The Collection of The End

Two thousand four hundred and twenty-five, Sherlock and the Ministry of Magic (7)

Ministry of Magic?

"You predicted my actions through the observation timeline?? After the visit

Behind the exhibition hall where "Historical Text" is located, Suit Loki

Appearing "just in time", after hearing Sherlock's request to try time travel, he turned around and led the way without any surprise at all. Even though Sherlock himself had similar abilities, he still expressed surprise?

"Of course not," Loki replied: "I mean the 'observation timeline'. That is through other Sherlocks, no, other

Let’s use the behavior pattern of “Stephen Strange” to deduce your possible reactions?

"The principle is similar to...'weather forecast'?" He continued to ask?

"Very close," Loki replied: "The reason why the Midgardians' superficial 'prediction of the future' is often inaccurate is because they have insufficient information. Theoretically speaking, if they can clearly know every drop of water in the air, The position and momentum of molecules can accurately predict the weather for a long time in the future, but that is just a theory, because as time goes by, the variables in the entire prediction system will increase rapidly and cannot be calculated no matter what tools are used. degree.?

"And it's not necessary." Sherlock continued?

"Yes, Midgardians generally only need to know what the temperature will be like the next day and whether it will rain. They are not interested in whether there will be Category 2 winds in the park two weeks later," Loki continued: "And we , it is enough to deduce that Mr. Deputy Minister, after reading the rules, you are very likely to want to experience it yourself.?

"So have you predicted the time period I want to go to?" Sherlock asked with interest?

"There is a high probability that you want to go to the time when your parents died, and even save them. Even if you can't change the facts, at least you can have peace of mind, right?" Loki continued before Sherlock spoke: "But That's impossible. As I said just now, there is no Sherlock Holmes in other world lines, and no matter who is Stephen Strange, their experiences are not similar to yours. .?

"..." Sherlock fell silent and began to think?

"Since 'time travel does not exist' and 'there is only one sacred timeline', we cannot go to the past of the 'sacred timeline' and can only push back through other 'time nodes' and slower timelines." "The history of the Sacred Timeline," Loki led Sherlock through a wide spiral downward tunnel, then raised his hand and pointed: "Welcome to [Caves of Time (e)]"?

Sherlock looked up and saw a vast starry sky? Behind him, it still had a European medieval style. It looked like a thick wooden corridor leading to the castle wine cellar. But in front of him was an extremely wide sky with no floors, walls or ceilings. Stars?

They are not something Sherlock sees often. The stars keep a distance from each other as if they are afraid of each other.

"False starry sky", but the stars come together and disperse, with different sizes, colors and brightness.

"Real starry sky", where a large number of stars even gather together to form a bright Milky Way across the sky?

Of course, there is another possibility - it seems

"real" and

"False" is just the opposite? And against the background of the Milky Way and the starry sky, there are also thin lines of bright gold that are almost invisible if you don't pay attention.

"Smoke", they have no origin and no end, they shuttle lightly among the stars, as if they are the background of the starry sky?

"That's the 'timeline'," said Loki, who was standing on the stars: "At least, this is what they looked like in the observations of the Ministry of Magic."

"So, your duty is to ensure their continuation as much as possible to prevent them from falling into the 'sacred timeline' after self-destruction?" Sherlock thought of what he saw.


"It's 'our' responsibility," Loki glanced at him: "So, are you going to find a safe timeline to take a look at, or are you going to follow and observe an agent as he performs his mission?

"..." Sherlock habitually prepared to answer

"I want them all", and then I remembered that I was already in

"Sherlock is not sure" status: "Let's observe the agent's mission, it shouldn't hinder him??

"It won't happen if you are just observing, unless there is something wrong with the observation location you choose." Loki replied, raising his hand to grasp in the air?

Following his movements, the golden smoke in the endless starry sky began to approach the two of them, or in other words, towards them.

The "perspective" is zoomed in? The golden smoke-like smoke from a distance gradually approaches, and their bodies become clear - they are countless translucent golden threads entangled with each other. Because there are too many, they intertwine with each other to form a smoke-like shape. shape?

