The Collection of The End

Two thousand four hundred and fourteen, North American Mythical War (289)

——Marvel, 2015——

Ravdru Islands, Molten Canyon.

After fighting hard all the way and passing through huge canyons filled with craters, lava and evil flames, the heavy infantry legion led by Asgard finally arrived at the main gate of the main city of Mordor, and deployed a siege camp to launch a siege.

The number of armored greenskins, steel puppets and armed mammoths that had been pouring out of the city began to decrease rapidly. The remnants left outside were quickly torn to pieces by the giant axes and hammers of the Nord heavy infantry because they could not get reinforcements. .

Obviously, the act of arriving at the city wall and starting a siege triggered a certain rule. The "troop dispatch speed" in the city was greatly reduced, and they could only withdraw their troops and stand firm.

But at the same time, many lightly armored greenskins armed with longbows and heavy crossbows climbed onto the city wall and began shooting at the temporary siege camp from a high position. Although the arrows missed because they were too far away and had poor accuracy, no one could guarantee that they would not miss the target. By chance, the soldiers' progress in building siege engines was slowed down a lot.

"[1 group of infantry, hold the line! 2 groups of infantry! Free fire!]" Sif drove her Pegasus over the battlefield at low altitude, and at the same time shouted commands, allowing the heavy infantry who still had throwing axes to attack the city wall under the cover of their companions. The long-range greenskins on the enemy counterattacked.

This behavior may not necessarily cause much damage, but at least it can ensure that the construction of ballistas, rams and catapults is not disturbed.

"Hey, Pegasus, can you teleport our soldiers to the city wall?" On the edge of the camp, Thor held his giant ax upside down and looked at the greenskins on the city wall who were aiming downwards with an unhappy expression.

"No, Your Highness," Pegasus's white clothes looked out of place on the battlefield filled with miserable green: "Although our abilities can be effective against "greenskins", the benefits will still be deducted when used against the indigenous people. That is to say, the moved troops will lose their combat effectiveness for a long time, even if the purpose of moving is to let them attack the green skins, of course, if you want..."

He pointed the staff in his hand towards the ground, and a circular hole with blue light appeared in front of him about a person's height. Then a green-skinned man holding an iron bow fell out headfirst. He was still waiting for it to react. , Thor, who moved faster, had already split its head open with an axe.

Tsk - Just like hundreds of times before, the dead green skin began to "distort" and "melt", turning into a pool of green water within a few seconds, and this pool of water was all gone after more than ten seconds. "Evaporated", leaving only the tattered iron helmet it was wearing.

"...If you think about it, you can only teleport the opponent over alone like this." Pegasus shook his head: "It's a pity that no bow or crossbow fell out, otherwise it could have armed a few archers."

"Tsk..." Thor looked down at his ax, thoughtfully.

"Please don't use "Golden Flash" to rush up the city wall. Miss Sif specially asked me to keep an eye on you. She said that the target this time is the main city of Mordor, not an ordinary castle captured by the green skins. We don't want to do that at all. Know the structure inside. "Pegasus said quickly.

Thor waved his hand: "No, I was just thinking that even though I joined the battlefield as a "mercenary", I was never able to help much because of my limited strength. No wonder White Star allowed me to come in. "

"..." Unable to interrupt the conversation between demons and gods, Pegasus had no choice but to remain silent.


Not long ago, Asgard.

"Hey, that's not fair. The other two groups have older brothers and younger brothers. The Asgardian players only have useless sisters in their families. They are naturally at a disadvantage," Thor broke into the Scarlet Witch's mage tower and made a noise. : "You tell Bai Xing so that I can go in and help."

"I have recorded what you just said," the Scarlet Witch, who was dozing in a high-back chair, opened one eye and said, "I will forward it to Hela and Sif when they are in a bad mood."

"No, I didn't say that women are useless. Don't wander around." Thor waved his hands repeatedly: "I don't want to do that kind of thing like challenging an entire legion of Valkyries alone."

"That's really spectacular...but haven't you learned your lesson at all?" Scarlet Witch held onto the brim of her hat and sighed.

"Just ask for me," Thor urged: "They came out with their elder brothers, and soon they will have younger brothers to support them.

