The Collection of The End

Chapter 246 Report and Summary

My name is Akatosh,

I have to keep an eye on Emil so she doesn't kill Wu.

——4E, 201, Hearthfire, 6th, 22:05——

Back at the Sanctuary, Astrid began to wonder if the Dark Brotherhood was now being affected by the Night Mother's struggle with a daedric god.

While it's a good thing that the Listener brought the Night Mother's iron coffin, the Listener himself is an insane clown.

She quickly arranged a contract for a few grumpy members to avoid contact with him, hoping that Master Gallus, the brotherhood's think tank, would have a way to control the clown. As a result, the master's daughter was found from nowhere and let him Completely turned into a silly dad.

And although the contract released hastily was not selected in detail, except for recruiting Jeanne Darc herself, all other missions failed, which is simply a shame that the Dark Brotherhood has never had.

In the intelligence room on the second floor of the Sanctuary, several members of the Brotherhood were sitting around the conference table, watching Astrid look through the mission reports they submitted in an unhappy mood.

"Then, why did these contracts fail? Husband, tell me first." Astrid tried his best to ignore the weird "hahaha" coming from outside, and asked the shirtless Nord man.

The contract arranged for him was to hunt down the werewolf Sindin who lost control and killed the little girl. The other party took the opportunity to escape after the imperial army retreated, so he was also on the arrest warrant issued by Lord Falkreath. For a werewolf who can control himself, catching him should not be more difficult than killing a chicken.

"It went smoothly at first, he didn't cover up his tracks at all, but then the dog's trail was cut off near the 'Greenjasmine Witch's Villa'," the big man scratched his head: "I approached Will be attacked by the group of harpies, with a look of hatred to the bone, preliminarily judged that the guy entered their territory when he fled in a panic, and caused a lot of trouble, he is probably dead at this moment."

"Well..." Astrid wrote a few words on the mission report in front of him: "Although he is dead in our opinion, it is not certain whether the contract object will recognize it."

"Heh, anyway, the girl's mother can't afford any decent reward." Ein Boyorn squeezed his fists: "I will remember to kill Sin Ding if I meet again."

"Okay, then the next one——Mr. Festus? Your target is the miller Hearn of Half Moon Mill. According to intelligence, he is just an ordinary person. Is there any reason for you to miss?" Astrid turned over his hands. The task contract document on the Internet, and asked the old mage with a gloomy face.

"This is Nazr's mistake, let him explain." Festus rolled his eyes.

"Nazir?" Astrid turned his head to look.

Although this Red Guard man seldom takes action personally, the intelligence he collects has always been very accurate. He even once revealed a few pieces of information to ordinary people, causing a series of fights and finally killing the target of the contract. How could his intelligence be possible? error?

"Sorry, boss, this incident is indeed my mistake, but the reason for the mistake is like I am not 'Redguard' (Redguard) but 'Ra Gada' (Ra Gada), it is a problem left over from history." Zill had already prepared for it and took out a stack of materials that were old and even started to turn yellow.

"Continue." Astrid nodded. "Red Guard" is indeed a misnomer for "Regarde". After thousands of years of addressing, even I don't want to change it.

"Herne Havermoss, the adopted son and current owner of the former half-moon mill owner, the client of the assassination contract is his nominal niece, this lady very shrewdly held a dark ceremony in the Rift Valley territory far away from the mill. "Nazir picked up the information and read.

Sounds like most deeds for property,

Astrid nodded.

"Harne's life is very ordinary and well documented. He did work at Half Moon Mill for several years and was finally given the ownership of the mill before the miller died. But Mr. Festus found out when he went to assassinate, Nazleton paused, then looked at Babette next to him: "He's actually a vampire."

"What are you looking at me for?" Babette glared at him. "It would be strange for a child of my age to not grow up at all for a year or two, so I never did that kind of thing."

Calling yourself a child without hesitation...Nazir quietly wiped his sweat.

"The bad news is that I destroyed the disguise he has been operating for several years, and he will probably never die with us," Festus finally said: "The good news is that this guy tricked us into assassinating the holy moth priest. , so it would be immortal."

"Okay," Astrid turned another page of the mission document: "Babette? It's rare for you to make mistakes, and the target is just a bard—he can't be disguised by something again, right? "

"I guarantee he's just an ordinary bard." Nazr immediately made a statement.

