The Collection of The End

Two thousand three hundred and eighty-nine, North American Mythical War (272)

"'Undersea Treasure Hunt' version 1.1 update instructions:

I created a new document on "History Text", typed a line, and then started thinking.

"1.1" seems to give people the same feeling as 1.2, 1.3, and 1.4, but in fact this game is already halfway through. This update only fixes some obvious problems. It should only be like this once... maybe.

Who swore that the overall settings had been adjusted in the first place? No bugs? 】The stupid system using the Mekaro Shark form chimed in.

"I really didn't have any problems when I played by myself. Who knew they could find so many loopholes with only 21 people - especially that fool with golden hair who was messing around? I shouldn't have listened to you and put him in." I raised my eyebrows. Knock the stupid shark on the head with your hand.

If 1.1 will cause misunderstanding, just use 2.0. 】The stupid shark didn't move, looked like he wasn't in pain, and then changed the subject.

"But there aren't many updates. This is title fraud and false propaganda."

Which one is not false propaganda when the devil of the universe lends money? 】

"...What you said makes sense."

"main content:

I typed out a new document and looked at the Holmes, or perhaps Strange, family.

It has two members, Stephen and Mycroft, six NPC partners with titles such as "Red Hair", "Grey Beard" and "Exile", three subordinate troops, two caravans, and a town. Workshop, almost all the requirements for "becoming the overlord of a party" have been fulfilled, and he is well-known throughout the East China Sea Empire, but he still has not joined the East China Sea Empire, and is not even a mercenary. He always goes around to gain reputation as a volunteer soldier or a wandering army. and earn baileys.

Should we say that he is indifferent to fame and fortune or that he is highly vigilant? There is indeed a big disadvantage in joining a certain force rashly in the early stage - there is no chance for peaceful development.

Mercenaries do not have the right to vote on the kingdom's decisions, nor will they be invited to banquets. They know nothing about the kingdom's intentions, and it is completely unpredictable who it will declare war on. It is easy to "escort caravans deep into other countries, and end up with your own side." The king directly declared war on it."

The Green Lantern Corps players on the other side of the planet must have encountered similar situations many times. After all, they have been led by the King of Gondor, but they are already in trouble.

As for those reckless men in Asgard... they have run into the nature of the world.

Because the players have to compete, it is impossible for all countries to love each other, so I specially set up an underlying logic: the peace time of a single country cannot exceed one month, and the way to achieve it is to have an absurd number of reasons for declaring war, among which the most common The answer is "Our strength is stronger than that of country xx and we should strike first."

And the Asgard players themselves occupied an isolated city with a pitifully small army... If it weren't for the distance and other factors, the countries on the entire planet would have to declare war on them.

Shylock, on the other hand, seemed to have learned the trick of "accumulating food widely and becoming king slowly" without any teacher. He worked hard to build his reputation in the East China Sea Empire and turned a deaf ear to the employment contracts and vassal invitations issued by Ao Guang.

Maybe you want to wait for someone to visit the thatched cottage three times? 】

"I have not just three visits, but thirty visits, but I simply don't like the conditions proposed. With such a high reputation and so many troops, but you don't give anything, you want to recruit yourself? I have to draw at least one pie."

After thinking about it comprehensively, I continued typing:

"When the kingdom recruits mercenaries or vassals, it will provide better conditions based on the recruit's family level, including but not limited to baileys, horses, equipment, soldiers and fiefs.

"The mercenary family can see the attitude of the king and nobles towards other kingdoms and the probability of declaring war on the kingdom interface, but they cannot initiate a declaration of war proposal.

"The declaration of war between kingdoms will add a one-day buffer period. During the buffer period, the units of the two countries will display each other in orange. There will be no battle when in contact, but they will also be unable to accept missions.

"After the family raises its flag and establishes itself, a two-month protection period will be added. During the protection period, the country whose king is an NPC will not declare war on the new kingdom. If the independent family takes the initiative to declare war on other countries, the protection period ends.

"When the siege war is over but the siege has not been lifted, the besieging party can rebuild the siege engines, and the besieged party can take the initiative to destroy these siege engines. The outcome of the battle will not affect the ownership of the city.

Basically, this eliminates the irrational aspects of kingdom relations and the possibility of vassals and mercenaries suddenly being put in dire straits.

In addition to these big problems, there are also some rule loopholes that can be exploited, bugs that are accidentally triggered, and rule conflicts that were not thought of in advance:

"When accepting tasks such as plundering villages and imposing taxes, which will lead to a decrease in villager relations, half of the decreased value will be borne by the task issuer.

"When the king issues combat missions such as 'capture the castle' or 'capture enemy vassals', the number of vassal troops will be tested. If the combat effectiveness is too low, they will not be released.

"The king will fear vassals who are too influential equally, without any distinction based on gender.

"When troops are stationed in a city or castle that is not controlled by their own family and are attacked, the remaining troops will refuse to accept command, but are still allowed to use siege weapons.

"After inheriting the throne of a country through high influence, it will be regarded as completing the task of "becoming the overlord of a party".

Hmm...that should be enough.

I read the main update content twice more, and after confirming that it was correct, I started to list some insignificant bugs and errors in graphics, sound effects, and text.

Absolutely no bugs. ] The stupid system complained again.

"When I tested, I trained every skill to the full level, upgraded every unit to the top level, triggered all events, fought against all lords, occupied all cities and castles, and finally let them develop on their own for fifty years. There were no problems at all, who knows how these players managed to make sure there were any bugs."

If this planet were thrown into the world of reincarnation, some people would have a great time improving their scores, while others would be tricked to death several times. 】

"Wait and see, after I finish debugging it, I will throw it over for those guys who can't take any time to play. It will definitely get rave reviews."

I don’t think it’s possible. My intuition tells me that there will be many more ‘version updates’ of yours before the end of the second game. 】

"I'll let you update it then."

Daga buckle head wow road. 】

I typed up the update document while messing around with the stupid system, and then published it on the historical text.

Unlike the old update method that required downtime for maintenance, this is an online hot update, and unless players happen to be performing time-related actions, they will not notice it at all.

So, what's next...huh?

After the update document was "uploaded", a few lines of text that were incompatible with other information and appeared very conspicuous appeared in the corner of the text. The content was...

'Atreus Laufeyson' meets Lola Angelberda of 'The Little Mermaid' 19601989. 】

‘Atreus Laufeyson’ breaks away from the ‘Sacred Timeline’. 】

'Loki Odinson' meets 'The Little Mermaid' Lola Angelberda 1960■■■■. 】

'Atreus Laufeyson' meets 'The Little Mermaid' Lola Angelberda. 】

Is this...going to the Time Variation Administration?

I haven't settled the matter with those guys for flicking the gold crystal to the next door. How dare you arrest people on my territory this time?

Be careful when I lift the knife and drop it——

Tip: The 'Time Variation Administration' was destroyed. 】


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