The Collection of The End

Two thousand four hundred and twenty-three, Sherlock and the Ministry of Magic (5)

Ministry of Magic?

"Newcomer, come here to register and bring the history in your memory——?

"I'm not a newbie, take me directly to the agent briefing room.?

"That's good, let's go this way - I assume you know the way?"

"Of course I know, I just don't have the authority." After arriving at the office hall, before Sherlock could finish observing the entire environment,

"Second Loki" was naturally stopped by a Loki wearing a hooded robe, as if he came to see him in the first place, and

"Second Loki" also communicated with him very naturally, and then faced

"The first Loki" waved his hand and followed the hooded Loki away? As a former

"Time Management Bureau", they must not have any problems like being late or overdue, right?

"So... what are the responsibilities of this 'Ministry of Magic'?" Sherlock turned to Loki, whom he met for the first time, and asked: "If you are the counterpart of 'Atreus' in another timeline, how did you get there from How do you figure out its operating rules in the "Time Management Bureau" where there are "only ruins"?

"As the 'God of Deception', if you don't have enough wisdom to occupy this priesthood, it will become a joke in the Nine Realms." Loki glanced at him: "The ability to reason is not necessary." He seemed to be showing weakness in a subtle way, Then don't dwell on this issue... Sherlock nodded slightly to show that he was listening carefully?

"As for responsibilities...I think you would rather analyze it yourself?" Loki straightened his collar: "Go this way." seems that here

"Loki" is indeed the same

"Atreus" is not the same, if it is

The one who is with Lily in the "Real Dimension" will definitely raise his chin and say

"What do you think?" Right? Sherlock followed Loki towards the depths of the hall and looked around casually.

Although the decoration and furniture of this hall are very classical, the layout is like an ordinary commercial office building, separated into individual rooms by half-person-high walls.

"office cubicle" and each

The decorations and utensils in the "compartments" are also different? Loki, a white-collar worker in a suit and leather tie, is typing quickly on the computer, Loki, a magician in a robe, is stirring a suspicious green cauldron, and there are primitive people with many feather decorations on their bodies. Loki was praying to a strange totem pole. Loki, a student in an ugly school uniform, was meditating on a pile of papers in front of him. Sherlock even saw a horse in clothes nailing its own shoes. If he was the same Loki, the difference between these timelines is really big...?

"The 'Atreus' you know is called 'Loki Zero' in the agent system," Loki said while leading the way: "He jumped repeatedly to save his lover 'Lily' from history. The timeline finally got what it wanted after arriving at the ruins of the 'Time Variation Administration', but it was only because of a difference in thought before 'returning' that the idea of ​​'wanting to control this place' overcame the intention of 'wanting to go back to find Lily' The guy called 'Loki No. 1' or 'Director Loki' was born.?

"Director?" Sherlock asked at the right time?

"Unfortunately, the 'Director's Ring' is with your friend 'Watson'. When he put on the ring and became 'Minister', the 'Acting Director' resigned automatically," Loki mocked: "Now he serves as the Chief Agent. I traveled around on various timelines, but I just didn’t dare to come back. After all, I can always laugh at myself when I laugh at myself. Fortunately, whether it is using

"Foreknowledge" or

"Sherlock is not sure", you won't encounter similar problems yourself?

"So, 'Stephen' is me in other timelines?" Sherlock asked instead?

"It's the opposite," Loki glanced at him: "'Atreus' is called 'Loki' in other timelines, and you, in all other timelines, are called 'Stephen Strange' or ' Same goes for Doctor Strange', 'Watson' and 'Moriarty'.?

"Is there a possibility that the timeline where I am is the one with the problem?" Sherlock spread his hands?

"..." Loki looked at him with a look that was very unfamiliar to Sherlock, looking at him as a fool, without saying a word?

"Because of the 'Lord of the Ocean Dimension'?" Sherlock thought for a moment and came to a conclusion?

"There are no 'Hogwarts' and 'Lord White Star' in any other timeline, so do you think that as the 'Ministry of Magic' under the jurisdiction of 'Lord White Star' and on the same level as 'Hogwarts', we should What's your position?" Loki asked.

"Other timelines are all derivatives, and the 'sacred timeline' we are in is the only standard." Sherlock used the concept he just learned?

"Very good, you discovered the truth that we discovered after we sacrificed hundreds of agents." Loki nodded?

"Sacrifice?" Sherlock expressed doubts. Theoretically speaking, people related to time are the least likely to have accidents?

"The timeline where those agents are located is out of the 'Sacred Timeline' and can no longer be observed by the 'Ministry of Magic'." Loki explained?

"Hmm...?" Sherlock, who is still relatively unfamiliar with the concept of timelines, can't understand?

"Don't think too much. If everything in the Ministry of Magic is on track, why do we still invite you over?" Loki explained as if he guessed what he was thinking?

"Because 'Watson' failed to solve the problem," Sherlock said in a positive tone: "You have tried.?

"Yes," Loki nodded: "I originally went to pick up 'Watson'. At that time, we agreed that the problem with the Ministry of Magic was that the 'Director' was not here, and most of the original functions were not activated.?


"But after Minister Watson came here and activated the 'Director's Ring', the situation did not improve. Some functions that were still working normally were completely shut down, and all the agents' original world lines were gradually moving away from the 'Holy Timeline' Stripped away, the 'Ministry of Magic' was just a hair away from disappearing." Loki shrugged: "At the last moment, Minister Watson shouted to us, saying, 'If Sherlock was here, this would never happen', and then... we Just 'wake up'.?

"...predict the future? Or is it a group thing?" Sherlock thought of the special ability he had before entering school?

"The view of most agents is that the 'Ministry of Magic' had some kind of protective means activated before it was destroyed, but if you ask me," Loki looked at the ceiling: "It should be 'Shirahoshi-sama' who took advantage of it." She How do you make a fortune across dimensions? You can’t say a word

Just "have a Ministry of Magic", right?

"This is it," Loki stopped at the door of a room that looked like a museum: "I won't go in, so as not to disturb your thoughts."

"What?" Sherlock looked around curiously. Unexpectedly, he saw a square, pure white stone in the middle of the hall.

"Historical text", the first article above clearly says? [Time travel does not exist?... It turns out that the Time Administration does not exist.

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