The Collection of The End

Two thousand four hundred and fifty-seven, Sherlock and Borderlands 2 (4)

——? ? ? ——[Jotunheim] The blizzard that originally obscured the view is passing through

The "Four-Armed Demon King" disappeared after the cave that served as his lair. With Watson's eyes repaired and his movements twitching, Sherlock could clearly see the blue sky and the blue sea at the end of the snowfield as he headed towards the coast of the ice field. .

"Well...if I say now, 'This thing is much easier to use than a magic wand,' will I get beaten?" He looked down at the weapon in his hand and said to himself.

It was a pistol with an exaggerated shape that did not exist in reality at first glance. It was painted in yellow and black and had a scope as huge as the gun body.

[Bumblebee, damage: 45-60, shooting accuracy: 65.5, shooting speed: 9.6, reloading speed: 1.4, magazine capacity: 30] [corrosion damage: 240/second, corrosion chance: 15%] [5.3x scope , it can fire continuously when the scope is opened, consuming 2 ammunition/each shot, and has a miraculous effect on armor.

】This is him helping Watson eliminate

After "The Four-Armed Demon King", compared with the equipment dropped by the monkey, he didn't just throw away the gun Watson gave him, which was out of consideration for the friendship between the two parties.

And through the battle to eliminate the giant ape and its men, Sherlock basically confirmed that his spell had no effect on this

The monsters in the "game" can take effect, because regardless of the

"Shen Feng Wu Ying" is still

"Flying Birds", they hit the monkeys one at a time, and the damage value could not be measured, but the problem is that the magic spell can only destroy their

The "health points" are empty. To kill him completely, he has to change to the revolver given by Watson for the final blow. This situation seems to be the same as when Lady Irisviel took him there

The experience in "Trolley Problem Dimension" is similar. Although she is powerful enough to kill the local natives in an instant, she still has to follow the local rules if she wants to obtain certain things.

However, before I had to switch weapons back and forth because

The "initial weapon" does not have enough damage, now...


"Peng!" A white-haired orangutan with the same style as the Four-Armed Demon King jumped down from the ice cliff beside the road and pounced on Watson, but was casually used by Sherlock on the way.

"Bumblebee" was shot to pieces. Really are

"Explode", after the monkey was shot, a dislocated image that seemed to be garbled flashed on its body, and then exploded directly into a small pile of banknotes and several magazines in mid-air, and then they rushed towards the magnet like iron filings. Flying towards Sherlock and becoming him

Numbers on the "Game Interface". The conclusion is that if you kill directly with local weapons, there is no need to switch weapons.

In addition, is this kind of special killing effect for fear that the player is a person who cares for wild animals? According to this logic, I'm afraid I'll have to hit someone next...

"['Shi Tie'! Hey! Open the door! I am your dear friend Watson~]" At this time, Watson, who was leading the way, had arrived at the edge of the ice sheet, a camp surrounded by barbed wire and iron sheets. Shutter doors.

Shi Tie? That seems to be a player from the Green Lantern Corps. He is also in this world? Then the previous conclusion that only Hogwarts fell here is wrong.

"[Oh, hell,]" a man's voice with an inconspicuous mechanical sound came from the loudspeaker on the wall: "[First I caused trouble with 'Robin', and then I was targeted by Watson. I must have been there in my previous life. Offended a lot of people.】"

"[Hey, don't worry, buddy, Watson is here to save you~]" Watson continued to knock on the door.

"[Okay, okay, I'll open the door right now, but if those Robins don't leave, I won't go out.]" As the broken rolling shutter door creaked up, the scene in the camp was also reflected in the two scenes.

The eyes of "people". It was a campground that looked like a seaside resort with a fishing pier, lifeguard tower, tin accommodation, barbecue grill, lantern stage, trash cans, etc.

Almost all facilities are rusty, and more than half are buried in ice and snow. Only broken wires that spark from time to time remind witnesses that some facilities are still operating.

However, what is more eye-catching are a group of weirdos wandering around the camp in strange postures. They are wearing red and green clothes that look like clowns, with black masks covering half of their faces. And the lower half of almost all the weirdo's faces showed a sick and dangerous grin with bared teeth.

As the rolling shutter door was fully opened, all the weirdos turned their heads to look at Watson and Sherlock in unison, and the red outlines of their names above their heads also appeared in Sherlock's field of vision simultaneously: [Robin]

"[Gah!]" Watson made a gasping sound, turned his wheelbarrow and hid behind Sherlock: "[They are the men of the 'Laughing Bat'! Kill them quickly! Men!]"




"Woof!" As if stimulated by Watson's movements, these words

"Robin" all lay down on all fours, grinning widely, and rushed towards Sherlock like wild dogs.


"■■■■!" Sherlock raised his hand to create a large thorns that hindered the Robins' progress and a force field shield in front of him. Then he took the time to think about why he still couldn't recite the spell for two seconds, and finally took out the

"Bumblebee" began to explode the heads of those humanoid monsters like mad dogs one by one. As always, these enemies will drop as drops when killed, leaving absolutely no corpses or remains regardless of how they died.

Too protective! Finally, when Sherlock had used up all the bullets he picked up along the way and had to start using close combat to kill off the last bits of blood from the Robins, the entire camp finally became completely quiet - for about two seconds.

"[Aha! Did you see that, Shi Tie!]" Watson ran out from the corner, stood on a high slope in the camp and shouted loudly: "[Master Watson and his men are killing each other!]" Yes, I am responsible. Indiscriminate killing, you are responsible for the killing.

Sherlock hesitated for a moment, but still did not say this. Ka-chi-At this moment, the door of a safe house with thick walls and strong iron doors in the camp slowly opened, and a thin middle-aged man dressed as a cowboy walked out. He exuded a capable and capable person. , even though an eye, an arm and a foot have been replaced by mechanical prosthetics.

When Sherlock saw him, the scene in front of him suddenly zoomed in, giving a close-up of the mechanical cowboy raising his hands in salute, complete with exaggerated and bright subtitles.

[Sheriff of Jotunheim, Shi Tie. 】【Definitely not a machine. 】I have the impression that Shi Tie was originally a robot Green Lantern...forget it.

"[Thank you for your help, Vault Hunter,]" Shi Tie came to the two of them: "[It seems that you are not as weak as the other guys who were thrown here. Maybe that annoying little robot and I can count on you to eliminate it. The minions of the 'Laughing Bat' who rule this ice field seek revenge on that bastard.]" [Current mission: Destroy the 'Bat Brothers' and 'Fire Bats'.


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