The Collection of The End

Chapter 240 River Wood and Ghost Dragon

My name is Akatosh,

I am exchanging acting skills with Sister A.

-- 4E, 201, Hearthfire, 4th, 18:55 --

The straight-line distance between Helgen and Ximu Town is not too far, otherwise, it would have been impossible for Arthur to arrive through the underground cave in just half a day.

The problem is that Helgen, as a military fortress, was built on the snow-covered mountains in order to guard the key intersection, while Ximu is a village that focuses on production. It is located in a valley with rich resources and a relatively comfortable climate. If you want to travel between them, you have to go through a long winding mountain road.

This mountain road is rugged and the slope is not small, and it is basically impossible to march. Therefore, it has become a natural military demarcation line between the declared neutral Snowman Land and Falkreath Land. Since Helgen was destroyed by Longyan, the closer to Ximu Snowrun guards can be seen more often, but if the dragon does appear, they will have little effect.

"You are walking with the comrades in arms. It seems that you have chosen a bright path." "The Holy Spirit gave people two hands, and you used them to hold weapons. I think you have the guts."

When Ximu Town was already in sight, two guards in Xueman uniforms passed by the small team and said to Arthur.

"Ah, um, thank you." Arthur responded helplessly, and then looked at the huntress beside him who was curling up her lips.

Obviously, compared to myself, the new baron, the comrades-in-arms group, or Ella herself is still more famous. If I want to let these guards who have been stationed in Ximu all the year round know me, I am afraid I have to wait for Xueman's news to come, and then It takes a while to be sung to a tune by Swann.

"Father, does Ximu really have a 'Golden Dragon Claw'?" Sophie obviously didn't care what the guard said, she raised her arm and asked Arthur.

"Yes, but just take a look. That thing is regarded as a treasure by Lukan. After all, I got a reward of 500 gold coins just for retrieving it." Arthur responded with some distress.

Although Sophie has been taught not to take other people's things indiscriminately, and she has to pay for what she wants, but for her, "Dragon Claw" naturally belongs to her, yes, is there any problem with taking back her own hand?

Thinking about it now, what I guessed at the beginning, "A certain tomb robber accidentally stole the golden dragon claw, caused the ancient dragon to wake up, and it must be retrieved to make it fall into a deep sleep again." I saw something incredible like a "star map".

Speaking of which... Arthur looked up at the "star map"

"Two-handed weapon": seven stars, "bow and arrow": four stars, "one-handed weapon": two stars, "block": one star, "stealth": four stars, "heavy armor": three 1 star, "Summoning Magic": 2 stars.

Stealth, sneaking and shooting with a summoning bow, if you are accidentally exposed, you will charge up with your giant sword and kill all the enemies who find you, and then declare that "not being discovered is a perfect sneaking", um...

In short, these are the only stars at present. Although the other "constellations" should also symbolize some "ability", because no star is lit up, it is impossible to judge what it is based on the connecting line.

Although he glanced at the star map secretly, in the eyes of others, he should just be speechless at what his daughter said and looked up to escape. After closing the star map, Arthur was about to continue his sentence naturally, but he saw something, and the next sentence In a moment, he picked up the two-handed sword behind his back: "Enemy attack!"

"【choke——!】" A huge roar sounded in the sky like a response. Everyone looked up and followed the sound, and saw a strange giant dragon flying from the cold mountain peak towards Ximu Town.

The strange thing is that the scales on the body have many damages, and the skeleton in the body can be seen directly, and the wings are also tattered like rags eaten by moths, and the eyes are burning like ghouls. Blue Flame, at least on the outside,

It's perfectly fine to call it a bone dragon or a ghost dragon.

"See? If you often eat undead creatures, you will become like that." Babas said to Sophie.

"No! I will never eat them again!" Sophie almost cried in fright.

"No, it's too late." It's still far away from Ximu, even if he runs with all his strength, no, even if the transformed dragon rushes over, he can't catch up at all. The ghost dragon has enough time to destroy Ximu like Helgen— ——And now no one will evacuate and protect those villagers. In Arthur's eyes, the entire stream is completely enveloped by the "breath of death" that soars into the sky.

"Dad, Dad." Sophie put on a crying expression, took "Jorgen Windcaller's Horn" from her neck and handed it to Arthur: "I don't want to become like that."

"Of course." Logically speaking, Sophie should not know the effect of using the horn, and just regard it as a toy that can blow out nice music, but now there is no free time to think about the reason and teach Babas a lesson, Arthur quickly responded and then continued Blow the horn hard.

“[Don’t admit defeat—become a dragon—go to the alliance—find friends—]”

The still weird and magnificent music and singing sounded. Although it seemed to be dragon language, the two dragons present did not understand a word.

