The Collection of The End

Two thousand four hundred and fifteen, North American Mythical War (290)

——Marvel, 2015—?Ocean planet, far sea? "Huh...huh...this thing is really difficult. If it weren't for limiting the upper limit of the power that can be used..." "You should be lucky that the rules of the game count it as a ' Object that can use power', otherwise it will be more difficult. ?At this time, the "Sherlock" looked very miserable. Not only had two masts broken off, the hull was full of dents and big holes, and the stern wheel and rudder were missing, but even so, it did not capsize and sink. It is still floating on the sea tenaciously, and at the same time, there are bright red spots shining in the damaged areas. It is slowly being repaired? If you look closely, you can find that the sizes of the big holes and dents on the hull seem to be exactly the same. , looks exactly like... the "meteor hammer" on the tail of the giant monster fish that died on the sea next to it? It was a huge creature shaped like a giant turtle. In addition to a shell full of spikes, it also had a dragon The head, the claws of a bird and the tail of a snake. At the end of the tail is a ball that looks like bone and chitin with a lot of spikes? The Hogwarts contestants struggled to launch the first one out of the water. After the attacking guy was defeated, the other large shadows under the sea disappeared in a rush? "It's simply hard to understand. As... uh, an aquatic creature, why does it grow a tail that is used to swing attacks? It can usually hit other actions. An agile 'Neptune type'?" Watson pulled the cable and looked down. "Perhaps it is used to hit those who are slower than it and have stronger defenses," Sherlock said casually, and then turned to Lily: "So, How to make 'bubble wrap'?? "Huh?" "Although the ship's center of gravity was unstable due to severe damage, Lily ran around unaffected: "How do I know? Mermaids don't use that. Sherlock was silent for two seconds: "In other words, as long as you kill any Neptune, you can get the bubble membrane, because we already have the production method." Who can do it? We don’t have anyone with a fishing background here, right? "Halfway through Irene asked, she found herself the center of attention: "Huh? I? "You are the only 'death faction' present, and there is a corpse in front of us." Sherlock nodded. "Okay, let me try..." Erin took out her wand, and after thinking about it, she changed it to that one. The strange double-headed spear, pointed at the sea king species on the sea? Phew...? Under the gaze of everyone, the giant strange fish turned into bursts of black ash and disappeared like a landslide, leaving only a huge one. The transparent ball, after a brief pause, rushed towards the "Sherlock" and wrapped it directly inside? "The manufacturing was successful!" Lily cheered... You call this manufacturing?

