The Collection of The End

Two thousand four hundred and eighteen, Sherlock and the Ministry of Magic (1)

——Marvel, 2015——

The inner sea of ​​the earth, Suramar.

The Hogwarts group, led by Lily, walked on the ocean-style streets. Although their appearance was obviously different from the locals, they had already become one with the locals in the past period, so they did not receive many strange looks. .

"This is an illusion! What are you hiding?" Atreus, who was walking in front, suddenly turned around and said.

"?" Lily looked at him with confusion: "We have completed the task of preparing for the celebration? All we have to do next is go to the Fishman Square to meet Lord Shirahoshi and make a wish."

"It's okay, I just suddenly wanted to shout." Atreus turned his head and looked at his other companions.

"..." T'Challa emerged from the basket on the side of the road nonchalantly: "This is, um, what do you mean by that word? Conditioned reflex?"

"Yes, that's the famous Pavlov experiment." Watson slid down from the street lamp and helped while adjusting his clothes.

Principles and experiments are two different things. Didn't you realize that that sentence meant you were treating yourself like a dog? Sherlock looked at the sky and decided to ignore the topic.

This time I took a "submarine" to search for the final "Proof of Overlord". The real difficulty lies in finding a way to reach the "Earth's Inner Sea" and the dangers encountered on the way. As for the destination? There is Lily, an aborigine in the team, and the person in charge of the underwater kingdom is our vice-principal. There may be tests, but there will never be danger.

...Except for the danger of PTSD for a certain sentence.

At that time, the "Sherlock" was isolated from the "bubble" of the "Earth's Inner Sea". Lily vowed that she could take everyone in. However, not far in, she was discovered by the "Sea Patrol Yasha", and then collectively Throw it out.

The reason used by the guards who are more like "murlocs" than "mermaids" to drive people away is that they, "outsiders", are contaminated by the "surface evil god" and are prohibited from entering "Shirahoshi-sama"'s "Kingdom of God", but from him You can tell from the looks in Lily and Atreus's eyes that this behavior is somewhat personal.

Compared to the Hogwarts contestants who obviously knew the truth, Lily was the most anxious one. She looked for loopholes that she usually found that could be entered and asked acquaintances with whom she had good relationships. Finally, she found a person who "helped the residents of the city to do something." Prepare for the celebration", "hold the celebration in advance", and use the method of "Shirahoshi-sama who only appears during the celebration" in front of you.

If she knew that everything she did was arranged by her "Shirahoshi-sama", would her faith collapse?

No, probably not. Even if he knew the truth, he would probably just say in admiration, "As expected of you, Shirahoshi-sama, you even predicted my improvised plan."


"Shirahoshi-sama is here!"


Sherlock was still thinking when the many mermaids and fishmen gathered in the "Fishmen Square" in front suddenly became excited. When he looked up, he happened to see a carriage shaped like a huge shell and pulled by two giant sea kings. The direction of Ryugu Castle appeared, and the huge "Shirahoshi" with long pink hair and pink fish tail that he had seen several times was sitting dignifiedly on it, waving to the mermaids around him.

Why does it feel a lot smaller than I remember... And what's up with that funny shark wearing a dragon flag T-shirt?


Dragon Palace City, reception room.

"[It is the final "Proof of Overlord",]" "White Star" sitting on the tall coral throne touched the shark's head and knocked it very smoothly: "[The combat power is equivalent to 250 elite armored cavalry, It will not be defeated, but the unit defeated by it will definitely "die" and cannot be saved by any "skill". 】』

It must have been eaten... Sherlock looked at the sharp white teeth that the shark specially grinned.

After the celebration, the "White Star" traveling in a car brought everyone from Hogwarts back to Ryugu City, and showed the "rewards" scheduled to be distributed, although there was no need to fight at this time: the seven certificates of overlords Once all are found, the game can be settled at any time.

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However, judging from "Kingdom Intelligence", Asgard and the Green Lantern Corps obviously did not get along very well during the Battle of Ravdru Islands, and they hope they will not fight after the game.

"[Then, as the force that has found the last "Certificate of Overlord" and is also the force with the largest number of Certificates of Overlord, you can choose to end this "undersea treasure hunt" immediately, or you can choose to continue the "battle for hegemony" to gain points. Until the game time runs out,]" Shirahoshi knocked the shark on the head again: "[What is your decision?]"

The group of people looked at each other in confusion, and finally looked at Sherlock in unison, even Luna, who called herself the "captain".

"Can I ask about the current standings?" Sherlock thought for a moment and then asked.

"[Right now, Asgard ranks first in points, Green Lantern Corps ranks second, and you are at the bottom,]" Bai Xing leaned on the throne, resting his chin on his hands: "[During the land hegemony, the points accumulation rate of all parties was about the same. The difference lies in the "additional question" of "Mordor" and "Iron Greenskins". They both answered well, but not only did you not answer much, your "paper score" was even negative. 】』

This time it was Moriarty who became the focus of attention, and he looked up at the crystal chandelier in Dragon Palace City, seeming to be appraising its manufacturing process.

"Let me ask one more question, how will this "additional question" be handled after the competition? "Sherlock broke the silence.

"[Don't underestimate the "Space Demon", kid," Shirahoshi seemed to glance at Moriarty, but didn't seem to say: "[This level of "penetration", in a formal conflict between demons, even tentative Its attacks don't even count. As long as you contestants leave, it will be annihilated as the entire planet is "initialized." 】』

That is the "Lord of the Dark Dimension" who is on the same level as you. If there is no way to circumvent "initialization", it is impossible to accept Moriarty's conditions, right?

Sherlock wanted to remind him, but then he thought about it. She probably knew everything that happened on this planet. If she spoke about it, it would seem like he was really looking down on her.

"I have no problem, let's end this game," Sherlock replied, then looked at the other companions who were a little confused and explained briefly: "At this time, Asgard and the Green Lantern Corps have great conflicts with each other. , and in the third "racing race", no matter whether we are first or second, these contradictions will be suppressed, so there is no need for us to continue to compete for rankings - anyway, the overall difference is not much, so instead of competing for that much A little advantage, might as well let them restrain each other in the next game, right? "

"Ha," Moriarty scoffed, "all of you tactical thinkers are dirty."

...Who do you think I am covering for?

"[Then...]" Shirahoshi raised his finger and hit the head of the shark that was trying to avoid it: "[The game is over.]"

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