The Collection of The End

Chapter 245 Returning to the city and the story

My name is Akatosh,

I stopped Sister A's husband who was about to catch Xin Ding.

— 4E, 201, Hearthfire, 6th, 17:34 —

After turning around the mouth of the White River Valley, the vast Snowrun Plain, the towering Snowrun City and its surrounding farms appeared in front of Arthur, and he was slightly relieved by the familiar environment.

Ella, who was still willing to talk, became more reticent the closer she got to Xueman. Obviously, the name revealed by the Demon God not long ago put a lot of pressure on her, and Arthur learned more from the mouth of the dragon at the peak of Hrothgar. Shocking news, I couldn't think of any topics for a while, Lydia herself is not a talkative person, she just quietly fulfills her duty of "protecting the baron", while Sophie and Ria are concerned about the attitude of adults even if they whisper from time to time. The voice was lowered, so the team was relatively quiet along the way-except for the dog who barked twice from time to time.

"Captain Caius? What happened here?" It was Lydia who broke the silence first. On the way to Snowman City, when passing the "mead land", the guard captain of Snowman City, Kaius, happened to bring two A guard escorted the owner of the wine field out.

"Oh, it's Lydia and the baron. This guy has been secretly dealing with Stormcloak. The lord ordered him to be brought back to Dragon Clouds Palace for investigation." Caius replied.

"It's unreasonable, it's a frame-up!" Although the owner of the wine land, Sabu Jon, had his hands tied, he obviously refused to accept it: "How much wine can be sold in Xueman's territory? Does the lord still want to prohibit merchants from doing business with other territories?"

"Hehe, do you dare to say that you have never provided some 'help' to both parties through business?" The half-bald captain of the guard sneered.

Sabjon turned his face away and refused to answer.

"Your behavior has clearly crossed the line this time. Although it is impossible for the lord to dispose of you, he must adopt an attitude to make those guys calm down. Your loss is at most the income of the past few days." Kaius pushed Sabu Jon motioned him to go quickly.

"Tsk." The owner of the wine land rolled his eyes as he walked, and seemed to be thinking about what went wrong.

Arthur and the others walked much slower than the guards because they had children and dogs with them. When Caius led Sabjon into the gate of Snowrun City, the small team had just approached the moat.

"The conflict between the Imperial Legion and the Stormcloaks is becoming more and more intense, and it is becoming more and more difficult for Lord Balgruuf to maintain Xueman's neutrality. If we don't deal with the problem between us and Silverhand as soon as possible, it is very likely that it will become a problem in the city defense. This kind of loophole." Seemingly affected by the behavior of the captain of the guard, Ella finally hesitated to speak.

"The lord will designate an adventurer who has a close relationship with the comrades-in-arms group as a baron, and he should have similar considerations." Lydia nodded in agreement.

"Before the situation becomes serious, let's solve it as soon as possible. Didn't you already know the name of the leader of Silver Hand?" Arthur also comforted.

In fact, against the background of the continuous conflict between the two major forces in Skyrim Province, there is another existence called "The Devourer of Worlds" that is secretly watching. Since almost everyone is attracted by the former, those resurrected dragons are regarded as A problem that is not too threatening is intentionally or unintentionally ignored.

Even if this problem is put on the table, there is no way to really stop it. After all, no one can track those giant dragons flying in the sky. Although the ancient dragon Patunax knows something, he is unwilling to discuss it in depth. The clue is to find an "elder scroll", but it is unclear where to find it.

"Well... this matter is a bit complicated. It's better to discuss it with the rings after meeting Kraco." Ella shook her head.

"Look at that, Sophie, isn't it..." "It seems to be true."

After Ella answered, it was the two girls who responded first, and they pointed at the crowd entering and leaving the city gate.

"What's the matter?" Since Ella didn't want to reveal something first,

Arthur was not too reluctant, so he turned to ask the two girls.

"We saw an uncle who once asked us to lead the way as a tour guide. At that time, he was accompanied by a sister." Sophie pointed to a man and a woman who had just walked out of Snowman City.

"Uncle is still the same uncle, but the clothes he is wearing are better, and the sister he is carrying has also been changed." Lia added.

Although the little girls didn't know what that meant, the adults came to a conclusion in an instant.

"Oh, man." Ella sneered.

Lydia didn't speak, but turned to look at Arthur seriously.

Arthur, who had no say in this matter, had no choice but to play dumb.


Since the last time they were raided by the Silver Hand, the Comrades have strengthened their defenses. At this time, it was Wells and Cisco Moon who stayed in Moonvaska to protect Krakow, while Wilkas and Farkas went out to execute not long ago. Task.

"Hmm... Hestra? Ella, you should be very clear about her affairs." Krakow hugged Sophie Lia, who had flung herself into his arms, and then looked at Ella strangely.

"But it was a major mistake. If I were to say it, I would involuntarily say good things for myself, so I hope Arthur can hear the truth from you." Ella's voice was a little low.

