The Collection of The End

Two thousand four hundred and twenty-seven, North American Mythical War (294)

Ocean dimension, the sea in the center of the earth.

[Stephen Strange (Sherlock Holmes): Do what you want, Captain, and don’t underestimate the ‘Mage Supreme’. 】

"Hmm... um..." I looked at the record on the "History Text" and didn't know what to say for a moment: "What kind of behavior is this?"

[The fox pretends to be the tiger's power? 】The stupid system with a shark posture replied.

"But people in other timelines don't know I exist."

[Then... pull the tiger's skin to pull the flag? 】

"Sherlock didn't mention me either."

[There are no tigers in the mountains, but the monkey is called the king? 】

"He is obviously going to another mountain."

【Supporting a tiger? 】

"This is getting too much. And can you please stop comparing me to a tiger?"

[Then, the son inherits the father's inheritance, and the father's debt is repaid by the son? 】

"Where's the father?!" I flicked my tail and tried to drive away the stupid system.

[Speaking of Ancient One! Ouch! Once a teacher, always a father! ] The stupid system turned somersaults to avoid it.

"Hmm... that seems to be the case," I put away my tail and thought about it: "The position of Supreme Mage became vacant after Gu Yi ran away. I was originally acting as the agent. It would be quite appropriate to hand it over to Sherlock after the plot is over. "

[What about what he did in other timelines? 】

"If you accidentally screw up when dealing with time issues and destroy the entire timeline, your consciousness will be bounced back and merged with the main body. It won't be a big problem."

【as long as you are happy. 】

I am fully aware of the fact that the "Time Management Bureau" is occupied and managed by Loki from countless other timelines, and that "theorems" are deduced as guidelines for conduct based on "axioms", but only to the extent of "knowing" and " "Cannot" observe.

If I observe those timelines, they will approach the "sacred timeline" where I am at an extremely high speed, and will eventually converge and disappear, leaving no trace of their existence.

Just like a big river, it knows that it is formed by the confluence of many "tributaries", but if you want to look back at their flow paths and what scenery is on both sides of the river, the reverse tide will directly turn them into part of myself.

Those "superheroes" holding "Infinity Stones" often took the initiative to test Gandalf. With such a powerful power, why don't they have Hogwarts or the Ocean Dimension in their hands? Are you really so confident about them?

And the fact is... those gems are really just beautiful glass balls to me. For example:

Different "times" and "spaces (dimensions)", as long as they are directly perceived by me, will be swallowed up by the sacred timeline and the dimension of reality.

"Mind (consciousness)" and "soul", once read by me, will inevitably collapse and disappear.

As for "power (magic)" and "reality (history)", if I want, I can transform them into what I want.

Although it sounds powerful and handsome, if you think about it carefully, you can see that these "interferences" are all full of destruction, destruction and ending, that is, [death].

Similar to this concept, there are existences that are simultaneously entangled by the four vendors: "Eating Evil of the World", "Weave of Life", "Whisper of the Void", and "Instrument of Desire". In addition to "The End of Reincarnation", there are also have what?

[Good news, the Four Pedlars do not exist in Marvel. 】

[Bad news, they have turned the DC next door upside down. 】

"There is no way. That side is also a part that cannot be directly sensed. We can only see whether Jin Jing can turn the tide and stop Thanos who walked into the wrong set."

It can be seen from the intelligence recovered by the "Time Management Bureau" that the universes where "Atreus" went to rescue Lily belong to DC, and they are all on the verge of destruction. As expected, they were all done by Thanos.

The universe he failed to rescue would be directly destroyed when he escaped, and he still thought that he just failed to save Lily.

In the universe where the rescue is successful, "Lily" will merge with herself from other universes, enter the inner sea of ​​the earth, and become the dream of "Lola Angelberda", while the "Loki" of those worlds will stay in the "Ministry of Magic" "Becoming an agent - who made them give up at the last moment?

Faced with this opportunity to control the power of time, only the powerful "Atreus" whose father is Kratos can truly give up without a care, the God of Conspiracy? Forget it, I will give him a title called God of Love in the future.

[As far as character prototypes are concerned——]

"The triangle relationship is a part of the love story and must be savored."

【as long as you are happy. 】

Having said that, I was quite surprised when these "Ministry of Magic employees" took Sherlock away at the end of the second game. The opportunity was obviously better during the game. When time is accelerating at super high speeds, ordinary people cannot detect it at all. If a "hero" disappears for a while, you will probably think that he is recruiting troops or doing tasks somewhere.

And if I choose to arrest people when the incarnations return to their original bodies, although I will be a little more confused because of the many things to do, their behavior will be more obvious - you don't think that "Sherlock's Unpredictability" can also be effective on me, right?

Although I cannot directly observe the situation in the Ministry of Magic, the Sherlock who was taken away was wearing the vest of "Stephen Strange". His actions will be recorded in the "text of history" - not stay on the fake Mermaid Island. That piece - go to the real-time record, just look at his speech, you can almost guess the overall content without even guessing what Agent Loki who communicated with him said: I thought he was trained by me, the next generation." Supreme Mage", although it seems to be correct.

Thinking about it now, this thing itself was probably predicted by the Lokis. As an incarnation vest made by the "Lord of the Ocean Dimension" that only exists in the "Holy Timeline", its personality is certainly enough to impersonate in other timelines. The real "Supreme Master".

As expected, the "Mage Supreme" in the original work was replaced by Sherlock, and the Avengers who returned to the past in 2023 naturally found him.

Then, because the Hulk's careless running to grab the ancient time stone was too similar to the attitude of a white-haired demon hunter when he asked for the Yama Knife, Sherlock wearing Doctor Strange's vest improvised a reenactment.

[That's just because you want to have fun. 】

"There's nothing interesting about just the text, and neither is the Hulk's original reaction and persuasion process."

[After receiving three immobilization moves, it must be strange to be talented. 】

And in the end, Sherlock openly stated that he wanted to deal with the aftermath of the captain who planned to stay in the past. It should be said that it was a coincidence or inevitable. If he hadn't called himself the "Supreme Mage", he really wouldn't have been able to control this matter, but It just so happened that he was wearing a vest that was made by me, the genuine "Supreme Mage", and had the nature of incarnation. Rounding it off, he was now taking over the work for me, and then completing it for me as an agent.

Specifically, he allowed the captain to stay, and then returned to the Ministry of Magic to intervene in the world line, taking out the later part of this timeline, the "slice" at the captain's departure time, and stuffing it into the corresponding part of the captain's original timeline. position.

The whole process is perfect. The only problem is that in the "left timeline", the captain lived for 70 years, and the butterfly effect caused an unknown number of tornadoes. Maybe Captain Marvel was recruited back in advance to kill Thanos, but But at the end, he suddenly returns to the "original timeline" where nothing has changed. There may be some kind of psychological gap and direct depression.

But this fills in the big imperfect hole at the end of the original work, which is gratifying and gratifying.

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