelberda saw before was not me - but she seemed to be a little face-blind, and she didn't care about my appearance when communicating with me,"

"She is a member of the Ocean Demon God just like the residents of Mermaid Island - but Ms. Shirahoshi not only won't set up obstacles, she may even be happy to see it happen,"

"It was just an accident that I fell into the Mermaid Island this time. I may have to leave soon - we are destined to meet each other thousands of miles away, but if we are not destined to meet each other, it is difficult to hold hands."

He was making excuses for himself to escape while denying and dismissing them, looking like he was schizophrenic.

"Hmph, I guessed it right. This outsider will definitely secretly read the "Historical Text"——"

"No, see Lily again, otherwise——"

"We're the robbers'——"

Lifeline twisting! 】

"Uh-huh! Uh-huh!"

Three fully-armed fish-men Yasha suddenly jumped out and stood in front of Atreus, but they seemed to have not agreed upon the order of their speeches, and everything they wanted to say was mixed together like noise.

Atreus was walking in a daze, seemingly not paying attention to the three of them at all. He just waved his hand casually as if he felt malice, and the three-headed fishmen were tied tightly by the "purple rope" that appeared around them out of thin air. Hanging from a coral tree by the roadside, his mouth was blocked and he couldn't make any sound at all.

"... Now that I can't show my true identity, do I have to apply to Shirahoshi to withdraw from the competition? No, no, that golden-haired idiot will definitely laugh at me for a whole year... huh?"

And Atreus didn't turn his head to take a look until they were completely blocked by the coral forest. Of course, he couldn't see anything:

"What seems to have happened just now? Forget it, it's not important - that's the 'text of history'."

In a clearing deep in the Coral Jungle, there is a giant cyan cube with an extremely smooth surface and only a few tiny writings on it. Even though it is still far away, Atreus can sense the existence of a person with strength comparable to Odin from above. The mark of strength left behind.

There is no doubt that that is the residual influence after the Ocean Demon God Shirahoshi updated the text. Then we only need to wait until four o'clock...

Wait, Atreus frowned. Since everyone can only see the people or things related to themselves in the "historical text", I should be able to see nothing when I have just arrived and have not been "updated". So what is recorded above?

Atreus checked the current time and found that it was still early at four in the morning, so he stepped closer to the cube. As he approached, the words gradually became clearer:

'Atreus Laufeyson' meets Lola Angelberda of 'The Little Mermaid' 19601989. 】

...! ?

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