———? "Hmm... Although the technology tree has obviously exceeded the scope of the Middle Ages due to the emergence of 'green skins', deep-sea submarines are still a bit unimaginable." I originally served as a lookout because of my good eyesight, but now I no longer need to work Tachara climbed down from the watchtower? At this time, the "Detective Sherlock" had dived into the sea in a behavior pattern that was not a conventional ship, and was sailing close to the seafloor covered with corals and seaweeds? In the dim light, from time to time, A curious school of small fish came over, but were blocked by the bubble wrap. They were startled and ran away one after another? "The Mark series armor has never been available in underwater models. Maybe..." Luna looked around, thoughtfully? "Ocean But in the realm of the 'White Star', before your father is promoted to the Universe Demon God, it's best not to take advantage of it." Moriarty, who had been relatively silent, suddenly said, "He? The Universe Demon God? Don't... huh?" Luna In the middle of the rebuttal, he suddenly stopped thoughtfully: "Is there a 'Steel Demon' now?" "If you want to say a 'Forging Demon', of course there is," Moriarty replied: "Her name is Heffy Hephaestus only grants power to blacksmiths or intelligent creatures with similar professions, but because the recipient can only receive feedback if he creates an 'artifact', he is quite weak. "That 'God of Darkness' really says everything." Sherlock looked at the sky. "Sometimes, things that the Demon God of the Universe considers insignificant and worthless are incomparable treasures to others." Mo. Riadi looked at Lily meaningfully, and then glanced at Atreus. Atreus pretended not to see it, and Lily didn't notice at all. "Yes, yes, it's over here!" Lily was standing on the bow of the ship. On the top, she gestured to the front: "Go down that slope!? Looking in the direction she pointed, there was only a cliff and the bottomless darkness below? "That... is the end of the continental shelf, and below that is The lightless deep sea..." Sherlock at the helm muttered: "It's time to activate the backup energy source. ? Before anyone could ask "What backup energy source?", two light beams pierced the darkness suddenly lit up in front of the ship, as if a car suddenly turned on its high beams on a rainy night? "Oops." Lily slipped and fell backwards. She happened to fall into the arms of Atreus, who had been waiting there for a long time. She originally wanted to say something, but looked up at Atreus' profile, then lowered her head and said nothing. "What is that? We Doesn't our ship have this function?" Atreus asked with a smile? "That's a 'simple reasoning', my friend." Sherlock turned the rudder and turned the "diving sailboat" towards the temporarily blocked land. Illuminated darkness?————? The "Sherlock" dived into the deep sea with a "bubble" that emitted a dull white light. The crew was originally unfamiliar with the scenery that was different from that on land and the occasional "randomly long" ones. "Long" strange fish made a fuss, but after a while they basically lost interest and turned to chatting with each other or checking the kingdom and family information to determine the situation on the land? "Sherlock, do you think after we find the 'Inner Earth Sea'? What tests will they face?" Watson looked eager to try: "I remember that the previous two times were complicated puzzles and difficult battles. The situations encountered by the Green Lantern Corps and Asgard when they were looking for the Evidence of Overlord were also the same. Each one is different. "I think it shouldn't be too difficult, and it might even be an almost joke-like test. "Shylock replied? "Huh? Why? "Because we have gone through several major tests just to get there, and if it is more difficult -" "Ouch!" ? Sherlock, whose reasoning was interrupted, frowned and looked at Watson, only to see him pulling out a pendant from his collar fieryly. No, it should be said to be a ring strung together? At this time, the ring seemed to be burning. Bursts of red light emitted, burning out rows of strange thin characters on its surface? "Huh?" Sherlock looked at the ring: "Our incarnations were unable to use these special wands before, and they were gradually unblocked after the green skin appeared. , now...? "My treasure -" Peng Shylock turned around and saw that Atreus had just knocked out the man who returned to the team with him, who seemed to be named Crow: "There are some things that cannot be allowed to happen." Residents heard this, please pay attention. ?But isn't he the intended professor? "That is to say, because the situation has changed, it has now unlocked more powerful abilities?" Watson didn't pay attention to the episode over there, blew twice to blow away the remaining warmth, and then He raised his hand and put the ring on his finger? "Don't put it on your ring finger...forget it." Sherlock couldn't stop him? Crack--!

When Watson put the ring on, there was bright lightning crackling outside the spherical "bubble"? But this was clearly the deep sea? Sherlock turned around and looked around, and found that the surrounding environment had changed with the lightning. , the original dark seabed with only two lights has been replaced by the sea surface in a violent storm? "What?" "What's going on?" "Have we been teleported to the sea?" No, that's not right. The posture of the "Sherlock" has not changed. In other words, the "bubble film" that was originally completely transparent and can reflect the external environment has changed its shape. The inner wall turned into a 360-degree super-d movie screen with no blind spots. Although he was used to seeing unreasonable scenes, Sherlock looked around at his companions with different expressions, but this time he still felt like he was with someone. Not bad? After experiencing various magical events, after being briefly surprised, everyone in Hogwarts roughly judged the current situation, and quickly determined the protagonist of this "movie" - that was a ship traveling parallel to themselves. , a large cruise ship fighting the storm? Apart from the sailors lowering the sails and mooring ropes, the most eye-catching thing on the ship is Atreus, who is dressed in golden clothes and wearing a golden crown. He is standing on the bow of the ship. Under the awning, softly comforting and held in his arms, a young woman also dressed in luxurious clothes - that was obviously not Lily? At the stern of the boat far away from the two of them, "Lily" in ordinary clothes was holding a gorgeous pearl dagger. , staring at them closely? "..." And the real Lily on the "Sherlock" was looking at the picture on the "giant screen" in a daze? "Wow~" Luna exclaimed? "So you are this kind of person. "Aileen also said? They are just trying to make a fire, right? Everyone can see that that is not true. Sherlock shrugged. That "Atreus" is exactly the incarnation image he is using at this time, but Atreus Si's true appearance shows that he is still a teenager? In other words, is this some kind of "test"?

