The Collection of The End

Two thousand four hundred and sixty-four, North American Mythical War (315)

——Marvel, 2015——Asgard, Golden Palace.

"[I want to trigger the 'Twilight of the Gods' in advance.]"

"[Then let you take over as the 'Lord of Asgard'.]"

"...Huh?" Thor originally only planned to deal with possible encounters during the game.

"Double summons" issue, suddenly heard such an important question

"Oracle" caused the brain circuit that was already a little stuck to directly

"Crash". Odin and Frigga didn't rush him, they just waited for him quietly


"Twilight of the Gods" is not a secret. It is a prophecy that appeared with the birth of World Tree and Asgard. The general content is that one day in the future, the nine kingdoms will be shrouded in ice, and enemies will come from all directions. , the whole world is in flames of war, the World Tree is burning, and all the gods will die in the battle. Then, the broken world will slowly regenerate from the ruins and bring a new order.

After the strength of the Asgardians increases to a certain level, they will be informed of this prophecy. The reason for the restriction is mainly because after ordinary residents and low-strength warriors know about it, they will not be able to prepare for the prophecy. Contributing to the war only increases anxiety but does not play a role in boosting morale.

The Asgardians will fight in all directions under the leadership of their Heavenly Father, and they somewhat want to eliminate the enemy in the cradle in advance.

However, Heavenly Father may not have known at the time

"The larger the area of ​​a circle, the longer the circumference, and the larger the circumscribed area." This principle continued until Asgard occupied all nine major kingdoms connected to the prophesied World Tree and expanded its sphere of influence to what was once thought to be the entire world.

After the "Galaxy", countless stars were suddenly discovered

The "Galaxy Beyond the Galaxy" only then began to shrink and consolidate its sphere of influence. As for Asgard and other cosmic demons and

When the "Green Lantern Corps" established contact, he certainly didn't know as he was not yet the Lord of Asgard.

As for

The title "Lord of Asgard" was actually called

"King of the Gods" was used by his great-grandfather [Buli] and grandfather [Bauer] until Odin came into contact with many

After careful consideration, he changed his title to "Universe Demon God".

"Heavenly Father" and

"Lord of Asgard". There is no such title

The prophecy of "Twilight of the Gods" is so mysterious that there is only one sentence to explain it: "The most powerful person in Asgard." Look at the giant demon wrapped in thunder who is still showing his power outside. No one would doubt that Odin was worthy of his name.

But letting yourself take over?

The "Lord of Asgard" is not a concession. When Odin stepped down from this position, he entered

"Up for grabs", Thor has to do something

"Thor" defeated every challenger who coveted the throne or had doubts about his taking over this position, including not only powerful warriors from the nine kingdoms, but also had nothing to do with Asgard. They had no qualifications and just wanted to have fun. The Demon God of the Universe will also take part. To sum up, there will be a chaos of unprecedented scale.

"I don't think this is appropriate, father and mother," Thor said. After being in a daze for a few seconds, he finally understood the logic of the two plans proposed by Odin, and then said: "They are all major matters that need to be dealt with seriously. In addition, the equally important Triwizard Tournament is being held now, so if we push forward forcefully, it will only make things messy."

"[Haha, you see, it was indeed the right decision when we sent him to Midgard to reflect, and he started to talk in the same way.]" Odin happily turned his head to look at Frigga.

"[That is obviously Ms. Bai Xing's credit. You looked so angry that you must have not thought about it that much.]" Frigga glanced at him.

"[Why didn't you think about it? With Thor's foolishness, no matter which country he threw him into, it would only start a war,]" Odin stroked his beard: "[The only way is to go to Midgar, which is firmly controlled by the 'Supreme Mage'" Virtue, he can't make any waves.] "Is it appropriate for you, the second elder, to hurt someone in person like this?

Incredibly suitable. After these two self-questions and answers flashed through his mind unconsciously, Thor discovered depressingly that Heavenly Father and Heavenly Queen were indeed right. These two sentences were exactly what the vice-principal taught him to say.

In addition, she taught herself

"Electromagnetic gun", because I accidentally said it

"This thing is much easier to use than a hammer." Mjolnir ignored him for several weeks. Until he learned to shoot with a hammer

"Electromagnetic gun". Speaking of which, the limit of the power of this move has not been tested yet, and it might be able to penetrate a planet directly.

"[I have a premonition that 'Twilight of the Gods' will happen soon, sooner than you think," Odin looked at him again: "[And my premonitions have always been accurate.]" Because of that premonition Just threw him to the earth?

"Then you should be in charge of the overall situation," Thor frowned: "The throne will be changed after the situation calms down. If..."

"[If Ragnarok cannot be prevented, there will be no more title 'Lord of Asgard', right?]" Odin answered.

"No, why would I think that?" Thor shook his head: "I want to say that if 'Twilight of the Gods' could have been successfully prevented under your many years of management, it was stopped because of the change of 'Lord of Asgard'" Wouldn’t it be a pity to fail in success?”

"[Look, he can use idioms.]" Odin turned to look at Frigga.

"[It's Ms. Bai Xing's good teaching, it has nothing to do with you.]" Frigga raised her eyebrows. He is going to be a professor!

Not a student!

"[I guess you must think that in the face of a large-scale enemy attack, leaving the 'Lord of Asgard' vacant will make the situation worse.]" Odin put away his smile and looked at Thor again.

"...Isn't it?" Thor expressed doubts.

"[You should think about it on the other hand, if you successfully prevent 'Twilight of the Gods' in this unprecedented chaos, it will be unquestionable for you to become the 'Lord of Asgard', or do you have no confidence?" Complete this difficult task?]" Odin replied.

"Of course!" Thor responded quickly, hesitated for a moment, and then continued: "But if the 'Nine Kingdoms' lose their protection, they will suffer unpredictable losses and destruction——"

"[Thor,]" Frigga spoke this time: "[What do you think is Asgard? The planet, city and temple under your feet, or the people who live in it?]"

"Yes..." Thor did not answer this obvious question. He raised his head and looked at the splendid roof, but his eyes seemed to penetrate the space and looked straight at the ship with countless cut outs.

The "copy" is theoretically enough to hold the copies of all the residents of Asgard and even the nine kingdoms.

"Sanctuary," no,

"Shelter": "...Is that so?"

"[Asgardians have overcome countless hardships,]" Odin put his hands behind his back: "[It will be the same this time.]"

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