The Collection of The End

Chapter 239 Wind Helmet and Shadow

My name is Akatosh,

I am supervising the scumbag to take care of the children.

— 4E, 201, Hearthfire, 4th, 12:07 —

Near Windhelm City, there is a highland overlooking the main gate of the city, the moat, and many surrounding farmlands and manors. It is said that this place used to be a field clinic when the Imperial Army was approaching the city, and "Angel" Lilith Snowhoof became famous here. However, the tent where she used to live and work, as well as the furniture and medical supplies in it, have been collected by Stormcloak and displayed in the Talos Temple, so now it is just an ordinary hillside with history.

"Look, we can't just ride this horse into town."

Xiaofan was looking helplessly at the black-looking mount in front of him, and the little girl who was holding its neck and refused to let go.

"...Yes." The girl agreed, but the arm around the horse's neck did not intend to let go at all.

"One of the rules of the Thieves Guild is not to touch things that will cause trouble. This big guy is so iconic, it must be a toy of a big noble." Xiao Fan patted the huge horse's head.

"Puff!" The black horse snorted dissatisfied.

"Well, it's not a toy. Although I don't know how you abducted it, as long as it appears with us, the nobleman who lost his horse will definitely find us soon, and it will be very bad for the next action." Xiao Fan said The one who didn't match her name patiently persuaded her.

If Delvin dared to be so troublesome, she would definitely pass it with a roundabout kick, and if she was in a bad mood, she would add a few more jabs.

"... [Midnight] will not be discovered." Amir let go of the horse's neck and sat upright on its back.

Even having a name, Xiaofan felt like a mother who was worrying about how to make her daughter give up adopting wild cats.

Huh - huh -

When Xiaofan was about to speak again, the black horse suddenly disappeared from her sight out of thin air. If it wasn't for Emil who was still sitting in the air, she might suspect that she was hallucinating due to exhaustion.

"...look" "咴咴~"

The girl reached out to touch the horse's head, and there was a response from the black horse.

"Well, now we have to abide by another rule." Xiaofan also tried to touch the invisible dark horse, and then raised his eyebrows: "——If you accidentally get something troublesome that can't be settled even if you return it, you must Pretend you haven't seen it at all."

From her knowledge, for a horse that can be invisible and extremely fast, she can instantly think of hundreds of usages, and at the same time, dozens of unsolved cases in her impression can also be related to it.

"You can have 'Midnight' with us, but it's best not to let it hit anyone." Xiaofan concluded, and then reached out to the girl floating in the air: "Come on, let's meet the 'Shawl Blonde' people."

"...Hmm!" Amir jumped off the horse lightly.


Based on Xiaofan's understanding of the way those nobles behave, the existence of the "Shawl Blonde" organization is entirely due to various coincidences.

An organization that allows anyone to join regardless of origin, property, influence, and interpersonal relationship is a target that those high-ranking aristocrats in any city must be vigilant against and attack, but among its founders are Broken Shield and Cool The daughters of the two big families of the Hai Dynasty exist, and whoever wants to deal with them must first consider whether they can bear the ensuing revenge.

Lord Ulfric promotes Nord supremacy and suppresses other races in various ways, but as long as they have beautiful blond hair, they will be sheltered by the organization. As a result, even if the lord wants to get angry, he can't find an excuse—because the blond hair Blue eyes are a characteristic of Nord blood, and with such beautiful blond hair, they must be related to the Nords.

The most important thing is that it is a purely female organization, which is naturally able to win the support of noble ladies and wives—although they may not necessarily participate even if they have beautiful blond hair,

But they always have a good impression of an organization that clearly regards them as their own. If any stubborn guy insists on dealing with them, there may be a fire in the backyard before he acts.

But I heard that they have recently started to secretly protect the cute boy with blond hair, um...

After Xiaofan walked into Windhelm City, she didn't hide her dazzling blond hair at all. As a result, none of the things that the residents of Windhelm City were unfriendly to strangers that she had learned from the intelligence before happened. When women pass by, they will also get a friendly smile from the other party.

However, this kind of scene can only be seen in the nobles and civilian areas. The dark elves and a few other humans living in the gray area are rarely blond, let alone the hairless Argonians and tigers. Having said that, even if the "shoulder blond" girls wanted to help them, they couldn't help them.

"Come in, Miss Jodi has been waiting for you for a long time." At the gate of the Kuhai family's villa, a maid was welcoming Xiaofan. Of course, she was also blonde.


"I'm a little disappointed. I thought you would meet me in a more mysterious way." In the living room on the second floor of the villa, there was a table of banquets. Jodi Kuhai, who has a bit of a high-ranking temperament and is also very suitable for wearing noble and gorgeous clothes, is looking up and down at the little fan who is quietly holding a black tea like a well-educated young lady.

