The Collection of The End

Two thousand four hundred and nineteen, Sherlock and the Ministry of Magic (2)

——Marvel, 2015—?Ocean Planet, Mermaid Island?

"[Then, the game is over.]? With a dull but inexplicably crisp knock, Sherlock felt that the whole world had stopped? This is not a metaphor or exaggeration, as

The holder of the "Time Stone" can clearly feel that everything around him has come to a standstill, as if someone has pressed the pause button on a movie. Then, everything in the field of vision seems to have lost its three-dimensional sense. From 3D to flat?

If he hadn't also fallen into stasis, with only his consciousness still active and unable to turn his eyes or move, Sherlock would have definitely looked around and done some experiments on time or something?

Although there is no direct evidence, Sherlock is very convinced, except that

In addition to "pause\

,"Shirahoshi who "pressed pause" can still easily respond to this movie

"movie" execution

"fast forward\

,""fall back\

,""embedded" and

Operations such as "erasing"? Time feels continuous, but at the same time it is composed of individual

Composed of "slices", ordinary people cannot discover this fact, just like movie theater audiences rarely know that what they are watching is just switching very quickly - at least every time?

4 pictures - the same freeze-frame picture? For Sherlock, this feeling is very familiar. It is the same as the one held in Hogwarts.

In the "qualifiers", he started from

Is it exactly the same when it fell out of the gap in the "World Slice"? Compared to myself who acted recklessly at that time, now that the Sea Demon God Shirahoshi is personally operating it, he shouldn't fall out... maybe?

Um? Wait, how long will this pause last? Because of the Time Stone, I have still maintained my thinking activities. It's okay to just leave him here for ten days and a half, but what if it lasts until the duration of this competition?

800 days, even if you don’t become a madman, it’s almost enough, right? But fortunately, as the demon god of the universe, Shirahoshi will obviously not make such a mistake.

Shortly after "The World Stands Still", Sherlock, who was still thinking wildly, felt that everything around him was shaking. Then, the entire Dragon Palace City

"Flying" up? Upward

During the "flight" process, the palace, the colonnades, the chandeliers, the tables and chairs, everything in Sherlock's eyes began to collapse, shatter, dissipate, and turned into nothingness. In the end, only a huge piece was left under his feet, which looked like it was made of Rough rock material

"Foundation", which is suspended in the dark and empty background, is scattered with all the Hogwarts contestants and their younger siblings - all of whom have maintained various structures after the houses and furniture disappeared. Weird posture?

This shouldn’t really be the demolition of Mermaid Island, it’s just a form of transformation from fiction to reality, maybe?

And... you won’t bring your younger brothers and sisters to Asgard for a trip, right? According to previous reasoning, this experience should be just a wonderful dream for them?

As if in response to Sherlock's guess, those who were summoned

The appearance of the "younger brothers and sisters" began to become as gray as the previous background, and then fragmented and disappeared one by one. In the end, the only ones left were the ones brought out by Atreus.

"Claude" and

"Lily"? This is not surprising. After all, those two have no body to return to... Hiss? Sherlock was still thinking when he saw what he saw in front of him.

"White Star" and the shark also shattered and disappeared? Before he could react to this abnormal situation, the next second, a blue light like water waves began to appear in the background of the surrounding picture. This wave The blue light quickly dispelled the surrounding darkness, revealing a particularly huge figure, holding the piece in both hands.

The "foundation" moves upward

"White Star"? Ah...that's right...we were together in Ryugu Castle before

Sherlock was a little confused when he met "White Star".

Although the size of "White Star" is huge enough, it is the same size that Sherlock has seen several times.

The gap between the "Lord of the Ocean Dimension" is not small. After all, he has a body that can use the Galaxy Train as a hairpin and blow Noah away as a paper airplane?

At this time, the super giant

"White Star" slowly stopped

With the "upstream" movement, he turned his eyes and began to scan the things in his hands.

"Rocky foundation", Sherlock saw it before he knew what she was doing.

"White Star" raised the foundation high and filled it directly into a strange creature that was emitting pale white light directly above her.

"Gap"? Call -? The surrounding environment is

The "foundation" is filled in

The "gap" was completely changed at the same time. The surrounding darkness was instantly replaced by boundless blue.

The "rock foundation" rose from the blue seabed to the surface without any impact on the water?

In front of Sherlock's eyes, he was floating on the endless but completely still blue sea.

"Noah", and on the deck of the giant ship, lying leisurely on the deck chair under the umbrella as if on vacation, who are these players who are not participating in the second event?

So, in

"consciousness" and

"incarnation" in

When the "Undersea Kingdom" commanded the army to conquer everywhere,

The "body" lies in

Taking a vacation on a "sightseeing boat"? It seems that everyone really had one

"Treasure hunt under the sea", just this

"Sea" is just different from the conventional one. Maybe it should be called

"Sea of ​​Consciousness" or

"Sea of ​​Souls"? After realizing this, Sherlock found himself in

Experiences on the "Ocean Planet" suddenly began to occur at an extremely fast speed

"Faded", everything that happens there is like a mental recollection of the scenes described in the book when reading a book with pure text. It is illusory and not real. I only know what I have done and what results I have achieved. But when you want to pursue the details, you are in a state of confusion?

A more appropriate statement is... like a dream? At this time, the originally sleeping contestants on Noah's Ark broke the time stop and began to make small movements one by one, as if they were about to wake up, and

Each contestant on the "Boulder Foundation"

After "themselves" showed signs of awakening, they turned into streams of light and penetrated the curtain and returned to their own bodies?

For these players,

"Shirahoshi announces the end of the game" and

The two things of "waking up" should be close together. Only I, because I own the time stone and saw Shirahoshi's operation in this process, had to make such a meaningless transition out of thin air?

Sherlock sighed silently and looked at his companions one by one.

"Return to the original body", although there is no reason, he can clearly feel that he wants to

"Return", just use approx.

Is it enough power to "want to wake up from a dream"? One theory is that if it is a cold winter, this power may be very strong?

Then go back now -? Bang? Staring at Sherlock

Try "your own body"

Someone tapped him on the shoulder when he "woke up"?

"[Hello, Mr. Stephen Strange.]

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