"Major mistake?" Arthur looked at Ella: "I thought she was your acquaintance, so it's inconvenient to say."

"It is indeed an acquaintance," Clarke explained: "Hestra was originally recommended by Ella to join the comrades-in-arms group. After many tests, he is only one step away from joining the 'Circle'."

"What's the matter..." Seeing that Ella seemed determined not to speak, Arthur turned his head to respond to the old man Krakow.

"I think you should have seen the 'Unyielding' Usgard who has been waiting for employment or rewarding tasks in the 'Banner of the Mare' all year round," Krakow changed the subject as ordinary old people often do when recalling the past: "She used to be A member of the comrades-in-arms group, but was eventually dismissed, can you guess the reason?"

"Hmm... I don't know how to strike?" Arthur recalled the fight with her. It was obviously just an ordinary tavern fight, but he always greeted the deadly place.

"It should be said that she is a natural fighting madman. Even if she is clearly required not to use heavy hands, she can't control herself at all as long as she enters the battle. If this kind of person is transformed into a werewolf, the consequences will be obvious." Clarke shook. head on.

Killed by the guards after bloodbathing half of Xueman...

"Hestra is just the opposite. She is extremely calm and self-controlled. Any action, no matter how simple, will formulate a variety of action plans that can consider almost all possibilities. During that time, she and Wilkas worked as The think tank of the comrade-in-arms group is extremely famous," Krakow said.

Just judging from the fact that the comrade-in-arms group is used to fighting at the slightest disagreement, I know how valuable this kind of member is, but is she now an enemy? Or the leader of the Silver Hand?

"Although I don't know why you guys asked about her, I can probably guess," Clarke looked at the expressions of the people in front of him, stroked his beard, and continued: "Then I won't mention her past achievements, just talk about her The situation before the disappearance."

"At that time, vampires hadn't disappeared, and we often encountered them in various missions, but because werewolf blood was immune to any disease, which of course included the 'bloodthirsty' that would gradually transform people into vampires, "Craco glanced at Cisco Moon: "Because many of our members are keen on fighting, they didn't pay much attention to the subtle changes of their companions, so after Hestra discovered the changes in himself, it has surpassed what can be easily done with a bottle of potion. stage of healing."

"At that time, if I went to any priest of the temple, it could be solved, but—" Cisco Yue spread his hands: "I can't persuade her."

"After carefully studying the characteristics of each stage in the process of vampire transformation, she formulated a bold plan," Krakow sighed: "That is to take advantage of the fact that the other party does not have any information about her, before disguising as a vampire. Go undercover in the enemy camp."

"Usually we are the ones who charge forward, and it is only an accident that she, who has been commanding from the rear, will be infected." Wells added.

"At that time, we were fighting against the dependents of an ancient vampire 'Hakon', and we were at a clear disadvantage. Although we shared the same goal with the 'Vigilantes' of the Holy Spirit Stendhal, they were completely unwilling to cooperate. Hestra borrowed This opportunity decided to obtain information about the vampire’s actions from inside, so that even if the vigilantes refused to cooperate, they would not ignore the well-documented vampire’s action plan.” Ayla said in a straightforward tone: “And I agreed This plan."

"It doesn't sound like a problem, right? Even if she can't change back in the end, the blood of the werewolf can forcefully suppress the blood of the vampire—well, probably." Arthur remembered his dragon blood in the middle of talking, but he didn't suppress it at all. .

Ella lowered her gaze and did not answer.

"In the current general view, werewolves are regarded as beasts, while vampires are regarded as dead people. It is not without reason," Krakow shook his head: "The comrades-in-arms group has indeed transformed the members of the comrades-in-arms group who were infected with bloodthirsty in the early and middle stages. It is of werewolf blood, so its records are completely expelled, but there is no record of its transformation after finally becoming a vampire."

"Could it be..." Arthur thought of a bad possibility.

"After the final transformation stage, the identity of the infected person changes from a 'sick human' to a 'normal vampire', and an 'undead' has no 'blood' at all." Clark nodded affirmatively. Se's guess: "Even if they still maintain the thinking of being human, sooner or later they will change because of their 'alien' status."

Therefore, those people either refused to accept their identities and asked their comrades to kill themselves, or they finally decided to live as vampires. Either way, it was impossible to be recorded as members of the Comrades.

"Unfortunately, although Hestra brought back a lot of information about vampires and gave us the upper hand in the battle, she failed to come back at the last moment before the transformation. She was forced to participate in the battle by Hakon. The siege of the Hall of the Vigilante," Krakow closed his eyes: "After that battle, the vampire completely disappeared in Skyrim Province, and we never saw her again."

"I should reject her plan," Ella whispered.

"So there are two possibilities now," Arthur thought for a while, and raised his hand to pat Ella on the shoulder: "Hestra hates you very much, and intends to use the power of Silver Hands to completely destroy the comrade-in-arms group, or, she intends to take the current The hidden vampires were wiped out with the help of the comrades-in-arms group."

"Which one do you choose?"

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