"What an 'ordinary bard'!" Babette was furious: "That's an 'artist'!"

"..." The audience was silent.

"Cough, the target is Mothar's bard, the orc Lubuk," Nazr broke the silence with a cough: "Because the song he performed, which he called himself 'rap', was too unpleasant, the guests expressed their dissatisfaction. The boss held a dark ceremony with the idea of ​​giving it a try. It stands to reason that we would not respond to such ridiculous reasons, but Babette thinks it is very interesting..."

"If I didn't go, wouldn't an excellent singer be killed by someone among you?" Babette said with a confident look: "I deliberately turned into a prototype to threaten the boss, so that he wouldn't allow it." If you discriminate against Lubuke again, you must also arrange for him to sing when there are many people. I failed this task on purpose, so if you want to be punished, you will be fined!"

What to say... Even after five hundred years the mind is still a child?

"Okay, I'll fine you not to see your frost spider pet for a week." Astrid shook his head helplessly. It's okay to make an accidental mistake, but you need to be punished if you deliberately fail to fulfill the contract, but for Babette Punishment is largely ineffective.

"No! Peter!" Babette threw himself on the table and refused to get up.

The members of the fraternity present looked at each other and decided to ignore her for the time being and discuss the next topic.

"The other mission was taken by Lord Gallus," Nazr pointed to the outside: "But it is still not sure whether it is a 'failure' or a 'cancellation'."

"Revocation?" Astrid frowned: "Could it be that the client suddenly doesn't want the target of the contract to die?"

"The client is Morui Shattershield who lives in Markarth City. She is the adopted daughter of the Shattershield family in Windhelm City. Her sister in name is now the leader of 'Shawl Blonde'. Anyone who mentions her will say 'Frigga's younger sister', so I want to kill her sister to make others value me again, ha." Nazr couldn't help laughing just reading out the information he already knew.

"This kind of commission with ridiculous reasons can be seen from time to time. That girl is obviously immature." Astrid brushed the hair on his forehead: "The living sister still has ways to surpass, but she is at the end of her career. If Gao Feng dies, the spell "What would happen if Frigga was still alive" will accompany her for the rest of her life."

"So, I'm going to Macas City to persuade her to give up this idea." Following the slightly low voice of a middle-aged man, Gallus, who looked a little depressed, walked into the information room.

"What? Our 'Nightingale' Gallus, who has never had a failure record, wants to break this record by himself?" Babette lay on the table without moving, but turned his face around.

"It's not like your style," Einboyorn looked at Gallus: "We don't need unnecessary sympathy."

"Let's put it this way... I really thought so at the beginning," Gallus twitched the corners of his mouth and forced a smile: "If you and Astrid have a child, maybe you can understand my current mood up."

"What——" Ein Boyorn was stunned by the sudden change of the topic, and subconsciously looked at Astrid who was on the main seat, and changed instantly when a little redness appeared on that rough face. A werewolf with no expression on his face: "Oh——"

"Hey!" The girl's exclamation came from the door, and when everyone looked around, a silver-haired, red-eyed girl in an ill-fitting fraternity uniform was frightened and fell to the ground by the werewolf.

Hmm... Well, it's really cute. Astrid looked at the girl who seemed to be called Illya, and pointed at his husband: "Sit down!"

"Boom!" "Oh?" Ain Boyorn, who was at a loss because he scared the daughter of a colleague, immediately sat down honestly in front of Astrid.

"Hee hee..." "Hahaha—(Spades)"

When Ilya laughed out loud, the clown who appeared next to her inexplicably also started laughing, and then the girl with a disgusted face raised her hand and pushed him away.

"Illya?" Gallus tried to take two steps towards the door. The girl who was pushing Cicero further and further away immediately hid behind the door, only showing half of her head and watching him vigilantly.

"Anyway...she won't recognize me even if I stay here, why don't you leave for a while, find a way to get Mu Rui to give up her commission, and then try to contact her mother." Gallus said with a sigh.

"Although this is your private matter, isn't it because you joined us and didn't go to the big cities for several years because there were some troublesome things that were not resolved?" Astrid instructed Ain Boyorn to sit back on the chair On the one hand, he asked Gallus: "Is there no problem?"

"Even my daughter has already come to the door, so I naturally have no reason to escape." Gallus' eyes became deep: "Some things really have to have an ending."

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