The Collection of The End

Chapter 241 Story and Travel

My name is Akatosh,

I'm doing dual core computing.

— 4E, 201, Hearthfire, 4th, 23:32 —

"Oh~ What a pity, she doesn't feel safe even when she's asleep~ (Spades)"

"Please, Babette, even if Illya doesn't want to see me when she's awake, she can always let me, the father, accompany her for a while after she falls asleep."

"Hehe, you are the most unsafe person here." Babette in the form of a little girl blocked the door of her room, first glanced at Cicero, and then turned to Gallus: "And you, for the time being, are not qualified to call yourself father." .”

"I... hey..." Gallus sighed deeply, but refused to walk away from the door.

"Mother said~ (Spades) you [deserve it]~" Cicero leaned on the wall and fiddled with the "poker" he summoned.

That's enough, I obviously only said it once, but this guy used chicken feathers as an arrow to repeat it vigorously, making it seem like I was paying attention to him all the time.

[But you are really paying attention? ] The stupid system was demolished.

‘I’m just concerned about the synchronization rate between Illya and this vest... Forget it, what’s the point of explaining to you. '

As far as the relationship between the world of Fate and the world of the ancient scrolls is concerned, apart from the "Hall of Valor" with similar functions, there is only this girl who is also named Illya, the specific spelling and the name of the one over there The abbreviations are exactly the same.

According to the original setting, this "Illya" mother Sylvia and her companions mastered an evil ritual, and they lured innocent passers-by to participate in a "magic experiment" by paying large rewards. The consequence of the experiment was that the participants were completely reduced to ashes after providing the host with a large amount of magical power.

She didn't want to do this kind of thing, and she didn't want to watch other people continue to murder, so when the dragonborn protagonist passed by, she asked him to pretend to cooperate with the experiment, and stabbed Silvia to death with a dagger from behind at the critical moment of the ceremony .

Hmm... this sense of sight...

【Tokiomi sent a congratulatory message】

Congratulations to your sister! That elegant man is now the Alaya of his own world, okay? Who can poke him?

In short, I thought about how to prevent this "misfortune" from happening. The initial conclusion is to replace the previous victim with a dummy, and replace Sylvia when the incident happened-but this plan is Sylvia is totally upset when she meets Gallus.

At that time, after Mercer Frey stole the "Skeleton Key" from Nocturnal, Lady of the Night, he planned to attack and kill the other two Nightingales. It was originally said that Gallus would die and be killed by Nocturnal The soul was taken away, and Kalia, who escaped, persevered in finding a way to bring down Mercer.

But because the lady of the night seemed to have noticed that I was waiting for a rabbit, she didn't show up the whole time, even if I rescued Gallus and threw her lair "Twilight Tomb", there was no response.

As a result of this action, Gallus, relying on his vast knowledge reserves, sharp skills and rich experience, successfully joined the Dark Brotherhood, which had a power vacuum period due to the war between the Empire and Somor, and became one of the elders. one.

After that, he went to Rift Valley City several times to investigate, and confirmed that Kalia and Mercer had never returned and did not show up. An Xin lurked in the Dark Brotherhood and waited for an opportunity. During this period, he met a man during the mission. The witch, Illya's mother Sylvia.

Well... 007 and Bond Girls...

The next development, how should I put it, is in line with the sentence: "A man doesn't care about loyalty, it's just that he doesn't have enough temptation." Although he still misses Kalia, he didn't reject Sylvia.

Not long after Illya was born, when Sylvia formally approached him and proposed that "both parties should give up their extraordinary identities and live a good life", Gallus shamelessly persuaded him and left all the accumulated wealth to Sylvia, even the nightingale. The power is also transferred to the daughter, and then slips away directly.

Sylvia, who also had a plan for his reaction, didn't act out a thousand miles away. She quietly began to raise her daughter alone, and used the wealth left by Gallus to adopt those girls who were abandoned for various reasons. Keep their magical aptitude by their side, and provide them with a normal life if they are ordinary people, and finally form a small witch organization.

After Illya awakened her magic power, her own magic power collided with Gallus' nightingale power and caused a mutation. Sylvia couldn't find a solution anyway, and finally had to choose to fight with the eagle body. Witch deal.

On the real-time screen at this time, because Babette was determined not to allow Gallus to see Illya, he finally left a sentence "I hope I can try my best to make up for her" and left with a sigh.

'Those so-called compensations can't cover up his scumbag nature at all. '

[Apparently a certain 495-year-old vampire thinks so too]

'I always feel that there is something in the words, and I will settle the score with you when I go back. '


While watching the live broadcast of the Sanctuary of the Dark Brotherhood, myself, or Zela Pesh in the "Jeanne Darc" vest, was on my way, and Astrid was still tracking and evaluating, otherwise I I've already gone to beat up the stupid system.

