The Collection of The End

Two thousand three hundred and eighty-eight, North American Mythical War (271)

——? ? ? ——

Gray world, gray earth,

Everything has been dyed pure white by the falling snow flakes.

Among the actors who rose from the sea of ​​death, joined the team, and constantly reenacted the last scene of their lives. Occasionally, someone would break away from the original script under an inexplicable impulse, reach out their hands, and try to catch the falling snowflakes.

That's not snow, but the ash that falls after the world burns.

Man cannot hold up the world, even if it is just ashes.

Snowflakes will disappear in the palms of fools who dare to stretch out their hands, leaving deep burn marks.

This burn mark will be accompanied by the unknown soul, which will be purified, weighed and judged together, and finally return to its original world with a completely different appearance.

From this moment on, the "imprint" from other worlds has become one with him.

This new life will be different from birth. In terms of physical quality, mental strength, thinking logic and even appearance, at least one aspect will be far superior to his peers.

But that is not his power, but the last light of a vanished world.

One cannot carry the world on his back, even if it is just a mark.

Those who possess the "mark" will usher in the most glorious moment of their lives in the new world, and at the same time they will equally bring about the end and destruction of the old world.

Just like after a flower blooms, it will wither and wither.

Natural disasters, man-made disasters, or simple coincidences, the elements that caused the old apocalypse will be reshaped in the new world in the same or different ways.

The New World has no choice but to eliminate it, even at great cost.

Or, after burning fiercely, become a falling snowflake and fall into the gray earth.

It is also possible that it will fall into the hands of a lucky or unlucky person again.

No one can save the world, not even a snowflake.

The girl in black robe rode an ox and horse and walked towards the long team.

The snowflakes flying in the wind fell on her hood, shoulders, and cloak from time to time. Some of them stayed there reluctantly, while others only touched them briefly before throwing them to the ground behind her without hesitation.

Occasionally, there will be a few dazed snowflakes that flutter close to the cow's head below, and then be eaten by the cow and horse with their mouths open.

Dude, the girl in black robe lifted up her slender fingers and tapped on its forehead.

Puffing, the cow and horse spit out three of the four snowflakes they had swallowed, and then stubbornly closed their mouths.

The girl in black robe rubbed the bull's head and looked up at the endless queue.

The dead from different worlds gather here.

People die three times: death, burial and oblivion.

Here is the fourth time.

Before everyone is completely forgotten, his life and death will be presented through the "small theater" and fall in the eyes of the black-robed girl.

She won't miss it, nor will she forget it.

The girl in black robe suddenly frowned.

The "little theater" emerging from the sea of ​​death is empty.

In other words, the "starring" position is empty.

The other "actors" were still performing diligently, trying to create a perfect "accidental scene", but they didn't realize that the "deceased" had disappeared.

There is no possibility of "successful rescue". For a theater to rise from the sea of ​​death means that its "starring actor" has experienced three deaths.

Unless, in the process of these three deaths, their "world" has been destroyed, and the deceased is inextricably linked to the destruction.

The girl in black robe raised her head and looked at the top of the snow-capped mountains in the distance, and the burning torch that was constantly creating "snowflakes".

Then sigh.



Near the top of the mountain, just like at the bottom, countless snowflakes were flying.

From bottom to top.

A giant made of solid cold rock from an extremely cold place.

That's how it should be.

It had tried to kick over the brazier, and its legs were burned off. It had tried to overturn the torch, and its arms had been melted. And when it hit it regardless, the position where its head should have been was replaced by a ball of hollow flames.

At this time, the giant's body was composed of flaming red rocks flowing with magma, and he wore an armored stomach made of flames. The hollow flame above his neck was burning pointlessly.

When it saw the girl in black robe sitting sideways on the back of a cow and horse, slowly climbing to the top of the mountain, it rolled and crawled close to her, and then slapped her down.

The cow and horse moved two steps to the side, waved their palms in the air, and stirred up a thousand waves of snow.

The girl in black robe took out a golden dagger from her cloak and swiped it on the giant's wrist.

The giant hand of lava froze in an instant, then shattered and fell off the giant arm of rock.


The mouthless flame giant roared like a mountain colliding with rocks, and waved its other fist.

Da da da.

The cows and horses stepped on the giant's arms and galloped towards its head in an almost vertical attitude.

The girl in black robe held her chin in one hand and held the dagger in front of her face with the other hand, watching carefully.

The giant struck with his severed arm and successfully broke his other arm.

The cows and horses jumped onto the hollow flame, opened their mouths and took a piece, then began to chew it slowly.

The giant's movements froze in place.

The girl in black robe landed lightly on the "ground" and stabbed the "hollow" with the dagger in her hand.


The hollow made a huge screeching sound as ice cubes rubbed against each other, and all the overflowing flames were retracted.

Including the piece in the mouths of cows and horses.

The magma solidified and the lava cooled. Even if the scorching snowflakes were everywhere, the giant's body was still inexorably transformed into frozen rock with a biting chill.

The girl in black robe stepped over the scattered rocks and picked up the "hollow".

No one can pick up a hole in space, but she can.

There was a deep darkness in the cavity, like a pure black crystal ball.

But a flaming stick boy doesn't suddenly appear on the crystal ball.

The flaming vertical boy looks out from the hole fiercely, seeming to intimidate anyone who observes it.

The girl in black robe slightly raised her lips.

The Flame Standing Boy seemed to sense something was wrong and wanted to close up and disappear.

Then a golden dagger penetrated the "crystal ball" and pierced the boy's hole.


Accompanied by a silent scream, the flames went out, the boy disappeared, and cracks began to appear on the "crystal ball".

The girl in black robe tried to smooth away the cracks, but only made them become more and more numerous.

The cows and horses leaned their heads towards it, salivating at it.

The girl in black robe pushed away the bull's head, carried the "hollow" to the brazier on the top of the mountain, and then threw it into it.

All the ash that had not yet dispersed in the brazier was stirred up and absorbed by the cavity.

In the black hollow, the sounds became noisy, the colors became colorful, and the cracks on the surface gradually disappeared as these messy things entered.

It swayed up and down towards the black-robed girl, as if nodding in gratitude, and then disappeared when the torch was rekindled, the blazing flames and the flying snowflakes reflecting each other.

The girl in black robe raised her head and looked at the phantoms of the world of different sizes that were still falling and burning in order even when she was fighting the giant.

She would miss no ruined world, just as she would miss none of the dead.

But, nothing was found,

The theater that lost its "starring" and the world it originally belonged to is not here.

The cow and horse burped.

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