The Collection of The End

Two thousand four hundred and five, North American Mythical War (280)

——Marvel, 2015—Ocean Planet, Algoron. As one of the northern countries that often faces attacks from pirates and needs combat power to escort them along the way, the North Sea Empire has a large number of maritime fleets, and more than half of them come from its capital Algoron, which is surrounded by mountains and sea. A giant city-state with many shipyards, docks and docks.

The four empires have been fighting each other for many years. Even if the Beihai Empire occasionally declines and is invaded by other empires, the attackers will not have even the slightest intention to occupy the city. After all, no one can guarantee that the huge fleet will be there day and night. Despite the continuous bombardment, they could still maintain control of the city.

Until today. Thousands of boats raced by in the past, and the sight of sails and masts like clouds has disappeared. The sea surface is full of shipwrecks that are either floating with the waves or burning in flames. The person who knocked these wrecks away or directly ran over them was Al. The residents of Goron have never seen many strange ships made of steel, spraying green fire everywhere, and making explosion sounds from time to time.

They have no time to think

The question of "How can iron float on water without sinking" was just busy using counterweight trebuchets, trebuchets, ballistas and even bows, arrows and spears on the city walls to counterattack the incoming enemies, but to no avail.

The lighter stones and arrows bounced back directly and sank into the sea. The heavier stones were just stuck on the iron ships and had no effect. Only those who used kerosene to ignite the thrown objects

The "Flaming Catapult" can only occasionally produce results, causing the iron ship hit by it to explode and sink. Then, the siege equipment that launched the attack will be uniformly bombarded by the iron ship that enters the range, along with the operator and surroundings. The city walls were shattered together.

Because they never thought that the enemy would come from the sea, Algoron's cavalry defenders had no choice but to dismount and gather at the dock landing site in the city, preparing to give the attackers a head-on blow. After all, according to their experience, the light sailors on the ship had no choice but to dismount. They are no match for heavy armored infantry.

Until those tall men with green faces and fangs, wearing iron armor and holding various heavy weapons

The "Troll" rushed off the boat and killed them all. Seeing that the coast could not be defended, the residents of the city fled out one after another. However, they saw those green-skinned monsters seizing the still intact catapults, grabbing their companions and stuffing them into the throwing ladles, turning around and pulling down the torque arms, directly throwing them away one by one. The screaming weirdos were thrown at the gate leading to the outside of the city. These

Although at least half of the "flying greenskins" were killed, the rest still blocked the city gate noisily.

While the fleeing residents were waiting in a daze to die, golden thunder suddenly appeared in the sky.

"[I am Thor, God of Thunder! For the glory of the Northern God!]" Falling from the sky, a figure wrapped in golden thunder flew from one iron ship to another, sparking dazzling lightning between the steel warships. , the relatively fragile ship disintegrated and exploded, and the stronger ship was also filled with electric current, and the green-skinned crew jumped and fell into the sea while screaming loudly.

The greenskins who were lucky enough to survive casually grabbed the floating wreckage and paddled in an attempt to approach Algoron's dock. Halfway through, they were pierced by the reactivated ballistae and sank to the bottom of the sea.

"Haha! My engineering points have exceeded 275. I am a master!" The tall and thin man operating the crossbow laughed while re-winding the ballista.

The greenskins who were wreaking havoc everywhere in the city realized something was wrong and tried to rush to the city's defense position to take back the engineering equipment. However, they were beaten away by a fat man who appeared there at an unknown time and was guarding the equipment.

"Shut up, Hogan," the fat man shook his beard, and hammered away the gathered greenskins one by one: "Our large army hasn't arrived yet, so don't attract attention." From a hidden position a little further away, A greenskin holding a crossbow tried to sneak attack from a distance, but he was caught in the shadows. A thin man dressed in emerald green leather and carrying a longbow wiped his neck. When the greenskins nearby turned to look, they only saw the man lying on the ground. Companions, there was no sign of the attacker at all.

The greenskin scratched his head in confusion and was about to go over to investigate, but his attention was attracted by a loud noise coming from the direction of the city gate.

Boom! Boom! Crash - the city gate that was closed by the greenskins to prevent residents from escaping continued to tremble with heavy crashes, and finally burst open. Then, a green-skinned giant holding a heavy oar strode in from outside the door, showing off With a wave of his arm, he swept away all the greenskins that tried to block him along the way, and cleared the city gate directly.

At this time, a not-so-stupid greenskin saw that the giant was not good at dealing with low attacks, so he picked up long and short weapons to attack his knees and ankles. Seeing that he was about to succeed, a giant followed him and rushed into the city. The bearded dwarf who was as tall as his legs was knocked over with two hammers.

"Herem! Don't enter the city! Guard the city gate!" The bearded dwarf raised his head and yelled. He kept hammering two hammers in his hands and flattened two more greenskins.

"[Okay.]" The giant responded in a muffled voice, took two steps back, removed half of the city gate as a shield, and began to defend it.

Although only a few fresh troops appeared, they were all in key positions, stabilizing the overwhelming defeat. The defenders and armed residents in the city who had not yet been wiped out began to take the initiative to attack the enemy. Although they looked fierce, they were obviously not very intelligent. The greenskins launched a counterattack.

On the steep mountains where the Algoron city wall was built, parked a silver horse with snow-white wings. On the horse's back, sat a man wearing silver armor, a winged helmet on his head, and a sword and shield on his back. The heroic female knight.

She scanned the entire city of Algoron from a high position, paying special attention to the new forces that suddenly appeared and the golden thunder that was bouncing around on the sea.

"Queen Sif," a white light suddenly appeared, and a man wearing a white robe with gold trim and a white-haired golden boy appeared half a step behind her: "Our 'hero' has successfully arrived at the predetermined combat position, acting like the enemy. Without their excellent combat skills, it is impossible for this siege to succeed."

"Well," Sif nodded slightly: "How long until our main force arrives?"

"It will take at least another day," the white-haired man replied: "To deal with these 'greenskins', we can indeed exert our original strength, but it still cannot be used to influence the indigenous people. If the soldiers are not allowed to go on their way in person, even if I take them If they are forcibly teleported, they will also be completely unable to move for a period of time, and this time will be equivalent to the total time required to arrive on the road and repair their combat readiness."

"Algoron's garrison is almost completely wiped out. All that's left are militiamen without combat effectiveness. The other side is still adding reinforcements. We need to resist them for a whole day with only a seven-man lineup, otherwise the largest shipyard and shipyard on the planet will be destroyed. Falling into the hands of these 'pirates', we can no longer check and balance..." Sif raised her eyebrows: "But Asgard is not afraid of any challenge, let's go." The silver Pegasus neighed and flew downwards carrying the Valkyrie. battlefield.

"Is it just a challenge...?" The white-haired man looked at the rough steel warships that continued to appear on the sea level, and murmured to himself: "Then what is the Lord of the Ocean Dimension thinking about?"

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