The Collection of The End

Two Thousand Four Hundred and Fifty Six, Sherlock and Borderlands 2 (3)

——? ? ? ——

"Oh! I think I haven't introduced myself yet," the small robot whose name was displayed as "Watson" faced Sherlock with his hands on his hips: "I am the last mass-produced machine of the auxiliary robot 'Little Noisy' series, and my name is 'John H. Watson', I give you permission to call me 'Watson', subordinate.]"

"..." Because there were too many things to ask, the words went around his mouth several times before Sherlock finally asked: "Subordinate?"

"Of course, subordinate!]" Watson pointed to the sky: "This is Pandora's garbage dump, Jotunheim. If I hadn't picked you up, you would have become food for the Ice Ape. , so you are already my 'Watson' subordinate!】"

Along with Watson's explanation, the map name appeared on the "Universal Tools Interface" in front of Sherlock just like in the Mass Effect game:


"Okay," Sherlock shrugged: "'Boss'."

"Ah hahaha! I have the first subordinate,]" Watson turned his body with a single wheel, waving a thin robotic arm and starting to dance strange mechanical dance: "

It would be very interesting if I could record it and send it to him when I get back.

Sherlock began to search for various settings on the interface, but could not find the recording function.

"Okay, come with me, subordinate, we have to get out of here," Watson finished a dance and walked towards the snow curtain while waving his arms: "'handsomejack'! You are dead!" "


Sherlock walked to keep up with Watson while trying to reason based on the information he had obtained so far.

Obviously, there was some kind of problem on the field, which may be related to the "black meteors" he saw. Except for Watson, who turned into a robot, most of the other players also turned into strange things, and the current purpose It should be to defeat the man with the strange name.

And combined with my own physique that falls into subspace from time to time, this is probably a third-party zone that Odin, White Star, and Ion Shark can't interfere with. There are more people who encounter the Galaxy Train than the three of them who come to the rescue. The probability is high.

Now Watson allows himself to follow him, which looks like the main line guiding the commander's actions in "Mass Effect", but in this case, the mission prompt is...

Current mission: Follow Watson to the hideout. 】


Are the functions of your all-purpose tool gradually unlocked?

Sherlock glanced at the mission guidance that appeared on the retina UI, spread his hands, and stepped to follow Watson.

Speaking of which... "Mass Effect itself has a linear structure. You can't go to the map of the next chapter without completing the previous chapter, but that's not the case here. Maybe you can try the mission of flying over walls and jumping over walls?"

Hello, Mr. Sherlock Holmes, the Vault Hunter. 】

"..." Sherlock paused and looked up to the upper center of the field of vision. The panel used for remote communication in "Mass Effect" appeared there. Originally, the panel that appeared there in the game was usually the same NPC when advancing the plot. various conversations, but now there was a pale blue translucent face that he seemed familiar with - the Normandy's artificial intelligence, Edith.

Please follow that little robot,] the woman who looked like Yin Di said: It is the key to defeating the 'Laughing Bat'. 】

"Who are you?" Sherlock asked.

I am an ‘angel’,” the woman replied: “Maybe you don’t want to believe in an AI that can cut into all-purpose tools at any time, but I will prove to you in the future that I am on the same side as you.” 】

"I want to prove it now." Sherlock asked.

"Angel" did not respond, and the communication interface disappeared directly.

She is not a player she knows. In other words, is she an "NPC" in this strange world?

"Hey! Subordinate! Who are you talking to?]" Ahead, Watson had stopped at the door of a cave dwelling that looked like it was made of various scrap machine parts under the ice wall, jumping up and down and waving to him.

"Do you know an AI who calls himself 'Angel'?" Sherlock replied while looking at the strange mechanical cave.

"What? Angel?]" Watson was in a daze for two seconds, then put his hands on his hips and raised his chest: "Yes, I am an angel! You are very discerning, subordinate."

"..." I really want to record it.

"In view of your flattery, I decided to move your subordinates up one rank! It is now No. 9527!]" Watson yelled, turning back and pointing his big, round eye at the door of the cave dwelling as if for identity verification. The surveillance camera shouted: "Open sesame!]"

So there are nearly 10,000 subordinates in front...

Sherlock originally wanted to make fun of him, but as the iron door of the cave opened and the environment inside came into view, he couldn't help but swallow back the words he was about to say.

Inside the cave are several normal-looking compartments. Although the furniture and furnishings are shabby, they are all available. The users of these rooms are silent, swaying, inverted triangle-shaped individuals with different paintings. Wheel little robot.

"Because of disobeying orders, the 'Laughing Bat' ordered the destruction of all 'Little Noisy' series robots, but we successfully escaped. Even if we had to shut down because there was no energy, we would never join the 'Dark Knights'," Watson "walked" into the cave: "And now, I have a new subordinate, and the end of that weirdo is coming soon!"

A good guide. If it were a game, it would at least make the "player" sympathize with the little robot in front of him, but because he bears the name "Watson", he really can't treat it as a robot.

"Look here, quick-acting medical glue and weapons," Watson flipped around, opened a small safe and showed it to Sherlock: "Let's go and kill the 'four-armed devil' who is preventing me from going back. ]"

Inside was a small cylinder filled with red liquid, and a pistol with an exaggerated cartoon shape and paint, and a structure that could stun a real firearms expert.

No matter what, I'm not a firearms expert.

Sherlock tried to reach out and pick up the gun. Almost at the same time, the red test tube-like cylinder flew up on its own as if being attracted and sank into his body.

The next moment, the "health value" that was originally only 1% rose directly to 51%. Then, a familiar but unfamiliar interface, the "item and equipment column" also opened, and displayed the weapon information in Sherlock's hand. : Ordinary revolver, damage: 1113, shooting accuracy: 99, shooting speed: 0.7, reloading speed: 3.0, magazine capacity: 6]

The functions of your all-purpose tool are really unlocked step by step!

However, because there is no actual comparison, it is currently impossible to determine the extent of damage caused by this 1113, and how it compares to his curse. Perhaps we should find a strange person——


Just as Sherlock thought of this, the roof of the mechanical cave suddenly collapsed, and a huge ape with white hair and four arms jumped down from the gap, grabbed the unresponsive Watson, and directly started to kill his One-Eye was pulled out, then threw Watson aside, scratched twice, climbed up the roof gap and fled.

"Oh - no - my poor eyes - it is too far away to receive the signal -]"

Mission accomplished: Follow Watson to the hideout. √]

Current mission: Take back Watson's eyes from the 'Four-Armed Demon'. 】

Sherlock looked at Watson, who had broken wires exposed in his "eye sockets" and was banging against the wall, and shrugged.

This rigid mission guidance can barely give it a score of 70.

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