The Collection of The End

Chapter 242 The Horn and Kaitian

My name is Akatosh.

Arthur ran to see Old Pa.

— 4E, 201, Hearth Moon, 5th, 1:41 —


Sophie hugged the giant red dragon's neck tightly with her short hands in human form, and climbed up with it in a nearly straight line. When looking around, half of the snow-white half of the brown-yellow half of the entire sky province was faintly visible.

Although he was summoned by Greybeard before, it was getting late, and it was impossible for Arthur to transform and fly away in front of those guards, so he could only go to Ximu to stay at their kind invitation. As a friend of Va and Larov, Arthur, who now has the status of a baron, naturally received more warm hospitality.

When Arthur and Hood, Arvo and Lucan were drinking together, Ella and Lydia were naturally entangled by Sigri, Gordo and Camilla asking questions, and Sophie and Lia quickly made friends Dorsey makes friends, and even Barbas manages to get Stump as his younger brother.

Except for these actual leaders of Ximu Town, other carpenters, hunters and guards couldn't find any chance or excuse to talk to Arthur even if they wanted to. At most, they came to toast a glass of mead.

It seems that there is a little boy who couldn't join the conversation of the girls, and the dog was abducted by Babas, and he was not allowed to drink, and the whole party was eating in resentment, um... what's his name? Sophie shook her head, putting the question behind her.

For Arthur, the task of retrieving Jorgen Windcaller's horn has been completed, and he should respond to Greybeard's call to return to the peak of Hrothgar, but before he got important information about the Silver Hand, he will soon After arriving at Xueman to reveal the mystery, the comrades-in-arms group will definitely carry out a big action that takes a long time, and there is no time to meet Greybeard at all.

At this time, if he diverts to the peak of Hrothgar first, Ayla will definitely follow. Therefore, it will be troublesome if the comrades lose the opportunity or miss the opportunity to stop the conspiracy. On the night of the stay, fly directly to the peak of Hrothgar to meet Greybeard and receive the next stage of the task - if there is any.

"Unshakable Power" allows him to temporarily maintain his will in the form of a dragon, and "Gine's Harmony" allows him to complete the transformation without using Ayla. After returning the horn, according to the agreement, the gray beards will Teach him how to completely control his mind and not be confused by the dragon soul anymore.

Although Arthur has hardly lost himself in the transformation so far, it is always good to be prepared.

The only problem is that the horn is now hung around Sophie's neck as a beautiful toy. When Arthur tried to take it off, the little girl was awakened directly, and then stared at the horn in Arthur's hand, looking like she was about to cry, In order to prevent others from being woken up, Arthur had to take her to the peak of Hrothgar, hoping that those gray beards would not make trouble for a young dragon.

—— 2:03——


The red dragon in the form of Arthur flapped its wings and fell towards the courtyard of Hrothgar Monastery.

The monastery built entirely of blue-black stones is located on the slope below the top of Hrothgar, and the real highest peak is blowing a blizzard so severe that Arthur can't get close at all.

From a high altitude, the structure of this group of buildings is indeed a monastery, but only a row of houses on the side and the courtyard gate without walls remain. According to the general planning of the monastery, what should have been the side entrance is the main entrance used today.

If the monastery is fully restored, more than half of its area will be located in the midair of the abyss below. Overall, it looks like "something" has "swallowed" half of the monastery together with everything around it. But for some uncontrollable reason, the other half of the monastery was left alone on the "world's highest peak".

Maybe it was the result of a certain battle in ancient times, anyway, it should have nothing to do with me,

After Arthur landed smoothly and let Sophie slide off his back, he slowly changed back to his original shape and adjusted his attire.

The light in the middle of the night is not good, but the faintly glowing soul stones on the walls of the monastery and the reflection of the snow make the courtyard quite bright. Although it is not appropriate to wake up a group of old people in the middle of the night, it is urgent, as long as you apologize ……Ok?

The back door of the monastery opened, and four old men in dark blue robes came out, as if they had been waiting behind the door. The two I saw in the dream were naturally there too, but they were much more real in comparison.

Maybe these "grey beards" have different faces, but because they are the same age and have the same style of gray beard, they look exactly the same at first glance.

"Welcome, Dragonborn, the moment you bring back the horn of Jorgen Windcaller, it means that you have successfully passed the trial of learning [Roaring Way], and then, it is time to use it to perform the ceremony. "Ain Gaier said to Arthur.

"!" Sophie heard the key words, so she held the horn tightly and quickly hid behind Arthur.

