The Collection of The End

Two thousand three hundred and eighty-one, North American Mythical War (266)

——? ? ? ——

Atreus gritted his teeth while half asleep.

No security measures or people can be trusted, and trying to play within the rules simply doesn't work.

He must strike first, just like that Kal-El, and control everything in his own hands.

Next time, no matter what status Lily has in the new world, she will turn over the table first!


Accompanied by the familiar sound of falling into the water, Atreus immediately took action. He wanted to first——

...First get out of the big ice block that seals you tightly.

Unlike the previous times when he was treated as a "shipwrecked man", he had many "fellow travelers" this time.

Atreus and the ice block that sealed him were floating in a "swimming pool" attached to a large building that looked like an indoor swimming pool. In addition to him, there were dozens of blocks with various seals inside the pool. A large ice floe.

In addition to humans, there are also mermaids, fishmen, sea beasts, large fish, shipwrecks, and various types of furniture. The "swimming pool" is constantly generating whirlpools, as if it wants to melt these ice floes.

Where is the need for so much trouble - falling apart! The flames are blazing!

Atreus' fingers trembled slightly, and he directly smashed the ice block surrounding him, then climbed onto the nearest ice block, jumped out of the pool in a few leaps.

Zizzi, squeak——

Unexpectedly, five or six weapons with different shapes and no visible attack patterns rose up from the floor at the edge of the swimming pool, aiming at him.

"Please do not act rashly, sir," the holographic image of Lily in the mermaid form appeared behind the weapons, with a distinct electronic sound in her voice: "We understand your uneasiness and confusion, but if you overreact, you will be Wisdom has deemed it a threat, and Atlantis will have to revoke the protection of your 'shipwrecked' status.]"

"Hell! I'm not a shipwreck! I'm a messenger!" Atreus began to show off his acting skills: "The freaks of Gotham and Bruce Wayne are preparing to launch an attack on Atlantis. You should prepare to attack immediately!"

"...]" Lily seemed a little confused. After thinking for a moment, she exhaled and waved her hands to hide the weapons back into the floor.

"What? You don't believe it? I still have evidence, just let me see -" Atreus continued to act professionally. After all, Lily in front of him was just a holographic image. Even if he wanted to lift the table and take her away, he couldn't lift it up.

"Please calm down, I don't doubt your intentions, but," Lily shook her head: "Your information is 47 years late."

"...What?" The unexpected answer almost made Atreus lose control of his expression.

"What year was it when you set out to warn Atlantis?]" Lily asked.

"Uh, it should be 1989?" Atreus thought of the number that always made its presence felt in front of him.

"You remember correctly," Lily nodded, and suddenly began to speak in a documentary-like tone: "19****** Machine Bruce Wayne led all the people who were transformed by the 'Alfred Agreement' The 'mechanical super villains' declared war on the Justice League. Before the 'superheroes' could react, the 12,000 freezing cannons installed by the killing machines around the world opened fire at the same time, freezing the watchtower space station and the entire earth. Solar power panels covering half of the earth’s surface are also deployed in satellite orbit to obtain energy while preventing the melting of glaciers.]”

"Ah...oh..." Atreus didn't know what to say for a moment.

"For 47 years, Atlantis has been helping the resistance as a branch of the Justice League, and has maintained contact with the Justice League's lunar headquarters in order to cooperate internally and externally to regain the earth." Lily paused: "And you, Mr. Messenger , is the result of our latest period of 'archaeology'.】"

"What about you?" Atreus felt something was wrong.

"Me?]" The Little Mermaid blinked: "I am a subsystem of the AI ​​'Supreme Intelligence' that governs Atlantis. My personality comes from the engineer who uploaded his consciousness when Atlantis was attacked, Lola. Angel Boda, you can call me 'Lily'.】"


——‘Loki Odinson’ meets ‘Lily Amadeus’]——

There is no point in saving an AI!

So have you saved it?


So delicious.

shut up!

Entering a state of half-asleep and half-awake again, Atreus's mood fluctuated between "a great victory" and "a complete defeat".

Due to his intervention, the mechanical monsters created by the "Alfred Agreement" completely failed to infiltrate Atlantis, and the "ai Lily" who was almost "hacked" was also saved by him at the critical moment. But the fact that "the real Lily died long ago" made him never feel that it was a victory. In the end, after laying flowers on her tombstone and seeing the words 19601989], he left the world again.

Next time at least let him save someone who is still alive——


Following the familiar sound of falling into the water, Atreus, who was fully awake, immediately skillfully cast various spells and floated to the surface. As expected, he should be picked up by Lily——

Ding! A silver-white trident poked at Atreus's "protective armor" spell, unable to make any progress.


Atreus looked in the direction of the trident's handle, and was not surprised to see Lily who was timid but still gritted her teeth and thrust the trident forward.

This Lily is different from all the images she has seen before. Although she maintains the form of a mermaid, the decorations purely for beauty are completely gone. The torso, arms and head are all wearing thick silver-white armor, and even the fish tail is covered with silver armor. A few symbolic armor pieces were affixed. If the expression that showed fear of fighting was replaced, it would really look like a mermaid guard.

"What about providing free food to the shipwrecked people? Is this edible?" Atreus grabbed the trident to stop her from continuing to do useless work: "Relax, I will not attack women."

"..." Lily looked like she didn't know whether to continue poking or withdrawing the trident, and finally maintained her current posture: "No, it's impossible."

"How is it impossible?" Although she was fully armed, this Lily was weaker than the first time she saw her. This was in the water and in the form of a mermaid. She had strangled herself so hard that she couldn't fight back.

"Ares, the god of war, has cursed the entire world. As long as intelligent creatures meet, there will definitely be a battle." Lily stared at Atreus: "I have specially hidden in the sea area where I can't meet other people, but you came from the sky. Fall down...are you a god too?!"

Is this called seeing the essence through phenomena? Seeing Lily suddenly starting to use her strength to try to snatch back the trident, Atreus, who was indeed considered a god, didn't know how to answer for a moment.


At this moment, something plummeted from the sky with a sharp whistling sound, and its target was Lily, who was still in a stalemate with Atreus.

Is it that easy this time?

"Obstacles]!" Atreus cast a magic spell in an attempt to fly away from the target, but the thing directly absorbed his magic power, making it even faster.

Is Momo too shameless?

Can't think of any other way at the moment, Atreus swung the trident pole and pulled Lily behind him, blocking the falling object's path and reaching out to catch it.


The strong impact of the contact between the two sides even caused a huge hole to appear in the sea. Lily was safe and sound because she was hiding behind Atreus. However, due to the impact of the shock wave, her original tendency to take back the trident has turned into actively taking it away. Hold and approach.

"Huh? What is this? It looks ugly."

Atreus looked at what he received. It was a bronze-colored, classic-style face-protecting helmet with two funny-looking horns on his forehead.

"That's the helmet of Ares, the God of War! It has the power to corrupt people's hearts!" Lily exclaimed, then hesitated and said, "But it doesn't affect you, right? You're not human."


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