The Collection of The End

Two thousand four hundred and forty-four, North American Mythical War (303)

——Marvel, 2015——

"Shelter" battleship.

"Although the 'Triwizard Tournament' is just a game between the 'Universe Demon Gods', it is no joke."

Although the young contestants took a rest to replenish their energy, their "relatives and friends" were all adults, and most of them did not need too much sleep. They were currently discussing the next itinerary.

However, Atreus's somewhat suspicious parents disappeared at some point, and Professor

And the rest of the people...if anyone who didn't know the inside story saw it, he would undoubtedly think it was a team-building activity for the "Avengers".

"I have never heard of a 'cosmic disaster' that could easily destroy the earth, a 'virtual planet' that can accommodate a billion people, and a 'space cut' that can accommodate everyone in Asgard with just one ship," Steel Tony Stark was pacing back and forth in front of the large floor-to-ceiling windows of the arena where he was performing a "text broadcast": "If necessary, I can reproduce these great achievements, but I will never be able to describe them as lightly as they did."

"[Reproduces about one-tenth of the performance, sir.]" Jarvis interjected in an electronic voice.

"Ignore this question, Jarvis," Stark paused and continued the previous topic: "The 'White Queen' said before that she brought us here to give the 'Avengers' a long experience so as not to become complacent with their strength. , and finally got trapped in the 'planet-level superhero' and stopped moving forward - but it seemed that the experience was a bit too much."

"Without the protection of the 'Ocean Demon White Star', the earth would have long been turned into a arena where various cosmic demons project their power." "The Hulk" Dr. Bruce Banner looked down at the purple ring he wore on his ring finger: "Now Think about it, those guys who are arrogant, form gangs, and want to rule the world just because they have a little bit of power leaking from the fingers of the 'Universe Demon God' are just a bunch of clowns."

"If there really is something that White Star cannot handle, there is also Odin who theoretically rules the Nine Realms, and the Green Lantern Corps, the 'space police', but the degree of jurisdiction is getting weaker step by step," "Eagle Eye" Phil Coulson used his sensitivity as a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent to analyze: "How do I feel that the 'White Queen' is actually hinting to us through this kind of visit: 'If the sky is not falling, don't always think about sacrificing yourself.' .”

"..." The "superheroes" present, who were more or less sacrificial and had performed specific actions, looked at each other.

Only "Spider-Man" Peter Parker looked around, not knowing where to stop his gaze. After all, it seemed that he had always been causing trouble for others, and when he first "debuted", he almost caused Captain America to sacrifice himself.

"Oh, is she qualified to educate us?" "Captain America" ​​Steve Rogers waved his hand: "Remember? The only one of us who has truly 'sacrificed' is herself."

"Twice." "Vision" Alex Mercer added expressionlessly.

"So, this is the third time," "Winter Soldier" James Barnes gestured with his chin toward the floor-to-ceiling window that was broadcasting the actions of Asgard and the Green Lantern Corps players: "for her students."

"... Damn it, does it sound like that's really what happened?" Stark suddenly turned around and stared at the big window: "Jarvis, can you analyze the possible dangers in this last game?"

"[This analysis requires——]"

"Allows you to access the 'damned magic' database!"

"[Calculating...]" After a moment, Jarvis came to the conclusion: "[Calculation completed, based on existing intelligence analysis, if there is a fatal threat in the third 'racing match', its type and probability are - —Physical variation: 6%, energy conversion: 7%, mental interference: 15%, molecular influence: 2%, time and space guidance: 33%, order destruction: 33%, unknown territory: 1%.]"

"Tsk..." Stark listened and turned to look at the other "Avengers" members: "The ones with a high probability are all attributes that the people present can't do anything about. Why are you all talking about science? Why don't you learn some magic when you have nothing to do? .”

"[The only magician in the Avengers is Miss Rachel Fisk, the 'White Queen', sir.]"

"No one asked you this," Stark breathed out: "So what is the source of the danger?"

"[All accidents are caused by 'giving up control of the field' and 'frequent cutting of space'. The types and probabilities from high to low are: failure of protective magic during combat, being parasitized by local creatures, being controlled by indigenous minds, falling into Slicing gaps, encountering turbulence in time and space, and summoning 'cosmic disasters' that ignore protective magic. The above situations will cause fatal injuries to the contestants, but due to insufficient information, the specific values ​​cannot be estimated.]" Jarvis answered.

"Well..." Stark folded his arms and looked at the players who were busy running around the competition site. They were completely unaware that they were in the center of a dangerous whirlpool. Of course, even if they were aware of it, they would probably regard it as a challenge on their way to winning the championship. .

"It's normal for competition to be dangerous, Tony." Steve advised: "But students all have the 'mark' to summon the 'relatives and friends' group. If you encounter dangers that cannot be solved, you can call us for help at any time, right?"

"It's not Stark's style to wait until an accident occurs and then rush to rescue him. We usually make preparations and even CDE in advance." Stark shook his head: "Jarvis, what is the response to these accidents? "

"[Odin regained control of the seven kingdoms and merged the cut fragmented space...]"

"When I say 'we', I am limited to the members on this 'slicing ship'." Stark interrupted.

"[Okay, sir,]" Jarvis was silent for a few seconds and then spoke again: "[It is recommended to use less or no power from the Earth, the nine kingdoms and the Green Lantern Corps, because no matter what kind of accident, only the conventional power of these three parties can Occurs only if it is invalid.]"

"You are talking nonsense. We have just analyzed that the earth is strictly protected by these three powers like a baby... Huh? Is that what you mean?" Stark suddenly paused in the middle of complaining and turned around Face began to look at the other Avengers members.

"[It seems you have thought of it, sir.]" Jarvis fell silent knowingly, without further explanation.

"In this layer-by-layer system of forces, the 'Green Lantern Corps' is the outermost layer, so the forces that do not belong to it naturally do not belong to these three major forces, which means where you are -" Stark He raised his hand and pointed at Peter, Steve, Coulson and Dr. Banner respectively: "'Yellow Lantern Corps', 'Green Lantern Corps without Rings', 'Green Lantern Corps' and 'Purple Lantern Corps'."

"And 'get out of class is over'." Peter raised his hand secretly.

"I'm not sure yet whether the hometown of that ball of mud is within the jurisdiction of the Green Lantern Corps. It doesn't count." Stark retracted his hand and pointed to his chest: "As for me, even if the Green Lantern Ring cannot be used against it, the 'Space Stone' Okay, 'Vision', in addition to being a 'virus', you are also a 'soul gem', right?"

Vision nodded silently.

"These gems are said to have existed since the birth of the world, and are naturally not part of the Green Lantern Corps," Stark thought. "In addition, there are the 'Mind Stone' in Professor X's hand and the 'Reality Stone' in Atreus' body. ,in addition……"


At this moment, an exclamation came from the students' guest room, and then a group of Avengers saw the disheveled Sherlock Holmes wearing only one shoe and rushed out: "Mr. Principal! Mr. Principal! This is the end of the world." The next part of the game will be very dangerous! I saw what will happen in the future! I still... Huh?"

The young man finally realized that something was wrong in the hall and stopped.

"Look," Stark shrugged and looked at the other Avengers with different expressions: "The 'Time Stone' has already achieved results."

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