"No, wait, that's not me -" After a few seconds of surprise, Atreus hurried towards Lily? "I know," Lily raised her hand to stop his defense, her tone of voice unclear: "First... read on. .?"[Laura - what are you waiting for -]" At this time, a shrill female voice from an unknown source appeared: "[As long as you kill him - you can turn back into a mermaid -]? In the storm" "Lily" looked tangled, hesitated for a long time, and finally sighed and threw the dagger into the sea. At the same time, the storm quickly stopped, the clouds opened and the rain stopped, revealing the sunset that was setting towards the sea, and "Lily" was in the sunset. Under the irradiation, it turned into a colorful bubble and disappeared? "I..." Atreus was about to say something, when the 3D scene surrounding the screen suddenly dropped, and followed the dagger that was thrown into the sea into the water to track it in close-up, with At the same time, a voice that could not distinguish between male and female sounded with a dull echo:

"[Our king is about to be born.]?"[There is also one in the distant sea. 】?“[The two kings will eventually meet again.]?“[We have been waiting for that day. "[It's coming soon, it will go smoothly this time.]" Following lines of unclear meaning, the dagger finally fell to the bottom of the sea and was inserted shallowly on the beach. Everyone was still trying to understand the meaning of these words. A large shadow suddenly appeared on the screen, and the "camera" zoomed out, revealing a woman with short red hair wearing a red and white diving suit, carrying an oxygen tank on her back? She was originally walking around aimlessly. Observing the corals and playing with the fish, I was suddenly attracted by the flash of the dagger. I quickly swam over and pulled it out from the bottom of the sea. After observing it for a while, I decided to stop diving and swim to the sea? "Isn't the age difference a bit far? "This is called montage." "No, this should be -" "Shh, don't talk while watching a movie." It's not a movie no matter how you think about it..." Sherlock was distracted for a moment, and the pictures on the screen had followed to the sea. Above, a female diver is climbing up a rope ladder onto a luxury cruise ship, while the "camera" reaches past her and reaches the deck first, showing several heavily armed gangsters forcing some well-dressed upper-class people to squat down with their heads in their hands? " 【Hi! Look what I found——]? Ta-ta-ta!

The female diver boarded the deck. Before she finished speaking, she was struck in the chest by the nearest gangster and fell back into the sea. At this moment, the time on the screen slowed down extremely, and the female diver's blood splashed on the dagger. Then the absorbed scenes were displayed frame by frame. Finally, the flow of time became normal, and she fell into the sea with a pop? "[Asshole! Don't kill the hostages casually!]" The accomplice next to the gunman kicked him: " [Our purpose is to let these powerful people and the families behind them know that the 'Kingpin' cannot protect them, so that they can give up clinging to that guy who only wants his wife and children, instead of drawing hatred onto themselves!]?" [But, she was holding a dagger, I thought it was the Navy SEALs coming...]" The gunman was kicked, but he didn't dare to refute, and timidly explained? "[Idiot! In a fight between gangs, no one will call the police! ]” The kicking gangster looked toward the sea: “[You might as well say you thought you saw a mermaid——]? Katcha, plop!

As if his feet slipped and he lost his balance, the gangster broke the railing and fell into the sea? "[I, I, I can't swim!]" The shooter panicked and pointed his gun at the other hostages: "[Who can? Swim, go down and rescue him!]? The hostages' eyes widened, but not because of fear. They all looked unanimously at the place where the kicking gangster fell into the water? "[What--]" The shooting gangster finally realized something was wrong and turned around. When I looked at it, my line of sight was completely blocked by a pink fish tail? Bah!

The gangster spun and flew down to the sea, revealing the diver who had returned to the deck. No, it was a little mermaid with short pink hair and a pink fish tail, wearing a tattered and blood-stained diving suit casually on her body? "[Humph?" , can’t swim? Then learn to swim now.]” She said with her hands on her waist, “[What sound!]” “[Kingpin’s people have arrived?]” “[Quick, quick, quick!]? From other people on the yacht Urgent shouts came from the place. The Little Mermaid turned the dagger in her hand, thought about it for a moment, and chose to put it away. She picked up the gun on the ground, loaded it and reloaded it skillfully, and then looked at the stunned hostages. , raise your index finger:

"[You guys, you didn't see anything~]? The "movie" ends here, and the outside of the bubble returns to the darkness of the deep sea, while the "audience" looks at each other? "Oops, we know the dark history of the vice principal, You won't be wearing a pair of shoes when you go back, right? ?"I did not see anything!

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