The Collection of The End

Two thousand four hundred and forty-three, North American Mythical War (302)

Asgard, Hogwarts Wizard Tower.

"Huh, the mission is accomplished, I feel relaxed." After watching Odin leave, I climbed back onto the high-backed chair and yawned.

To translate, ‘Only after working can you discover how great it is to fish’. 】The stupid system interjected.

"Who asked you?"

As the third game begins, Odin is busy maintaining order on the scene and stabilizing the slices. Gandalf has to pay attention to the students and relatives and friends in the "Sanctuary". The "Scarlet Witch" finally gets a rare free time. What is happening? Before the accident that forced "White Star" to take action, he only had to be an ordinary spectator.

Um? Yeah? I looked through it, and there seemed to be something in the "stay tuned" status. 】

"As we all know, there is a certain interval between the preview and the actual update. At least it will not start until the students at Hogwarts 'land'."

If you can put off today’s things, put off tomorrow’s things and talk about it tomorrow]

"The leader picks up the food, I turn the table, the leader listens to the cards, and I draw the cards myself."

Where did you get your leadership? 】

"White Star? Death?"

Fine. 】

How to say, "As an ordinary spectator" is actually the truth. Among the three games, only "Challenge the Dragon" requires the cooperation of three parties, "Undersea Treasure Hunt" was done by myself, and the "Land Racing" arena is almost entirely Odin completed it independently, and the seven kingdoms are Asgard's back garden. Before he "gives up control", no external force can interfere at all - there is no way that if he gives up control on the front foot, others will be on the back foot. Take it away? That would be too inferior.

In addition, all "spectators" must ride on the "slicing battleship" to watch the game and support the players, but I don't need to - this is not a privilege caused by status, but a backdoor left by those who give the players "orders" I helped build the "lion head" of "The Curse", and it doesn't have any extra functions. However, it is still no problem to install "cameras" on the eyes of the lion head to broadcast what the battleship itself can see in real time.

But the shape of that thing...and the way to give the command spell...]

"I only appropriated the vision of the lion head. Everything else has nothing to do with me, such as the overall feeling... Go find the heroic version of Edison, but I guess he will first ask whether the lion head and the battleship use direct current or alternating current."

The way Odin and Thor use thunder and lightning... it's DC. 】

"'Great invention!' - I said for him."

You know that lion head. 】

While talking about the stupid system, I also opened the "live scene" observed through the lion's head. It is different from the real audience who just watch the excitement wherever there is something going on, because this is the "slicing battleship" where all parties are. From an internal perspective, in addition to the detailed actions of each player, you can even learn about the strategies and arrangements of their "family and friends group" - as one of the organizers, it is reasonable to know this information.

At present, the Asgardian side has already set off for 12 hours, and the Green Lantern Corps has just started releasing it. It will take another 12 hours until the Hogwarts side sets off. No matter how you think about it, this period is fishing time.

It has to be said that Asgard's plan to give up five countries and only bet on winning two arenas with home field advantage as quickly as possible, and then fish in troubled waters in other arenas where the winner has not been decided is simply a genius idea. All of a sudden, although they can set off first and gain a little time advantage, the danger of being targeted by the camp that sets off later is eliminated. The fact that the Green Lantern Corps chose to avoid them and fight in five other countries is proof of this. In the end, the pressure came and had to be eliminated. With Asgard's combat power scattered, the three parties have returned to the same starting line strategically. It can only be seen who's tactical response is better in the future.

At present, Asgard, which is the first to set off without interference from other camps, has taken the lead in lighting two lamps. The players in the fourth and first divisions have relied on their familiarity with the environment in the "Land of Dark Elves" and "Land of Ice Giants" respectively. and the homogeneity of itself and the local indigenous people each lit one.

They are not so much lights as "torches". Since they are "racing", there is no "occupation" link and they can be "lit" with just one touch.

However, be afraid of everything. Except for a few that are particularly tricky to hide, these torches are all "locked". If players want to light them, they basically have to perform the following tasks: "clear the hostile indigenous people around the torch", " Various actions including "solving pre-set puzzles" and "changing the environment that will cause the torch to go out". In addition, there is another thing that is not stated clearly but must be done, which is to create obstacles for subsequent opponents to seize the torch. .

During the game, there will be no such thing as one party working hard to solve puzzles and fighting, and then the other party will follow behind, seize the torch along the way, and effortlessly occupy the fruits of other people's labor, because when each torch is captured by another camp, all the torches will be lost. Participants will receive an alert immediately, unless a contestant has an ability similar to the Flash, which can instantly occupy all the torches and win the victory when others are about to light the last torch and win - it seems that no one has this kind of ability at present. ability.

Judging from the desperate staffing of the Asgardian side, they may have underestimated the difficulty of lighting all the torches in a country. At this time, half of the time has passed, and only one-fifth of the time has been completed. And 12 hours later, Hogg Woz's players will arrive, and the two sides will start to fight, but it will not be as easy as it is now.

Of course, they can also choose to take the initiative to take advantage of the advantages accumulated all day in advance, drive out the opponents who come, and then return to the original rhythm. However, according to the plan of Hogwarts, go to the "Dark Elf" The players in "The Country of Frost Giants" and "The Country of Frost Giants" are Moriarty and Atreus respectively. The probability of attacking them and being counterattacked is not low.

The above are only problems that may occur during a normal game, and this game itself is destined to be impossible to be normal. Look at the "Eye of Sauron" that has appeared twice. If it was after the ocean planet was repulsed, He would just shrink down and stop making trouble. Not even Watson would believe it.

The blue Mr. Ju felt offended. 】

Maybe the audience and the players participating in the game will think that the big flaming eye is just causing trouble, or even an arrangement by the organizer of the event, but Asgard's senior leaders basically believe that it is a sign of the beginning of "Twilight of the Gods" , and made a lot of preparations for this that I don’t know whether they are useful or not.

For me, this is undoubtedly the prelude to the third and final "big event". Given that Marvel and DC have all been interchanged in the first two times, this time should be no exception, that is, DC is making trouble. Thanos, Marvel is laughing.

"The Triwizard Hegemony," "Twilight of the Gods" and "Metal Stacking", I don't know what will be produced in excess.

"Endgame" without a large crowd? 】

"Well said, don't say it next time."

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