The Collection of The End

Chapter 243 Arthur and Old Pa

My name is Akatosh,

Am I being issued a card again?

— 4E, 201, Hearthfire, 5th, 3:27 —

【Lok Vah Koor】!

On the mountain road leading to the highest peak of Hrothgar, Arthur rushed the windcaller horn in his hand and uttered the just-learned "open sky", but there was no corresponding sound at all, as if the sound was absorbed by the horn, but the front The violent snowstorm a few meters away suddenly stopped for a moment, and then slowly stopped.

If you blow it normally, it will emit dragon language with unknown meaning. If you use dragon roar on it, the sound will disappear but the effect will be enhanced instead. So how did those gray beards make it speak dragon language with certain meaning?

Although I have some doubts, it will not be long before the blizzard will blow again after the "opening of the sky", and the top priority now is to get to the summit as soon as possible, rather than to study its principle.

"Father~ I want to eat~" Sophie, who was being held by Arthur, pointed to a goat that poked its head out of a crack in the rock wall after the blizzard subsided.

This was indeed the bad weather caused by magic. Arthur looked at the goat. Although this kind of animal could walk on extremely steep slopes freely, it was completely impossible for it to be safe and sound in such a violent snowstorm.

"Well, that's fine." Arthur walked towards the goat with Sophie in his arms. Unlike cooked food, wild animals will run away when they feel the dragon's prestige from a distance, but if they come quietly to them and suddenly If Longwei is released, they will tremble and remain still in fright—in fact, Sophie did this all the way out, otherwise, how could the dry food she carried be enough for her?

"Little sheep~" After arriving near the goat, Sophie suddenly released the dragon power, but under Arthur's perception, it was like a kitten popping out its claws, and the next thing to do was to take the goat...

Thumb up! The goat turned around and disappeared into the blizzard.

"Father..." Sophie's face collapsed as if she was about to cry.

"Let's catch up." Arthur held back a smile and took out a donut from his bag and stuffed it to Sophie: "Don't swallow it in one bite."

Most of these goats are used to hearing the dragon roars from the gray beards, but there is another possibility...

【Lok Vah Koor】!

As Arthur thought, he used the horn to blow away the snowstorm ahead.

—— 3:45——

The highest peak of Hrothgar is a gentle slope several times smaller than the monastery. Although it is relatively flat, there are no buildings. After Arthur just set foot here, the raging snowstorm disappeared instantly, as if it was only on the mountain road at all. Like scratching.

"Father~ I feel like it's very--hiccup!" Sophie jumped off the ground, and was interrupted by herself just after half a sentence.

Of course, this was not because the little girl was overwhelmed, but because she couldn't catch the goat no matter what, and swallowed a few Frost Ghosts that came together desperately to vent her anger.

Although the name is a ghost, it is actually an elemental creature rather than an undead, so Arthur didn't stop it, but who would have thought that the body of the thing contained a lot of gas, so Sophie began to hiccup from time to time after swallowing it whole.

It's like drinking a carbonated drink... What is carbonic acid?

Arthur also felt the second half of what Sophie was going to say just now. The environment here made him feel very comfortable.

Although there is nothing on the top of the mountain, and the mountain walls and stones have nothing to do with comfort, Arthur feels as relaxed as if he was in a warm hotel. It seems that the guess just now can be confirmed. The master of Tao must be——

"【Drum, Wallan, Hadme, Duwakin!】" A deep roar sounded, followed by a shadow covering the sky—although it is now dark and dark.

A dragon twice as big as Arthur's dragon form descended from the sky,

It landed steadily on the boulder next to the two of them, and the strong wind pressure blew up a large amount of snow particles, but they naturally separated and circled in front of Arthur and Sophie.

It looks like a very old white giant dragon, its scales are gray-white after countless vicissitudes, and many huge scratches on its body that are no longer obvious but can still be seen have witnessed the fierce battles it once fought, dark golden Although its vertical pupils are no different from those of other giant dragons, one can see profound wisdom from them. The most special thing is the strands of gray beard fluttering in the wind on its lower jaw. right?

There is nothing wrong with a giant dragon creating the "Roar Way" to study the use of non-combat dragon roars. People don't need to study combat ones at all, okay?

The ancient dragon didn't understand what Arthur said except "Dragonborn", but at this moment he understood the real meaning of Graybeard's asking him to get the horn.

The learning of "Kaitian" is very simple, and it is not difficult to learn it directly and use it to climb to the top of the mountain to meet the master, but the real problem is, how to communicate?