"Lend it to us, the ceremony is over, return it." The other gray beard said to Sophie kindly, but the lightning and frost that appeared around him along with his rumbling words made him look quite scary.

"This is Master Arnas," Eingail introduced: "They are Master Borui and Master Wulfgar."

The other two gray beards who didn't intend to speak at all bowed their hands and saluted, and Arthur also followed suit.

"I will definitely return it to me, agreed?" Sophie reluctantly took the horn off her neck and handed it to Inas.

"Okay." Inas nodded slightly.

Why didn't she give it when I asked for it? Because the elderly are more kind? Arthur felt a little frustrated, but he immediately picked up the conversation: "So, what is the 'Roaring Way'?"

"The method of using the dragon's roar other than fighting can be called the way of roaring, for example—" Ain Gaier took the horn from Ainas and looked at it, and suddenly shouted: "[liz] !"

Following this sentence, an ice ridge rose from the ground, forming a pillar with a tray just below the horn, and Aingail then placed the horn on it.

"Now, please stand in front of the horn." He took two steps back to make room for Arthur.

Hmm... So, "Unshakable Power" and "Breath of Fire" are not included, while "Ginner's Peace" and "Ethereal Transfiguration" belong to the way of roaring, Arthur said while thinking. Stand right in front of the horn.

Phew—the gray beards took a deep breath at the same time.

“[(Dragon Language) The Storm Crown has been lost for a long time, and no one is qualified to wear it anymore,]”

"[(Dragon Language) In the name of Gine, Shure, Moratar, we give it to you with a cold spout,]"

"[(Dragon Language) Listen, Northern Dragon, your name is Ismir!]"

Although the gray beards roared together, the real sound was the horn that no one blew. Although this time it was no longer an inexplicable and magnificent song, Arthur still didn't understand a word.

"Hmm... what are you talking about?" Arthur asked in confusion, looking at the gray beards who seemed to have suddenly become very tired.

"These are the exact words Graybeard said many generations ago when he paid tribute to Tiber Septim who came to learn the 'Way of the Roar', and even he was shocked back a few steps." Eingelshu said Two breaths: "It seems that your future achievements may surpass him."

Beyond Tiber Septim, the Ninth Holy Spirit Talos? Arthur didn't believe it at all. If he wanted to surpass the first emperor who unified Tamriel, he might have to save the world.

—— 2:42——

"Although the 'Roaring Way' can be summarized as the perception and practice of non-combat dragon roars, from a personal point of view, everyone's roaring way is different, even if we pass on our own experience to you, it is right Your studies won't do you any good either."

At this moment, Eingel and the other three graybeards took Arthur and Sophie to the gate at the entrance of the monastery leading to the top of the mountain. Sophie had already quietly taken back the horn of the windcaller, but the graybeards had nothing to do with it. mind.

"It's difficult for ordinary people to understand such a practice without confrontation and combat. Therefore, a non-combat dragon roar with a similar effect to confrontation is very suitable for beginners who can teach the way of roar to get started," Ain Gaier pointed to Borui Click: "Master Borui is proficient in this dragon roar."

The gray-bearded master known as Borui nodded slightly to Arthur, then took a step forward, and shouted loudly at the raging snowstorm outside the gate: "【Lok Vah Koor】!"

At that moment, without any warning, the wind and snow outside the intersection subsided suddenly, but strangely, the range of subsidence was limited to a distance of more than ten meters outside the door.

At the same time, three dragon language runes were firmly engraved in Arthur's mind. They were named "Open Heaven" that could eliminate all bad weather.

"Soon, not bad." Master Borui nodded, his words were filled with gusts of snow, but it was much milder than the snowstorm he had cleared before.

He bowed slightly, and something like a dragon soul moved from him towards Arthur, consolidating the set of runes in a very targeted manner.

And in the process, the blizzard that had calmed down outside the door started again, even more violently than before.

"The one who lives on the top of Hrothgar is the last Greybeard, who is also our mentor," Eingail looked up at the snowstorm-ravaged peak, and said with a nostalgic expression: "If you are roaring If you are successful in cultivation, one day you will be able to eliminate the blizzard through uninterrupted short distances like Master Borui, then you will be able to go up the mountain to see 'him', although 'he' refuses to see us, but you are different, then we will Can go further—huh?"

Erngair turned his head, only to find that Arthur and Sophie had disappeared, and there was no sign of wind and snow at the intersection outside the gate.

"Open the sky, the horn, silent." Borui said.

"Arthur, girl, go up the hill," Arnes added.

"Haha, haha, hahaha," Wulfgar concluded.

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