Originally speaking, Sister A, who played the game of Transformation once, and left the address and entry code of the brotherhood in a cool way, should ride back to the Sanctuary on Shadow Nightmare, gather all the members and show me off——but the mount Taken by Emil.

Another option for her was to buy a new horse, but I ruled out this option first—I bought the fastest horse in the nearby stables, then turned around and set off in the direction of Falkreath, swinging Acting like he can't wait to join.

If she came after her on horseback, after the two sides met...just assuming it would be extremely embarrassing.

Ultimately the choice she made was to walk and do an initial assessment, and even if I didn't need a break, the horse did, as long as she left early the night before arriving at the sanctuary.

The evaluation content is nothing more than whether the action is vigilant enough and whether it can be found to be tracked.

So I first have to pretend I didn't find the stalking when I found the stalking, and then let her find out that I have found the stalking but pretend not to find the stalking, and what she finds must be what I want her to find and not What she intended to discover was what I pretended to be "I have found someone following me but I didn't find it was her".

【I don't know the word 'discovery' anymore...】

'Stop pretending, it's an illusion created by the human brain, you don't have that function. '

I exchanged acting skills with Sister A all the way, and at the same time I had to deal with Cicero's inexplicable prayers. I finally arrived at Ivarstead at the foot of the Hrothgar Peak before midnight. At least in the relatively closed room of the hotel, I could quietly Go do some private work.

"Welcome, Miss Dalk." The innkeeper Wilhelm's voice was stiff, with a ghostly expression on his face.

Obviously, this guy with a nimble wrist has investigated the black handprint letter that was sent to me before. The meaning of that letter is "We (Dark Brotherhood) are eyeing you", and the person who received the letter and was still alive was not To be absorbed into the Brotherhood means to successfully escape or fight back, and then it is very likely that you will be hunted down continuously, no matter which one is quite troublesome.

Boom! I slammed my fist on the counter in front of him: "Since I left, has a woman in a white robe and a white hood passed by Ivarstead? Have you asked me about me?"

"No, not at all. The only person who has been looking for you recently is the messenger you saw that day." Wilhelm raised his hands and backed away, as if he was afraid that I would punch him.

Of course not, Sister A is currently lurking on the second floor of the hotel to observe secretly, and she probably plans to leave early after I rest.

"Hmm... Could it be that she has some kind of fast mount? Anyway, if you pass by Xueman, you will always be seen." I said in a voice that could just be heard by Astrid, but it was still talking to myself , and then threw 10 gold coins to Wilhelm: "Rent a room, don't bother me."

[Ah, I really left. 】

From the light screen played by the stupid system in front of my eyes, I can see that after I entered the hotel room and closed the door, Astrid jumped off the roof and went straight to the southwest.

"It's not surprising that the Dark Brotherhood can't stay in hotels, camps, and military fortresses like ordinary adventurers when performing tasks, leaving as many clues as mountains," I searched on the map provided by the stupid system: "The nearby The Brotherhood of Darkness has quite a few temporary residences, and Sister A's words... Well, 'Alchemist's Cabin', it should be right here."

If you are traveling normally, you should detour north from Ivarstead at this time, pass through the Snowman territory and arrive at the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary near Falkreath. If you take a rough mountain road from the south, this distance will be shortened by half , although there may be trolls, snow bears, saber-toothed tigers and other monsters jumping out to block the way along the way, it is not a problem for Sister A at all.

[Astrid has left, and the matter of the Dark Brotherhood sanctuary has come to an end, where should we look next? ] The stupid system unfolded several other monitoring screens of incidents in front of my eyes.

Hmm... The ghost dragon in the Soul Stone Tomb is of average strength, and it can't make any big waves. Although that fool Jodi lost the Azura Star, that thing is often lost, presumably Azura I have become accustomed to it.

The more important issue now is that half a month has passed since the Helgen incident, the Imperial Legion and the Stormcloak troops are regrouping one after another, and the supreme commanders of both sides have also returned. If the two sides fight again, As a person with official status, Arthur can't continue to be so leisurely. If the Imperial Legion and Stormcloak put pressure on Xueman at the same time, he will undoubtedly be called back to garrison by Balgruuf, even if his own combat power is not enough. What (?), his identity as a dragon descendant and a ring of comrades-in-arms should also make people scrupled.

In addition, Emir, as an imperial princess, went to the Rift Valley to join the Thieves Guild for an inexplicable reason, and now she has gone to Windhelm City, the home of the Stormcloak. Could it be that she wants to assassinate the old man?


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