As an elder who doesn't know how long he has lived, why should he explain to you how to train Dragon Roar in human language? Don't learn if you don't understand, it's that simple.

As the first human graybeard, Jorgen Windcaller's achievements must include creating this horn besides creating the way of roaring. Its initial role should be——

"Hello, Master, I have passed the test of Greybeard, and I come to learn the 'Roaring Way' from you." Arthur held up the horn and said to the dragon, but his voice was no different to his own ears.

After Arthur said this, he was a little nervous. If he guessed wrong, he would have to transform into a dragon to communicate with the other party, but in that case he would lose his human position in the conversation, although there would be no harm loss, but it is best to avoid it as much as possible.

"【I've been watching you, descendant of dragon blood.】" Arthur was relieved by the human language from the dragon's mouth, and its voice sounded like an old man: "[I am' Paarthurnax'."

"[You don't need to learn the 'Roaring Way', because it is your innate talent.]" The dragon continued: "[For example, the Tumu 'Opening Sky' you use when you go up the mountain, Ain Gail It took three years to learn it, and you, it took no more than three minutes.]”

"Uh..." Arthur was at a loss for words for a moment. He probably guessed that the various dragon language runes carved on the wall could not be one-off. You can comprehend that those ancient Nord ghouls who have only learned "unshakable power" in their entire lives will probably hunt him down collectively if they still have the mind.

"[What you want to learn from me is not the 'Way of Roar', but a very special set of Tumu, a dragon roar that allows you to defeat Alduin, the Eater of Worlds.]" Patunak S said.

"Hmm... that black dragon?" Arthur thought of the giant black dragon that destroyed Helgen. It was bigger than the ancient dragon in front of him, but it didn't seem to be much stronger: "Although it is everywhere Tried to resurrect the dragon, but it doesn't seem to have any effect."

"[Although it is indeed 'Alduin', it is far from being called 'World Devourer',]" Arthur heard the contempt from the words of the dragon: "[You should see it from the sky The whole picture of the Hrothgar Monastery, yes, the other half of it was swallowed by the real 'Alduin'.]”

"That's impossible!" Arthur retorted subconsciously: "If the peak of Hrothgar was once 'swallowed', how could there have been no similar legends for thousands of years?"

“[Who told you that it was swallowed in ‘this world’?]”

The words of Patunax sounded like a thunderclap in Arthur's mind. At that moment, it seemed that countless familiar or unfamiliar pictures flashed through his mind, but he couldn't capture any of them at all.

"This..." Arthur raised his hand to cover his forehead, staggered two steps, and Sophie hurried over to support him.

“[The reaction of the three young people was similar to yours when they heard it, but they still decided to face their own fate,]” Patunax said: “[As for the specific content of this matter, you will have a chance in the future I understand it in detail, but before that, what I want to tell you is about this dragon roar.]”

"You say." Arthur shook his head and stood firm, comforting the frightened Sophie.

"[Its name is 'Dragon Break', it was created by humans, it is the only dragon roar that cannot be used by dragons, even if I just say this name, I will feel uncontrollable anger,]" the ancient dragon said The voice was low, as if trying to restrain his killing intent: "[Its function is to hurt Lord Akatosh, the dragon god of time, and plunge a certain period of time into chaos in order to achieve their dirty goals—and no dragon You will want to hurt your own main god, but you can.]”

"Can you not do that?" Arthur frowned, and he also vaguely felt that it was very, very inappropriate to do so.

"[It's enough for you to think so, as long as it is not used for private purposes, it is acceptable,]" The ancient dragon paused: "[Don't spread this dragon roar, if there are other people besides you The third person uses this dragon roar, and I will go to chase and kill them from far away.]”

"The third?" Arthur asked suspiciously.

"[Yes, there is a sentence I said before that was not very rigorous, there is still a dragon that will hurt Lord Akatosh,]" Arthur heard the helplessness from its tone: "[That is the Lord himself .]"


"[But the problem is that even if Master Akatosh used Dragon Break for some purpose, we would not be able to detect it at all. Maybe he has used it thousands of times before we know it, just to correct a certain It’s a result that he doesn’t want to see.]” Patunax sighed helplessly: “[And you are not hindered at all to learn Longpo because Master Akatosh himself is willing to do so. The reason for the first.]”

"If you must use 'Dragon Break' to defeat Alduin, I will try to use it only once." Arthur said solemnly.

"[As I said before, I can't teach you this dragon roar directly, you have to find an 'Elder Scroll' to bring it back,]" the dragon paused: "[I will tell you the specifics about the '' The Eater of Worlds' and 'Other Worlds' thing.]”

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