Huh——The "black smoke" that had enveloped Ximu Town had completely disappeared, and Arthur had just heaved a sigh of relief when he saw the ghostly dragon turning around and coming towards him.

"[(Dragon language) Who did I think was uttering wild words, it turned out to be a dragonborn?]" After it flew over the team, it roared condescendingly.

"That's right! Come on, let's have a showdown!" Although Arthur couldn't understand the dragon language in human form, he still had an impression of the pronunciation of [Dragonborn] "Duwakin", so he waved his two-handed sword to The ghost dragon responded.

"[(Dragon Language) Although the summoner asked me to destroy Ximu, the souls of all the people in that small village are not as good as yours,]" the ghost opened its terrifying mouth: "[Soul Stripping]!"

A hurricane like an "unshakable force" hits head-on, and it seems to have some kind of attack on the soul, but because of the movement caused by this dragon, both Ximu and the guards on the nearby roads are in a hurry. Coming here, it is impossible for Arthur and Sophie to turn into dragons or Ella and Riya to turn into werewolves under the eyes of everyone. Therefore, facing this unknown dragon roar, Arthur chose to block it.


When the hurricane blew in front of Arthur, it disappeared without any warning, and the attack aimed at the soul was bounced back, and the ghost dragon in the air fell straight to the ground as if it had turned into a stone, no matter how hard it tried Struggling and unable to take off again.

"As expected of a Dragonborn!" "That's right!" "That's amazing!" A Xueman guard who obviously just came to Ximu for a change of defense recently exclaimed, and then aroused a burst of response.

"Spread out and attack! Be careful of its tail and claws! Don't stand where its head is facing!" Arthur reluctantly began to command the guards loudly to prevent them from being counterattacked by the dragon's dying.

"【Duwakyin! This is impossible!】" The dragon was so shocked that he stopped using dragon language: "【Fike! Luo! Sa!】"

Although it can't take off, it can still crawl around, swing its claws and flick its tail, and even summon a bunch of ghouls and skeletons out of thin air to protect itself.

Even if Arthur's side can't transform, the two girls are hiding behind, but three people and one dog are enough to cooperate with each other to suppress it and prevent it from interfering with the guards who are dealing with the undead. Before she had time to "protect the Baron with her life" as she said, she was very dissatisfied and even waved the giant shield to blow away many rotten scales on the Ghost Dragon. There is no suspense anymore.

"[Well done, Dragonborn, but don't think you won,]" The appearance of the phantom dragon has become much miserable, and the sense of terror is greatly reduced. While backing up, he said harshly: "【We will meet again one day.】 "

"You think you can still escape?" Arthur raised his two-handed sword and approached the giant dragon, while the other Snowrun guards followed Ayla's instructions to retreat slightly to avoid being affected by its dying counterattack.

"【Hmph, although I don't know what you did to keep me from leaving, but--" A huge purple magic circle suddenly appeared around the ghost dragon: "【--You can't do anything when the summoning time is up! Hahaha! 】”

Arthur stepped forward and swung his sword down, but he felt no force at all, as if the dragon in front of him was just a phantom.

"[Young dragonborn, remember my name—Durnehviir! It is your end—]" Before finishing speaking, the ghost dragon disappeared together with the magic circle covering it.

"As a summoned object, I was suppressed all the way until the summoning time ran out and I left in despair, but it seemed like I had won?" Ella put away her bow and arrows, and sighed in disbelief.

"And it's dead," Lydia replied.

"Yeah, I just don't know what to say." Ella agreed.


Ella and Lydia, who accidentally caught up with each other, looked at each other for a few seconds, and then looked away at the same time.

"Soldiers! This is an important victory. You saved Ximu Town from the mouth of the dragon. I, Baron Xueman, Arthur Pendragon, thank you for your efforts on behalf of the lord—" As the guards who besieged the dragon There were a lot, and quite a few people recognized him. Arthur couldn't dismiss them with the word "disband", so he gave an impromptu speech, which was simply too difficult for him who was an ordinary hunter not long ago, so he had to try his best to imitate Balgruuf's words and demeanor, but even if he worked very hard, he couldn't praise those guards a few words when almost all of them were contributed by his own team.

【All! watt! gram! because! 】The dragon's roar resounded through the sky from the direction of the peak of Hrothgar.

"Okay, everyone go back to work, I'm going to meet Greybeard." Arthur, who was at a loss for words, directly announced the dissolution.

"Golden Dragon Claw..." Sophie looked at Arthur anxiously, while Lia hugged her comfortingly.

"Wow!" Babas, who was ignored, said to himself: "I heard that there is a guy named Stump in Ximu who is the boss. I'm going to defeat him."

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