And as they continued to approach, those golden threads looked like a large net covering the sky. Even though he knew that it was just the result of observation, Sherlock still felt a little stressed?

at last,

The "giant net" finally stopped. The original starry sky had been completely obscured, and there were only criss-crossing lines within the scope of vision... They had to be called

"Torrent" instead of thread? This one

Inside the "Golden Torrent", almost all of them have a light blue thread.

The "core" exists, but it was previously obscured by bright gold and difficult to see clearly?

"Sure enough, it's here again," Loki said as he raised his hand to draw a circle in front of him, encircling and enlarging one of the golden torrents: "The Chitauri invaded." Sherlock looked carefully and found that

"Torrent" is indeed different from others of its kind. It was normal before, but suddenly shrunk and interrupted after Loki marked the position?

Is this the destruction of the timeline? Sherlock was still thinking, but he saw Loki raise his hand and move the person whose position he had circled.

The next one on "Torrent"

After the "slice" was taken down and he wanted to observe? He took a few glances and found that this slice alone was just a very ordinary picture of the earth taken from the universe. But combined with the previous position of this slice, it can be easily judged. Come out, that so-called

The "blue core" is the earth itself, but because it is in a continuous state inside the torrent, it looks cylindrical?

Is this form of expression the legendary four-dimensional space? But in this case, the sudden interruption after that means...the earth is destroyed?

"The world is made up of frames of continuous and different pictures, just like a movie. It's interesting, isn't it?" Loki said while observing the slices: "It's a pity that the 'Holy Timeline' cannot be operated like this. If you don't start from two If it falls out between frames, we can't pick you up.?Myself

There seem to be a lot of "falling out", and the principles are different. Everyone is explaining the nature of the world in their own way. I don't know who is closer to the truth?

Thinking of his previous encounters, Sherlock shrugged and did not respond?

"Pfft." Loki suddenly covered his mouth?

"What are you laughing at?" Sherlock asked?

"Well... you probably don't know about the 'cut history' outside of the 'sacred timeline'. I'll give you a rough outline," Loki stopped laughing: "The Chitauri opened a 'wormhole' to invade New York. , with the constant flow of troops, the Avengers were unable to resist, and finally came up with an idea to let Iron Man carry a nuclear bomb through the wormhole to blow up the Chitauri mothership. It seems that the character of Mr. Stark in different worlds is also different. Almost, Sherlock nodded to indicate that he was listening?

"Under normal circumstances, Iron Man would successfully complete the mission and return in time before the wormhole disappeared. However, one of the descendants involved in the incident was afraid that Iron Man would not be able to come back, so he slightly delayed the disappearance of the wormhole. As a result, ..." Loki spread his hands: "The energy and radiation generated by the nuclear explosion rolled back from the wormhole. The air blast destroyed most of New York, and the rest of the place was completely turned into a radiation restricted area. Then, the timeline was destroyed.?

"Is this tragedy ridiculous?" Sherlock looked at him sideways?

"Sorry, I have been in the Ministry of Magic for a long time and have witnessed too many disasters that led to the destruction of the timeline. It is easy to lose my humanity - although I am not a human either." Loki spread his hands: "The ridiculousness of this matter The thing is, the descendant was introduced to the Avengers by Thor, and Odin wouldn't let him go if he caused such a big trouble. I still don't think it's funny, but forget it, he is the god of deceit after all. ?

"So, how do we save this timeline?" Sherlock asked instead?

"As long as things develop according to their original trajectory, let me see...ah, it should be fine starting from here." Loki stuffed the slice back into the torrent, flipped it forward a certain distance like a book, and took out a new one. Slice: "This is a fairly simple task. You just need to prevent this guy from contacting the Avengers, or prevent him from interfering with the normal death process of the wormhole, or even directly knock him out until the end of the incident. Overall, it is almost difficult to solve the problem." Question, you just have to watch the agent's workflow.?

"How to get there? What kind of transportation does the Ministry of Magic use?" Sherlock nodded to express his understanding.

