The Collection of The End

Two thousand four hundred and twenty-four, Sherlock and the Ministry of Magic (6)

——? ? ? ——

Ministry of Magic.

"This is the "Code Slate", some kind of "rules" that appeared after "Atreus" transformed the "Ruins of the Time Administration" into the "Ministry of Magic". They... No, forget it, I won't make a subjective evaluation, See for yourself. "Loki in the suit waved his hands and turned away. After a few steps, he naturally took a tablet from another Loki who was passing by and started working again.

He should appear just when he was about to leave after reading "The Code". Sherlock raised his eyebrows and walked into the room where the "Slate" was stored.

This is a small stone exhibition hall with a regular hexagonal shape inside. The five walls except the entrance are all inlaid with stone paintings similar to church glass, but it looks like just an ordinary pile of colors without any substantive content. , it looks like a kaleidoscope that has been manipulated randomly.

In the middle of the room, there is the very eye-catching "Historical Text". The text on it seems to be constantly twisting and changing. It stabilizes when Sherlock focuses on the specific item.

Perhaps when people from different language families look at this stone tablet, they see the words they are accustomed to using?

Sherlock dispersed his thoughts for a while and began to read the above rules one by one.

[1. Time travel does not exist. 】

[2. The essence of any form of time travel is to travel to other timelines at the current time node. 】

[3. The time nodes of other timelines may be faster or slower than the sacred timeline, but they are not the past or future of the sacred timeline. 】

[4. Interference with other timelines will not affect the sacred timeline. 】

[5. Changes in the sacred timeline may create new timelines. 】

[6. If the landmark event of a timeline does not occur or the representative character is killed, it will be destroyed. 】

[7. When a certain timeline is destroyed, iconic events or characters that have not been destroyed have a chance to appear on the sacred timeline. 】

【8. The sacred timeline cannot be destroyed. 】

[9. When the sacred timeline faces a crisis of destruction, it will avoid it by destroying other timelines where the same crisis is occurring. 】

【10. There is only one sacred timeline. 】

Hmm... Sherlock carefully observed these ten rules, and it didn't take him long to think before he came to the conclusion:

In order to maintain the normal continuation of the "Holy Timeline", the former "Time Management Bureau" must protect other "ordinary timelines" from destruction. It would be fine if that timeline was cleanly destroyed and disappeared. Once the iconic characters and events in it Appearing on the "Holy Timeline", they are also responsible for "containing" them.

It sounds similar to the responsibilities of the "Green Lantern Corps", but the business scope of the two is two parallel lines, and there is no possibility of intersection.

Moreover, these ten simple rules cannot help me as the "Deputy Minister" figure out the operating mode of the "Ministry of Magic". Maybe I can go to Loki and ask for a guide to the Ministry of Magic's operations?


Sherlock was still thinking when he saw the paintings on the walls around the hexagonal hall combining and moving with each other, revealing another text that was completely different from the "rules":

[Ministry of Magic Staff Code of Conduct (Draft)]

[Dear employee (name), welcome to the "Ministry of Magic". 】

[As we all know, intelligent creatures that accept the power of the "Cosmic Demon God" are called "Adventors", and generally have physical fitness and destructive power far exceeding those of their kind. 】

[These powers have various names, but here they are collectively named the "magic" given by the "Lord of the Magic Dimension, Weishan Emperor". 】

["Hogwarts" is responsible for educating and guiding underage Advents on how to correctly understand the world and use their powers, while "Azkaban" is responsible for imprisoning "Advent criminals" who act recklessly and use their powers indiscriminately to cause serious consequences. . 】

[Perhaps you have discovered that adults who "suddenly gain power" and behaviors that "use power without causing serious consequences" do not fall under the jurisdiction of these two. 】

【Yes, that's me

The management scope of our "Ministry of Magic". 】

So far, it's normal, but this seems to be SHIELD's job, especially after the "Green Lantern Ring" issued by Stark Group made a big fuss, they probably know exactly how many "Adventors" there are in the world. Chu.

Sherlock thought for a moment and continued reading.

[Thankfully, due to the protection of Lord Shirahoshi, the "Lord of the Ocean Dimension", all "Adventors" on the "Sacred Timeline" we are on are in a controllable and safe state - but this is not necessarily the case in other timelines. . 】

[Our duty is to control as many of these "Adventors" as possible and help other timelines avoid disasters and survive. 】

[The following are things to note when traveling to other timelines:]

[1. Shirahoshi-sama and the organization she established only exist in the sacred timeline. There is no need to try to contact Atlantis. Neptune Namor has an unfriendly attitude towards humans. 】

[2. A person named "Stephen Strange" who calls himself "Doctor Strange" or "The Master Supreme" will appear in front of you. Tell him your mission truthfully, and he will believe it. 】

[3. The members of the "Avengers" include Iron Man, Captain America, Hawkeye, Hulk, Thor and Natasha. If additional members appear, or one of them has the same personality and ability, If the information does not match, return immediately. 】

[4. Thor is a fool. 】

[5. Not every Loki is an employee of the Ministry of Magic. Please consider whether you contact him or not. He may provide help, or he may make fun of you. 】

[6. Avoid contact with "SHIELD" unless you think your intelligence is enough to evade their calculations. 】

[7. Stay away from Nick Fury’s cat, don’t touch his pager, and especially don’t point out that he is an alien in disguise. 】

[8. "Chitauri" and "Ultron" will not cause the destruction of the timeline, but eliminating them in advance will. 】

[9. Infinity stones from other timelines are just beautiful glasses, don’t bring them back. 】

[10. Human beings do not have any special abilities. If they are found to have the so-called "X gene", immediately seek help from "Magneto" and remind him to be careful of "Apocalypse". 】

Hmm... Sherlock touched his chin.

At a rough glance, it can be seen that other timelines are obviously different from the "Holy Timeline". They seem to be more... epic?

In contrast, the superheroes on the Sacred Timeline are taken care of meticulously by Bai Xing. Even if something goes wrong, the thunder is big and the rain is small. They can be called flowers in the greenhouse.

That's why she held the Triwizard Tournament and took them to the universe to see the world?

In this case, you should...

"I think you have decided? Mr. Deputy Minister?" Loki in suit asked at the door.

"Yes," Sherlock nodded: "I have to go to the "other timelines" to see for myself. "

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