The Collection of The End

Two thousand four hundred and four, North American Mythical War (279)

——Marvel, 2015——

Ocean planet, west coast of Gondor.

A country where almost all of its territory is grassland, but has a long coastline. Scholars who specialize in geography, climate and biological distribution will be shocked when they see it. However, since the entire planet is "artificial", there are also There seems to be no need to be so shocked by the existence of a strip of continent running through the North and South Poles.

At this time, if someone looks towards the sea from the coast of the high cliffs of the grassland, in addition to the magnificent undulating sea surface and swarms of seabirds, there is only... a ship made of strange-shaped materials, burning It is a strange ship that is burning green fire, emitting black smoke, making loud noises, and falling apart if you are not careful. It is rushing towards the shore.

However, due to the draft problem, these strange ships had to stop not far from the coast, and put down several landing boats. The ugly and ferocious green-skinned crew members on board immediately dismantled the strange ships. , then put the materials into the boat and sailed to the shore-while picking up other crew members who fell into the water because of fighting each other in the process.

After landing, the crew members first piled materials from several ships together, then picked up various weapons and began to fight each other. The victors showed off their power and began to use those materials to assemble docks and docks on the coast, while the losers Dejectedly, we went to dig soil, build roads, transport supplies and build other rough buildings. For a while, there were clanging, banging, rumbling, wowing and other noises exploding everywhere.

These crew members seemed to be reckless and reckless, but the speed of building the camp was not slow. After only half a day, a small seaport with a pier began to take shape. It only needed to build a city wall and put up city defenses, and then they could sit back and relax.

At this moment, with the rolling and thunderous sound of hooves, the ground of the newly built harbor began to tremble continuously. The crew members dropped their work one by one as if they were drunk, and picked up objects that looked like weapons nearby. He rushed out of the camp.

"[Wow wow wow—ugh!]"

The green-skinned crew member who rushed out of the camp only roared half-heartedly before a flying cone-headed arrow pierced his throat, cutting off his voice. In his eyes that gradually became cloudy, the image of a large army with a large number of people was reflected. Covering the horizon, the brilliant cavalry carried a golden circular pattern and an emerald-green flag. The last thing it heard was a heroic female voice:

"[Cavalry Archer! Charge!]"


Ding! Boom! boom--

The steel pier, which was obviously pieced together haphazardly from scrap materials but was very strong, eventually collapsed under the beatings of maces and hammerheads.

The cavalry in charge of the demolition work whistled to avoid the smoke and dust of the collapse, passed through the camp buildings that had been or were about to be razed to the ground, and reported back to the commander on the high slope of the coast.

"Your mission is completed, take your people to rest." Kyle Rayner, who was wearing a green suit with an armored stomach, waved to the cavalry captain and sent him away, then turned to his side, wearing a green and black eye patch. Jade: "How many more times do you want me to say this? Cavalry archers can't charge. They are all lightly armored and have no ability to protect themselves with green light energy. If they collide head-on with these greenskins, who are equivalent to heavy infantry, they will definitely die." "

"But in the end, didn't even one of the cavalry archers die in the battle?" Jade disagreed: "Since I ordered the charge, of course I will protect them."….

"That's because, after these green skins appear, using our original power against them will not deduct the benefits. If you go back and fight against other human empires because of your habits..." Kyle shook his head and sighed.

"But I don't think that day will come." Jade shrugged: "If a ferocious foreign enemy appears and directly destroys the South China Sea Empire, it expresses a completely incommunicable attitude. If humans continue to fight among themselves for the empire's legitimacy, power, and interests. , that would be too stupid.”

"That's because these guys named 'sea pirates', but were replaced by unknown monsters, launched attacks on all the countries near the sea at the same time..." Kyle touched his nose: "There seems to be no country on this planet that is not near the sea. nation."

"Don't worry, have you forgotten that this is not a real world, but a competition stage provided by the Ocean Demon?" Jade patted him on the shoulder: "I was still wondering, what's the point of fighting on land and under the sea?" Looking for treasure, it turns out there are enemies coming from the sea.

It happened to be stuck at the juncture where we had just defeated the West Sea Empire. The design of the Universe Demon God was really clever. "

"The appearance of these enemies may be her arrangement, but the enemies themselves may not be," Kyle looked at her: "Do you remember that the 'dragon' in the first scene was originally a bounty target of the Green Lantern Corps?"

"..." Jade tilted her head, thoughtfully.

"Reiner! Jade!" After a brief silence, a short but energetic young man led a few people up the cliff: "I called them here."

"Thank you, the remaining, ahem, residual light." Reina nodded at him and looked at the few people following the boy: "As for these green-skinned pirates, you have already had close contact. Can you confirm their relationship with the prehistoric Green Lantern Corps?"

"Absolutely, it doesn't matter!" With the words "Who asked me to ask?" on his head, the strong man in heavy armor said slightly unclearly: "'Prehistoric Legion,' called 'Green Light,' has very high technology. Strong, not these, 'greenskin'."

"As a member of the Prehistoric Lantern Corps, your judgment is naturally trustworthy, but after all, the Green Lantern Corps had not yet been established at that time. If a certain branch was controlled and transformed by the universe demon, it is also possible." Kai I nodded and shook my head.

"Wow!" The strong man screamed in anger, jumped off the cliff, and began to take out his anger on the camp buildings that had not been completely dismantled.

"So, what do you guys think?" Kyle turned back and looked at the four "heroic spirits" who had statues at the headquarters of the Green Lantern Corps and held the status of "founders of the Green Lantern Corps."

"Through the study of 306 samples, I found that their DNA was based on - uh uh!" As soon as the slender [Nameless Se] started to say a sentence, another person of the same size reached out to cover his mouth. .

"Give us races with 'absolute memory and ability' a way to survive." [Starry Night Soul·jj] turned his head while suppressing the opponent's struggle: "Prince of Argon, please tell me."

"Lao Mo is studying their creations. I have also had close combat with them. Referring to Wuming's research, I finally came to a conclusion..." The tall and strong [Old Argon] glanced at the location where cutting sparks were shining down the mountain: "These 'greenskins' are older beings than the Green Lantern, the founder of the Green Lantern Corps. Perhaps the two have a common ancestor, but this branch did not develop towards civilization and wisdom like the 'Green Lantern'. Instead, they will Characteristics such as strength, vitality, reproductive speed, and information inheritance are brought to the extreme. They build these vehicles and buildings and use them to fight. Just like fish are born to swim and birds are born to fly, it is a biological instinct. Therefore, reconcile with them. It’s completely impossible.”

"Where did the Sea Demon God find them from?" Kyle muttered, then shook his head: "Then, the original plan remains unchanged. Before the other brothers and sisters take care of the West Sea Empire, we will continue on the beach. Patrol and attack every pirate who wants to come ashore..."

He paused and turned to Jade beside him: "What do you think? Your Majesty the Queen?"

"Huh," Jade turned around and said, "That's right."

Jingjing Little Demon Fairy

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