"Because the signature of your letter is 'Jodi Kuhai with blond hair in shawl' instead of 'Jodi who likes jewels'," Xiaofan sipped his tea gracefully: "So what appears here is 'Jodi of the Thieves Guild'." Wicks Ritter' instead of 'Little Punk Who Likes to Kick'."

"Fufufu, you made a mistake, little trouble." Joti showed a successful smile, and tore off the aristocratic dress camouflage on her body, revealing the tight-fitting blue leather armor that is suitable for sneaking and convenient movement: "I You can change back at any time, but the way you played can no longer be changed."

"Really?" Xiaofan put down the teacup unmoved, then raised his hand to pat the air around him: "Look here."

"...Little Fan is so annoying." There was a wave in the air, and Amir, who was biting a bunch of candied fruit, appeared.

"Okay, we're tied," Jodi circled around Amir for half a circle, "Although he's not blond, he's still a cute kid."

"...Thank you?" Amir blinked.

"It's a draw, okay? You asked me to help you, you lost at the beginning." Xiaofan was very speechless about this handkerchief handover that always likes to have a match with her every now and then.

"No, no, if you can't solve this incident, won't I win?" Jodi shook her finger.

"Okay, you won," Xiaofan almost laughed angrily, put the teacup back on the table and stood up straight away: "Amir, let's go."

"I'm very sorry! Please help me!" Jodi rushed over and hugged Xiao Fan: "If I can't find those jewels, I will die!"

"I have a hundred ways to avoid this pounce and make you fall to the ground." Xiaofan frowned and looked at Jodi who was hanging on her body, who was completely without the demeanor of a noble lady: "If you don't talk about business again, I will really leave. "

"Okay... let me just say it." Jodi let go of her hand and backed away embarrassingly.


The "trouble" Jotti said was about the same as Xiao Fan expected.

Decades ago, when the Thieves Guild had not become a vassal of a certain nobleman, its influence spread all over the province of Skyrim. The words of a master thief might sometimes be more effective than the orders of the lord, and the commoners basically did not have to worry about being stolen— —Because the wild thieves are all cleaned up by the guild, although the nobles are dissatisfied with the guild's "robbing the rich and helping the poor", they dare not propose restrictions or want them, otherwise their pillows may disappear when they sleep.

This kind of "rules" and "habits" disappeared after the Big Three disappeared inexplicably, and the guilds declined at an incredible speed, so all cities began to recast order in various ways, and most of them changed back to Lords and nobles decide everything, and there is a strange situation where nobles are greater than lords in Rift Valley City where the Thieves Guild is located.

The only exception is Windhelm City. After the power of the Thieves Guild disappeared, a new underground organization - "Summerset Shadows" emerged in this city. Basically, they did everything the guild could do. , They also did things that the guild was not allowed to do. Although Ulfric carried out several suppressions, the results were minimal.

Some people say that its members are all high elves, and they were sent by Thalmor to deal with the Stormcloaks who opposed them. Others say that it is actually an extra-corporate army set up by the lord of Windhelm to control the city, and its members are all guards of the lord.

But for Joti, whoever they are, it doesn't affect her determination to get back the stolen jewels.

Money, materials, intelligence, and military force are naturally indispensable for the "Shawl Blonde" to maintain its operation and protect and support those blonde women. Fortunately, as if it was planned in advance, the abilities of the founders just completely combined these elements. Included, and Jodi, as the young lady of the Kuhai family, is responsible for the link of transferring the "materials" collected by Susanna through "information" to Avalia and turning them into "money".

Although the entire organization can function normally without relying on the founders, their families and their connections, the sudden loss of a large amount of supplies is also a big trouble.

"Yes, I'm pretty sure it was 'Shadow of Summer Twilight' who did it," Jotty slapped a pile of intelligence documents on the table, "We usually ship life and production materials, and we live in peace with each other, so we also I didn't pay much attention to them, after these jewels were lost, the 'Shadow of Summer' spies that I usually see disappeared completely, no matter how they looked at them, they looked suspicious."

"But you don't have evidence, do you?" Xiaofan glanced at her.

"Uh... um... that's why I invited you here..." Jodi said coyly, "Although I know that their lair is in the mountains in the southwest, the leader of Xiamu Shadow, Lin Wei, ' alertness, they'll run away as soon as we make a move, other ordinary jewels don't matter, but if I let him take [Azura's Star] away, I'm dead."

That's right, if you dare to make a deal with the demon god and lose the trade items, you will die and the other will die, Xiao Fan looks sideways.

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