The Collection of The End

Two thousand three hundred and eighty-one, North American Mythical War (265)

——? ? ? ——

Atreus has roughly analyzed that due to some unknown reason, he will be "thrown" to a point in time very close to Lily's death - it is basically certain to be 1989.

If he does nothing and passively obeys her arrangements, this "reincarnation" will inevitably end with Lily's sacrifice, and he will also be "thrown" into the next "dying theater" after a brief pause.

These "reincarnations" have absolutely nothing in common. Of course, it may be because they have only been experienced twice and the sample size is too small.

No matter what, don't sit idly by next time.


Determined, after falling into the water again while half asleep, Atreus began swimming without hesitation in order to take the initiative, but...

Which side is up?

What is this opaque white liquid?

And what about the heavy clothing the avatar is wearing?


At this time, the white liquid that enveloped him began to churn regularly, causing Atreus soaked in it to spin like a top.

"Damn it, did I fall into the washing machine?"

This was originally just a casual complaint, but unexpectedly and not too unexpectedly, he received a response.

"In principle, it's really like a washing machine," Lily's voice came from all directions: "I'm really sorry that the 'Justice League' only has this level of technology. Mr. Alien Visitor No. 6861, maybe Ms.? Or do you hope? What else should we call it?]"

"I think 'dear' is good," Atreus replied.

"...]" Lily was silent for two seconds: "Confirm that the target's physical condition is normal, that he can understand Earth's culture, and does not need to enjoy special treatment.]"

Is it too late to pretend not to understand and speak some alien language like Babu?

Obviously, it's too late.

Gululu——Boom, boom, boom——

The white liquid stopped churning, and then the whole thing was sucked away in a certain direction, allowing Atreus to finally see clearly the space he was in.

It was a strange room with a silver-white color tone, and all six walls were covered with hemispheres of some kind of flexible material. And his incarnation was wearing a rather heavy diving suit, maybe a space suit?

As the white liquid was pumped away, he finally felt the gravity, landed on one of the "walls", and bounced twice.

" this here?"

"This is the 'Watchtower,' a fortress set up by the 'Justice League' in space orbit to monitor the earth and defend against foreign enemies.]" The wall beside him slid open, and he was wearing a light blue one-piece space suit, still holding his hand. Lily of the Trident appeared there: "Follow me, sir from 'Dear Alien'.]"

Has the scope of her part-time job finally expanded to space...

Atreus looked at the blue planet that occupied most of his field of vision outside the porthole, climbed up with strength, and glanced at the nameplate on the wall behind Lily:

1: No waste of food]

2: Provide free food to shipwrecked people】

3: Don’t attack women. 】

ps: The stars and the sea are also seas. 】

Well, you have the final say.


Space station cafeteria.

Due to the presence of artificial gravity or a higher level of technology, the food on the space station is much better than that on the submarine, but it is all packed in sealed containers of the same style, and the appearance of the dishes themselves is not flattering.

However, with Lily taking off her astronaut helmet staring across the table, he had no problem eating for two.

"So adapted to the environment, I almost doubt that you are a native of Earth." Lily said as she watched Atreus sweep away the food and directed the table-high robot to clear the table.

"Maybe I really am an Earthling?" Atreus wiped his mouth with a tissue and watched the weird table-like robot running around.

"Impossible, you are not in the 'Roster of Earth Residents'," Lily shook her head: "When you suddenly appeared in the orbit of the watchtower, Moon Face thought it was a meteorite and almost fired a mining laser cannon at you."

"'Roster of Earth's Residents'?" There were too many places to ask. Atreus thought for a while and finally chose the one with the strongest sense of violation: "Is this what I understand? Can that kind of thing really be realized? ?”

"Of course conventional means cannot count every intelligent creature on a planet," Lily raised her eyes and glanced in a certain direction: "But 'youknowwho' can."

"I don't know," Atreus replied smoothly before reacting: "Is that some kind of code name?"

"Yes, 'that Lord you know who' is the leader of the Justice League, the ruler of the Earth, and the manager of the solar system. Anyone who calls his name or code name will definitely be heard by him," Lily operated on her portable computer After two clicks, a word was displayed: "If you want to stay on Earth, the last test is to speak that adult's name without being instantly evaporated."

Who could be stronger than Odin? Even if he is stronger than Odin, how can he be stronger than his own father?

Atreus raised his eyebrows, looked at the word shown to Lily, and pronounced it: "kalel]"



The moment the word was spoken, Atreus felt an extremely penetrating coercion descend on him. At the same time, an illusion of a blue tights and a red cloak seemed to flash before his eyes.

When he came to his senses, he found that he had collapsed the dining room chair and was lying on the floor in a state of embarrassment, while Lily looked as if she was used to it.

"Well... I wasn't torn into pieces by that adult," Lily looked over and said, "It seems you are not a criminal or a rebel."

"Criminal? Rebel?" Atreus got up and pulled up a chair nearby to sit down.

Lily's boss has this level of power, so she shouldn't be in any danger. Then the danger can only come from the opponent of the mysterious man named Carl, the so-called rebels.

"'That Lord' comes from an alien planet. He worked as a reporter when he was young. He originally only disguised himself to stop crimes after they happened, but as he grew older, his power continued to grow stronger, and he could detect the range of crimes. It has become more and more widespread. Although it has become exhausted because of this, at least it is convinced that its actions are justified, until..." Lily spread her hands: "He was jointly judged as the most dangerous criminal by almost all humans in the Zheng family."

"Are they tired of living?" Atreus blurted out.

"Who knows? Maybe they thought this 'superhero' would strictly abide by the laws they made and go into prison obediently and be chained by them. But the result..." Lily gestured around and did not continue. .

"So, what is the current management model of the earth?" Atreus asked instead.

"It's still the same as before, but there is an extra 'circuit court' in the sky that will rush to the crime scene in a few tenths of a second. The rules of this court are extremely simple." Lily paused for a moment, as if watching Atreus's reaction: "'He who kills will die, and those who injure and steal will not be punished'."

"...Is there any problem with this?" Atreus expressed doubts.

"Very good, the previous inspection by 'that adult' only confirmed that you are not in danger, but since you agree with his ideas and practices instead of citing a bunch of specific examples, we can call each other companions," Lily said. He stretched out his hand: "I am Lola Angelberda, the United Kingdom of Atlantis's special envoy to the Justice League and the health and epidemic prevention officer of the Watchtower."

Atreus also stretched out his hand to shake hers: "I am -"

At this moment, a harsh roar sounded:


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