The Collection of The End

Two thousand three hundred and seventy-eight, North American Mythical War (261)

——Marvel, 2015——

The sea in the center of the earth, the coral forest.

Laura Angelberda 19601989]

1960, date of birth. If this number uses the earth's calendar, then Lily was born 55 years ago, and this time is not long for either a mermaid or a hybrid giant, or should be said to be very short.

As for the meaning of 1989... what does it mean?

Atreus looked at this line of words and couldn't understand it for a while. Of course, it was possible that he refused to understand it.

…This is the date of death.

After a while, the hybrid giant, the prince of Asgard and the dean of Loki Academy teamed up to pull the young wizard Atreus out of the fog of self-deception and let him face the truth.

Okay, date of death... Atreus rubbed his forehead and continued to read the historical text, but apart from this encounter, there was no other text on the giant cube that he could see.

It is not uncommon to meet people who have passed away. Eight out of ten people who feasted and drank in the banquet hall of Asgard's Golden Palace died, and that did not prevent them from being killed. After Valhalla was resurrected, he continued to drink and have fun, and then died again.

The underworld of Heim, managed by sister Hela, has gathered almost all the dead from the nine kingdoms. Although it is a bit strange that they have been obsessed with "riding duels" recently, it also proves that their minds are still intact.

But the problem is that this is part of the "ocean dimension", a place where it is theoretically impossible to accept the dead.

According to Lily, as long as you "wholeheartedly believe" in the Lord of the Ocean Dimension, Shirahoshi, you will be led to her "God's Kingdom". And judging from the protective character of the demon god, it is absolutely impossible to let his believers and Regardless of whether the volume belongs to death, there is only one conclusion:

One day in 1989 in the Earth's calendar, Atlantis or other mermaid settlements encountered some kind of crisis, but the intensity was enough to allow them to resolve it on their own.

As for the casualties that occur in the process of "self-resolution", they are a necessary price. Similar to Asgard, whether it is the heavenly father Odin with unfathomable strength, or the golden retriever who has a good relationship with most of the warriors. No fool can guarantee zero casualties in every battle.

As for Lily's situation... Atreus guessed that before the incident, her belief in Shirahoshi was just "it doesn't cost money anyway, just trust me". But as the unknown crisis developed, Lily's belief in Shirahoshi also changed. As it continues to rise, and finally reaches the level of "wholehearted belief", the next second you can get the attention of the universe devil, and obtain the identity of "Volume" or "God's Servant", unfortunately you die, and you can only be the deceased. Entering the ocean dimension and forgetting everything in her life, she became a heartless and silly girl.

Of course, there is another interpretation...that is, Lily has always believed in Bai Xing wholeheartedly, but because she has many ties in the real dimension, such as relatives, friends, colleagues, neighbors, etc., she cannot let go, and she has never been able to enter the ocean dimension. Bai Xing fell in love with this believer, so he deliberately created a disaster, cut off all her ties, and then rescued her back to the Kingdom of God. However, the paper could not contain the fire. Lily discovered some clues in the Kingdom of God, and gradually uncovered the truth. , finally chose to commit suicide amidst the collapse of her faith, and Bai Xing "recalled" her to the original appearance before she knew the truth.

Although the truth of this matter should be the first, the second version seems to be more popular-if it were written as a novel or movie script.

No, now is not the time to think about the script. Atreus checked the time again. It was not yet four o'clock, so he continued to think.

Given Lily's current situation, if you want to be with her...

——No, I'm not ready yet!

——What else are you prepared for such a thing?

——Do you want her to be snatched away by that fork?



"..." Atreus pinched his twitching forehead. With too many identities, the number of ways of thinking and behavior used to disguise himself would also increase simultaneously. As a result, it would be easy to fight with oneself when making decisions.

We are absolutely not smart.

——Missing me only makes myself suffer]——

——I had no choice but to fall in love with you】——

At present, Lily is regarded as a "dimension native", which is equivalent to White Star's private property. He must obtain permission to take her away. And if he formally proposes marriage, given the evil taste of the devil, he will probably propose it to Asgard and Odin. There are a lot of strange requests, and he is not the kind of golden-haired idiot who doesn't care about his face.

And if he has a serious love affair with Lily, pulls Bai Xing out of the first place in her heart, and then goes with him... Not to mention that he has no love experience, and even if he has, now it is during the competition, he uses It was the appearance of the unattractive man with a hooked nose. It would be okay to have normal contact with Lily with that face. If it was love... Atreus almost thought of some terrible scene and shook his head to shake the picture. fly.

In this way, it seems that we can only wait for the game to end, restore our original appearance, take the initiative to visit the ocean dimension and propose marriage or love... Isn't this going back again? !

Um...wait, competition? Contest prizes?

The reward Shirahoshi provides for Hogwarts seems to be a "wish", so it shouldn't be a problem to ask her to let Lily go free?

Although this seems unnecessary, after leaving the ocean dimension, Lily can be regarded as an independent individual, and he does not have to worry about being under Shirahoshi's nose when he comes into contact with her.

But then, a new problem arises: Asgard's fallen soldiers reshape their bodies using the divine power of the Hall of Valor. Once they are "disconnected" from the Hall of Valor, those soldiers will instantly turn into golden points of light. Disappearing in all directions, the relationship between Lily and the ocean dimension should be similar to this.

The "dead" Lily wants to maintain her existence, but cannot use the power of the ocean dimension or Asgard... Maybe there is something in the treasure house of the Heavenly Father that can achieve this?

Atreus sighed as he recalled what was in the treasure house:

Why is she so unfortunate?




At this time, it was unknowingly the time for "update and maintenance". The "text", which was originally only one line, began to increase upward and downward simultaneously with the sound of stones being cut.

‘Atreus Laufeyson’ has reached adulthood. 】

‘Atreus Laufeyson’ arrives at the ‘Earth’s Inner Sea’. 】

'Atreus Laufeyson' meets Lola Angelberda of 'The Little Mermaid' 19601989. 】

'Atreus Laufeyson' began to read the 'History Text'. 】

‘Atreus Laufeyson’ breaks away from the ‘Sacred Timeline’. 】

On the "Historical Text" cube that no one is reading, new text appears:

'Loki Odinson' meets Lola Angelberda of 'The Little Mermaid' in 1960. 】

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