The Collection of The End

Two thousand four hundred and twenty-eight, North American Mythical War (295)

——? ? ? ——

"[Hello, Mr. Stephen Strange.]"

Sherlock ignored this unknown greeting and clenched his fists directly, trying to "fuse" with his body.

Anyway, there will be a curious "self" to respond. This is the advantage of "Sherlock's uncertainty" - you don't have to make your own decisions.

——Marvel, 2015——

Ocean Planet, Noah.

"Well..." Sherlock opened his eyes, raised his hands and looked at them. They were no longer the big hands of "Stephen Strange" that belonged to an adult, but the small hands of a fourteen-year-old boy that belonged to him.

He tried to push himself up, but failed because he was not used to exerting force, so he curled his lips helplessly and turned his head to observe the situation around him.

There is no doubt that this is the giant ship Noah that sent the three players to "enter" the ocean planet before the start of the second game. Compared with the empty space when they first sailed in the subspace, there are now many more decorations on the deck. Deck chairs, parasols, buffet tables, air-cushion swimming pools, fishing gear, it looks like it is decorated like some kind of seaside resort park, although the boat itself is still made of that weird and extremely smooth material.

If there are no accidents, these recliners are arranged by the "Lord of the Ocean Dimension White Star" to prevent everyone from being "temporarily unable to control their bodies" after leaving the "incarnation", but if only the recliners look It seemed weird, so I simply prepared a series of seaside travel elements - although some races seemed unable to enjoy these.

Sherlock glanced over and saw the contestants from Hogwarts, Asgard and the Green Lantern Corps waking up in their respective recliners one by one - although some "people" had specially made recliners.

He subconsciously began to recall the experience of competing for hegemony with them on the "Ocean Planet", but he found that those memories were fading and disappearing quickly, just like the dreams that disappeared like bubbles when he just woke up in the morning, almost Soon it changed from vivid three-dimensional images to flat pictures and words, and then further transformed into cave murals and even graffiti on the beach.

There is a lot of important information in there! Before they disappeared completely, Sherlock intuitively transferred some of the more important information, such as the abilities and personalities of other players, into his own thinking palace. After that, when he recalled the experience during the game, there were only a few dry ones. Baba's impression is almost like a rough description in a history book.

This is reasonable. After all, they have actually experienced nearly 1,500 days on the ocean planet. During this period, they have rich experience in the fields of political layout, commercial circulation, scientific and technological development, legion management, and diplomatic consultation. In the later stage, the students His character is no different from that of a mature adult. If he were to release it directly, it would be hard to tell the Green Lantern Corps and Asgard, and the phone number at Hogwarts would probably be flooded with complaints... Well, the second character is only stuck, right? ?

Sherlock continued to look around at the contestants, and then at a glance he saw "Lily" who looked the same as before and Atreus who had shrunk back into a boy. They were lying side by side on two lounge chairs not far apart. Lily was staring at him with an inexplicable expression. She looked at Atreus, who was pretending to be calm and looking at her.

If I hadn't forgotten all the details of how they got along before, I would have to make a joke no matter what I say now.

However, it seems that there are more people on the deck than before.

Sherlock began to carefully observe the passengers on the boat, and as expected saw some people who were not part of the three contestants: [Yu Qi], [Unnamed Se], [Starry Night Soul **], [Old Argon] and [ Zongzheng Mo], these people have the impression that the Green Lantern Corps named their "brothers" the historical Green Lanterns who appeared, just like the situation where Hogwarts also summoned their younger brothers and sisters. But because our younger brothers and sisters have real bodies in reality, they returned after the game. And these "ancient Green Lanterns"... can't they?

“[Congratulations to all contestants, you have completed the second stage of the ‘Triwizard Tournament’ ‘Undersea Treasure Hunt’~]”

When the players woke up one after another and began to whisper to each other and look around, "White Star" couldn't hear the source of the sound, and voices seemed to come from all directions:

"[The judges will conduct a comprehensive evaluation on your family level, legion combat power, treasure possession, achievements, contribution proportion, etc. in this competition. The final ranking is as follows:]"

"[First place, Asgard, second place, Green Lantern Corps, third place, Hogwarts.]"

Buzz buzz——

Sherlock saw that the players from all walks of life were discussing the results of the game even if they couldn't stand up yet. However, judging from the confusion on their faces, it was obvious that they had almost forgotten the matter just like him.

"This is a shady story! No, the elbows are turned outward!" Luna protested angrily, but halfway through she realized that the host seemed to be one of her own, so she angrily changed her tune.

"[This ranking will become the starting order of the third leg of the 'Land Race'. The specific rules will be announced by the Asgardian side that hosts the race.]" Shirahoshi ignored Luna's complaints and continued: "[But unfortunately, The players who were eliminated in the second stage will not be able to participate in the third stage. They are: [Chen Chen Chenchen] and [Fu Feng] from the Green Lantern Corps, [Horace Stone] and [Feng Feng] from Asgard. Pegasus Abraham].]”

"What?" "Eliminated?" "Just the avatar killed in battle?"

The players all turned their attention to the players who were ruled out, fearing that something might happen to them, but those few seemed to be normal and also looked confused.

"[If there were no protective measures, you would have been 'dead' in battle,]" Bai Xing's voice was a bit condemning: "[Please believe in the protection of the players by the event organizers, and don't try to 'sacrifice yourself to protect others', because you have consumed yourselves." On the body, our "lowest" protection of the players has caused other protection measures to be completely invalid. If you are allowed to participate in the third stage, you will be "completely dead". The Triwizard Tournament is not a life and death struggle, so you will be eliminated. 】 "

"We are not afraid of death!" Horace Stone shouted a few words, but found that no one agreed with him, so he rubbed his head angrily and lay down again.

"[In addition, it is normal for the contestants to bring out their 'brothers' or 'younger siblings'," Shirahoshi said in turn: "[Names of real characters will summon you to use an avatar to come, which is a small part of this competition. Easter eggs, if these avatars are still alive at the end of the game and meet certain rules, they can be brought to the third field as a boost.]"

Others don't know, but Mycroft and Donna obviously don't follow the rules. Although they have strong strength with the blessing of the avatar, they are just children. Being able to help as NPCs in dreams is the limit.

"[Next, Noah will send all the players back to the main venue in Asgard, and the Lord of Asgard, Odin, will arrange the schedule for the next game. Please...]"


Sherlock was still listening carefully, but suddenly a large amount of information poured into his head, making him dizzy.

"Huh... the Ministry of Magic... the timeline... is quite interesting."

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