The Collection of The End

Chapter 244 Tavern and Thieves

My name is Akatosh,

I draw my wages from the bottom of the pot.

— 4E, 201, Hearth Moon, 6th, 11:45 —

"Hello, Miss Satya, I want to release a missing person rumor."

"Are you sure? Guest, if it's just a rumor, it's unlikely that anyone will be willing to help. Is that okay? Huh?"

The "Mare Banner" at noon was extremely lively, eating and drinking, collisions of tableware and wine glasses, bragging and laughing, and even the sound of cursing and fighting made the whole hotel extremely noisy, but this environment is very suitable for the second floor of the hotel. It is an excellent cover for those who want to buy or sell information.

"Well, ah, yes, since I probably know that the person is actually fine, so I just need to spread the word 'someone is looking for her'." Parry was in a hurry, and his eyes didn't know where to look.

Hmph, isn't she just a red guard maid who pulled her neckline down a lot? Seeing that this rookie adventurer is scared, if he dares to take the initiative, the other party will distance himself without a trace. With this experience and courage, he also wants to play Amir's idea?

Looking at Parry who was desperately avoiding Satya's touch, Sapphire cast her eyes to the lobby downstairs speechlessly.

This time she took Parry out, there were three tasks to complete, and he messed up one as soon as he went out.

That's what the lord "Leila the Lawbreaker" requested, "to investigate the Black Light Tower, judge the danger of the occupants and deal with it appropriately."

The first half of the mission was completed well, and it was initially confirmed that there were a group of witches who liked to catch robbers for some kind of magic experiment, but the second half of the mission failed directly when he just stepped into the tower—he accidentally destroyed the key to a certain magic circle The node directly teleports away the daughter of the witch leader who is undergoing a magic experiment. If they hadn't been able to confirm that she was still alive through some means, this kid probably wouldn't be able to get out.

As a result, he had to promise the witches to spread rumors in the taverns of the towns he passed, roughly saying "Good girl, mother is looking for you, please go home as soon as you can, if there is a guy who doesn't look like a good person Ask you to be your relative, don’t hesitate to teach him a lesson.” Of course, the specific statement should be changed to suit the spread of gossip in taverns, at least it should not sound too strange to ordinary people.

For example, "There is a witch with blond hair and brown eyes who came out of the black tower and traveled around. It seems that she has a deep background and a bad temper. Anyone who dares to strike up a conversation has been severely punished."

... How smart is this girl to understand the meaning behind it?

For this unknown rumor, Parry had to buy two bottles of black thorn mead and two bottles of ordinary Nord mead from Satya. Gold coins, clearly marked on the price.

Speaking of honey wine, the second quest is related to this. Like the previous quest of burning the beehive of the Golden Manor, it was issued by the Blackthorn family.

The Golden Manor violated the contract signed with the Blackthorn family and resold the honey it produced to a higher bidder. It is only natural to pay a price, but as its purchaser, the "mead land" that produces ordinary Nord mead is only in progress. Normal business dealings are also entrusted by the Blackthorn family to "learn a lesson", which proves their arrogance from the side.

Since Xueman declared neutrality, the power of the Blackthorn family did not have much influence here. Although they bought a hired worker in the mead field to "assist", they could guess without meeting that person. Most of the methods of the little people are to pollute the wine barrels and let the officials find out. If they really implement this kind of street gangster-like method, not only will the other party be released within two or three days, but it will also embarrass the Thieves Guild.

There is a consensus within the guild regarding the entrustment of the Blackthorn family, that is, it must be completed to avoid being suppressed by it, but they cannot benefit from it to strengthen themselves,

Otherwise, one day when they think they are strong enough, they will completely clean up the rat lane.

If there are any quality problems that cause the reputation of "Mead Land" to deteriorate, the sales of Nord Mead will naturally be overwhelmed by Blackthorn Mead, so the "lesson" for it should not start from this aspect, but let it explode. A serious-sounding problem that is completely ignored by the average drinker—that is, a political problem.

Here, I have to mention the third mission of this trip: to cleanse a prisoner of Xueman.

This imperial man named Ian is not a resident of Xueman. He originally lived in Dugu City, and he seems to be a patrolling guard. Not long ago, he fled there with some important information about the Imperial Legion, and planned to throw himself into the storm through the Zhan Kuang family. Cloak, but was caught drunk and attacking the guards while passing Snowrun - must have been charmed by Satya.

The Zhankuang family is not sure whether the lord will send him back to Solitude, but as long as he reveals his connection with the Zhankuang family, they will immediately be suppressed by the Gray Mane family who is inclined to the Imperial Legion, so please change this person from the Thieves Guild Confession after arrest - if it is related to the Zhan Kuang family.