But Asgard won't have a sister to help until three years later. I doubt whether those guys with weak brains can survive until the third year. "

"Are you qualified to talk about others?" Scarlet Witch pulled down the brim of her hat to cover her eyes: "Wait for me for a while."

"Um, um...oh?" After the Scarlet Witch fell silent, Thor began to walk around in the mage tower, poked at the globe, took out the book, flipped through two pages and stuffed it back, trying to catch the flying bird that had been avoiding him. quill pen.

"You..." After a moment, Scarlet Witch raised her head, as if she was about to speak, but after seeing Thor, she changed her words temporarily: "...What are you doing?"

"I just want to see what's inside..." Thor grinned and shook his hand, but he couldn't get rid of the treasure chest that held his hand firmly.

"Don't mess around with ladies' things," Scarlet Witch raised her wand: "[Forget everything]."

The pale purple light accurately hit the treasure chest. After being stunned for a few seconds, it let go of Thor's hand, fell to the ground, and then rolled back to the corner.

"Should I forget everything in this situation?" Thor was in a daze.

"I made it forget that you just took something out of its mouth," Scarlet Witch glanced at Thor: "It was a clam that changed its shape with a long-lasting transformation spell."

" what I just asked for?" Thor decided to put this matter behind him.

"You can go in," Scarlet Witch put away her wand: "But have you ever considered whether this is unfair to other teams?"

"Let their people go in too. It seems like most of the "superheroes" from the Avengers are here, right? Thor said nonchalantly.

"It sounds like Asgard and Hogwarts are teaming up to cheat," Scarlet Witch shook her head: "What Shirahoshi-sama means is that you are allowed to participate in the war as a mercenary, but other players can also name your brothers and sisters by giving them names. The names of specific people call them out."

"Okay," Thor said casually, "no problem."

"Also, I would like to remind you that there is a limit to the power that the avatar used in the arena can withstand. If you use more divine power than the avatar can withstand, it will fall to the ground..."




A steel cannonball burning with green fire fell not far in front of Thor and exploded, successfully interrupting his wandering.


Thor looked up in surprise and found that the bolides that flew out of the castle and originally only flew sporadically towards the ground troops had all changed their landing points, bombarding the siege camp like raindrops. Hundreds of twins were also attacking at the same time. Foot flying dragon.

"We have lost air superiority!" Pegasus flashed continuously and shouted an order: "Raise your shields! Spread your positions! Pay attention to rescuing those captured by the flying dragons!"

"What are the Green Lantern Corps doing? They're just intercepting cannonballs and killing a few birds!" Thor threw out a few thunderbolts, detonating several steel cannonballs, then turned around in the air, shot down a flying dragon, and turned to look at the height of the canyon. Cliff.

There are no longer green arrows and light beams that are constantly flashing and can even cause light pollution. On the edge of the cliff, one can clearly see heavily armed greenskins and even large steel puppets completely occupying the high ground.

"The Green Lantern Corps betrayed us!" Pegasus flashed back, looking anxious: "They knew we were entering a siege and couldn't easily retreat!"

As if to confirm his words, the gates of the originally closed city of Mordor suddenly opened. Heavy-armored mammoths and steel puppets as tall as three people swarmed out in large numbers of iron-armored greenskins, and the heavy-armored infantrymen who were already tired of dealing with air attacks. The corps fought hand to hand.

"No, we still have a chance. Now the defenders of Mordor City are out in force. As long as we break through the front lines, enter the city and occupy Mordor, we can..."


Before Thor could finish his plan, at the other end of the canyon, there was a loud noise that shook the ground from the direction they had entered. When he looked back, he found that there were three flaming stone giants that were almost identical to the ones that were destroyed halfway before. The same kind, but the difference is that they are complete and have movable legs.

"We must retreat immediately!" Sif rode down on Pegasus: "Pegasus! Can you take the troops out? Now is not the time to consider their combat effectiveness!"

"...No, no," Pegasus closed his eyes for a moment and shook his head repeatedly: "Our troops are in a melee with those greenskins and cannot accurately position and teleport."

Thor raised his head and looked around. In just such a short period of time, the battlefield situation had been reversed 180 degrees, and the entire battlefield was divided into small pieces for fighting.