"Transportation? No, no, we don't use that kind of thing," Loki shook his finger: "We all just jumped.?...? Before Sherlock could express his doubts, he saw Loki put the slice in his hand towards his feet. Throw it away? At this moment, countless golden torrents and the relatively real starry sky all disappeared, and the surrounding environment turned into a cylindrical pipe that went straight up and down, glowing green, and looked very dilapidated, and the slice instantly enlarged and turned into a The barrier blocking the middle of the pipe also supported Loki and Sherlock?

"I didn't even know that the Ministry of Magic works part-time as a pipeline unclogger." Sherlock glanced at him?

"This is an old antique left over from the Time Administration. You can't see the outside now. In fact, there are thousands of pipes as thick as this pipe. Some of them are in disrepair. Agents accidentally took the wrong path and flew away. Once you go out, you will never come back." Loki spread his hands and said, "As for a better plan...then we have to rely on the ministers."

"...How to start?" Sherlock tried to step on the ground under his feet.

"Earth", it is not an illusion, it feels hard, like a rock?

"Then there is a reason why the leader who inspects the work starts before the people doing the work?" Loki raised his head: "No, he is here."

"How-what-is-I-am-again" followed by a long scream, a Loki wearing a black trench coat and large sunglasses on his face fell from the sky?

"..." Sherlock subconsciously wanted to cast the Slow Falling Technique, but immediately realized that this should be

"Normal" work flow, so he stopped and was about to pull out the wand? Huh? Loki hit him with his sunglasses.

On the "slice", it was not as Sherlock expected.

"Fall in" again

"Bounce up", he penetrates directly through the slice like diving from a high platform and dives down, stirring up a big puff of water that will be...

A splash of water?

"I can't help it. I'm the second prince of Asgard. It's rare to get 'slices' suitable for my status in modern society. If you encounter an accident-prone period, it's normal for there to be no gap between two missions." Loki in the suit bowed his head. watching

"Water surface", it seems to be saying to the drowning person, or explaining to Sherlock?

"Isn't it possible to adjust the cut-in time arbitrarily? Why is the work still so urgent?" Sherlock stepped on it again.

"Water surface" and find that the touch is still rock?

"Theoretically, this is true. Even if the timeline has been destroyed for thousands of years, there is no problem in trying to save it, but that is meaningless." Loki pointed to the top of his head: "The purpose of the Ministry of Magic's actions is not to save the timeline. , but to prevent the destruction of these timelines from having an impact on the 'Sacred Timeline'. I think you should have seen the 'code'. After the destruction of each timeline, if not dealt with in time, the 'elements' that led to its destruction will Moved to the 'Holy Timeline', once this happens, there is no point in saving them - unless you think it makes sense to let the mortals on that timeline live happily without illness or disaster.? Sherlock decided Not discussing the meaning of life with the God of Trickery: "But in my impression, no major disaster has ever happened? ?

"Of course that's because," Loki stared at Sherlock with a look that looked at the flowers in a greenhouse: "They were all blocked by the 'White Star Lord' who wrapped the earth with the 'ocean dimension'."

"..." Sherlock quickly reacted: "The time when the 'White Queen' was petrified??

"Petrified? Haha, that thing is a poisonous blade that can easily kill the universe demon. It once assassinated Queen Frigga in another timeline. Although Shirahoshi-sama resisted, even her incarnation showed a petrified state. , is there any need to say what will happen to the original body?" Loki's tone became cold: "You shouldn't have let Malekith go so easily in the first place.?

Queen Frigga of the "Holy Timeline" is still healthy, which means... although that incident has nothing to do with Asgard on the surface, it was actually the White Queen who blocked Frigga's knife?

No wonder Agent Loki would be willing to take over the Ministry of Magic's job, but the one who returned to the sacred timeline

Maybe the "Half-Blood Prince" doesn't know about this?

"That's it. There's no point in talking about the past. You first follow the agents to see how to better manage the Ministry of Magic." Loki tapped his heel three times on the sliced ​​floor?

The next moment, he himself remained on the original plane without moving, but Sherlock suddenly fell through the sliced ​​screen?

"Oh, yes, because it is inspection work, your fall this time may take a long time," Loki's voice came from above: "It may take about half an hour, Mr. Stephen Strange. ?He definitely has some personal grudges with himself in other worlds.

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