At this time, due to the revival of the dragon, the imminent battle of the imperial legion and the stormcloak, and the endless emergence of beasts and robbers everywhere, this low-priority confession will not be seen by Lord Balgruuf for several days. Just change the contact person in the confession to the owner of the mead land. The lord will not pursue such an ordinary case in detail, and Blackthorn has no way of knowing the real reason why the mead land owner was arrested, killing two birds with one stone.

The "Stalwart" Lord Balgruuf seems to have the habit of taking a nap, so after Parry reached an agreement with the red guard maid, he set off for Dragon Cloud Palace... huh?

Sapphire’s gaze of wandering around was suddenly attracted by a table of guests in the lobby downstairs. One of them was Anolias, a hunter who often sold meat in the market in the plain area. There was nothing special about it, but the opposite But the person sitting firmly attracted her attention.

It was a Nord woman wearing exquisite black heavy armor, with blond hair and blue eyes. What was more eye-catching was the arched forehead ornament on her face. She had an indescribably powerful aura. Make Anoslia in front of her be submissive when answering.

Although there was no such person in his memory, Sapphire still felt that she was inexplicably familiar, so he quietly pressed his right hand on the dagger at his waist. At this moment, all kinds of noise in the hotel, even the interaction between Parry and Satya It all disappeared in her ears, but the conversation between the Nord woman and Anolias sounded clearly.

"...So, you have been discovered by the other party." The woman said.

"Well, he won't know my name." Anolias' voice trembled.

"'The one who always steals my prey' is enough, otherwise how do you think I found you?" The Nord woman's expression remained unchanged.

" it too late for me to apologize now?" The hunter sounded panicked.

"I'm afraid I have to bring the money I got."

"But I spent it all—"

"Bring as much as you have."


So, Sapphire thought, having been skeptical when passing by his stall before, how could this man be selling prey whose habitats are so far apart at the same time? He also claimed that he hunted it himself. Now it seems that he stole the meat from other people. It may be a hunter organization that is not too small. No, they all hired people from the Dark Brotherhood to clean it up. him.

However, when will those lunatics ask the reason for the assassination? Still trying to mediate?

When Anolias was holding his head in distress and thinking, the woman gracefully picked up a glass of mead and drank it, closed her eyes slightly, then suddenly opened her eyes and looked in the direction of the sapphire.

The originally blue eyes had turned into a dazzling golden yellow, and their shape had even changed into sharp vertical pupils like a giant dragon.

"...!" Sapphire shook her hand and didn't hold down the dagger. The surrounding noises came again, and Satya and Parry were still negotiating details. When she looked at the two people in the corner of the lobby again, It was found that the Nord woman had just put down the cup, and her eyes were still a mild blue, without a trace of gold at all.


"Huh? The Princess of the Empire has left Dugu City and is suspected to be going south. What kind of information is this?"

The hall of Dragon Cloud Palace is heavily guarded, and it is naturally difficult to sneak in from the main entrance, but its dungeon is not so strict in comparison. Before going to change Ian's statement, Sapphire saw him in the dungeon first. .

"Of course it's useless to Xueman. Even if she is discovered, Balgruuf will have to entertain her well and send her out of the country." Ian is a middle-aged man with a gloomy face, and it can be seen that he is very interested in arriving quietly. Sapphire and Parry in front of his cell were very afraid, and they confessed very happily: "But for Stormcloak, if we can catch her, this battle is half won."

"You mean that the emperor is willing to give up a province for her? This is just a princess and not a prince." Sapphire asked suspiciously. Thinking of her own experience, she doubted that there would be a father who valued his daughter so much in this world.

"Of course, didn't you see that the emperor gave her the entire Eastern Empire Company in order to make the princess not short of money? And even sent out the elite 'Sharp-Eyed Eagle' to protect him. It is said that there are only a few left in the capital. The old, the weak, the sick and the disabled." Ian said confidently.

"Cough!" Parry, who was watching the wind outside, suddenly coughed to warn of the approaching guards.

"Afterwards, no matter who asks you again, you have to insist that you have no contact person in Xueman. The previous confession was drunk and nonsense, understand?" Sapphire said to Ian quickly.

"Of course, if you can't ask anything at the beginning, the guards won't give up, but the person responsible for the review is not those fools who have to get the results, but some 'smart people' who like to think too much." Ian nodded .

This guy is quite experienced, I am afraid he is not a habitual offender.

Sapphire took one more look at Ian, sneaked out of the cell to greet Parry, and was about to go to the back house of Dragon Cloud Palace to revise Ian's confession.

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