Horace and Hellem were fighting hand-to-hand with the steel golem, Fandral and Hogan were cooperating to strangle the mammoth elephant, Volstagg was blocking dozens of greenskins by himself, and the other generals who were just ordinary NPCs were even more Unbearable, some have even been knocked to the ground. The whole battlefield looks like chaos.

"Then give up on ordinary soldiers and only save "heroes"! Sif turned around and said urgently: "Mordor does not accept prisoners. All the generals we defeated before disappeared inexplicably. We contestants cannot be captured under any circumstances!"

"Even so..."

"You teleport with me. You locate the battlefield of each "hero". I will separate them, and then you take them away." Thor patted Pegasus on the shoulder hard, and a series of lights flashed around him. Golden Lightning: "Sif, you are responsible for ensuring that no green skins rush in to the "safe zone" nearby, and then receive the "heroes" who are teleported back. "

"...As you command," Sif looked at him: "Your Majesty."


"Damn Green Lantern Corps, let's look at them in the next game!"

"Don't judge rashly. Maybe they were also wiped out by the group?"

"Even if you encounter a strong enemy unexpectedly, at least tell us before you escape!"

"Pegasus! How much longer?"

After constant flashes and rescues, Thor finally succeeded in bringing the Asgard contestants and some luckier heroes and soldiers back to the "safe zone". However, as other separated battlefields gradually fell, the pressure here also increased. It got louder and louder, and the players, tired of dealing with the attacks, even began to curse.

"One more moment! Just one moment!" The light elf, who had always remained elegant, now became embarrassed. He was panting and holding the staff inserted in the center of the safe zone, guiding some kind of spell that only he himself could understand: "As long as you don't let me be disturbed, I'll be there in a few minutes—"

[Buzz——! 】

At this moment, something happened that shocked everyone present - the flaming eyes that had been acting as a beacon since they landed moved.

It stopped its original formulaic rotation and directed its flaming "gaze" directly towards the "safe zone".

Everyone was caught off guard, but they were not ignited as expected. Instead, an incomprehensible roar echoed in everyone's ears:


The other "heroes" who were good at melee combat just had splitting headaches, but Pegasus, who was guiding the teleportation spell, suddenly started to tremble all over, with bleeding from all his orifices. Weird cracks appeared on his whole body like porcelain, as if it would break in the next moment. .


"I...can still..."

Although the light elf was still holding on to his staff, his voice gradually became lower and his eyes began to become distracted.

At this extremely critical moment, Thor, whose ears were filled with strange roars, became extremely flexible and could even clearly recall the details of the conversation that he had forgotten when he went to find the Scarlet Witch:

[There is a limit to the power that the incarnation can withstand. If more divine power is used than it can bear, it will shatter to pieces. 】

[However, that is only the result of using non-offensive abilities, such as guarding, summoning, teleportation, etc. 】

[If it is an instant attack ability, even if the body is broken, can the attack that has been sent be withdrawn? 】

[So, this restriction means that everyone can launch a super attack, but they must find a good time... Hey! are you listening? Don't tease my dog! 】


So that's it. He looked down at his palm, which had developed fine cracks due to excessive use of lightning.

Amidst the roars of his companions around him, Thor slowly pulled out his battle ax, then injected the maximum current he could withstand into it, and then watched it turn red, melt, and finally form a perfect round ball. Liquid metal ball.

He raised his arms flat, suspended the liquid metal ball between his arms, and aimed in the direction of his "eyes".

"Have you heard of it," Thor said softly to the huge flaming eyes that seemed to be staring back at him, "Have you ever heard of the Railgun?" "

Perhaps it was an illusion, but he seemed to see the huge hole shrinking slightly.


At this moment, even the red sky that shrouded the entire island was darkened a lot. The only light between heaven and earth was the light that rose from the center of the battlefield and penetrated all obstacles diagonally upwards, without stopping, the light that symbolized fear was A huge flame eye penetrates the bright beam of light from the center.

What matched it was the roar of filial piety that appeared at the same time, resounding throughout the sky but ending abruptly:

"[I am Thor, God of Thunder! For the glory of the Northern God!]"

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