The Collection of The End

Two thousand four hundred and sixty-five, North American Mythical War (316)

——Marvel, 2015——

Asgard, "Leviathan".

The flesh-and-blood spaceship that was shaped like a wide-mouthed vase was still parked near the Golden Palace Pier. Due to the "son is not too ugly" and the fact that the shapes of most Green Lanterns themselves are strange enough, the Green Lantern Corps did not think of her appearance. What's wrong? In addition, Green Lantern will have some advantages when using this kind of spacecraft to communicate with tentacle monsters in the "extra dimension" and abstract beings in the "dream dimension" - the other party will often make some concessions for unknown reasons.

But for Asgardians whose aesthetics are more or less similar to humans and who are keen on fighting, the shape of "Leviathan" will only make them want to look away or pick up weapons.

Therefore, after discussing with the Valkyrie who is responsible for security and maintaining order, the Green Lantern Corps created five huge, green, smooth planes to surround "Leviathan". Although it looks more conspicuous, the huge green squares It finally makes people more accepting.

"Oh, I know this looks like a fish tank, but don't worry, I won't let you stay here forever. I will take you back when the game is over.]"

Inside the green cube, the shadow of the "Ion Shark" is cooing at the "slowly rising and falling" Leviathan.

"I think that's going to be a while."

"I think so too. It's obviously just a big racing brawl, but they are forced to make it a game...]" Ion Shark paused: "Hey! You can talk now! Leviathan!]"

"As a green lantern beast and the AI ​​of the Green Lantern Network, it's hard for people to take you seriously when you make such a joke." Following the words, a Green Lantern walked out from behind Leviathan's tentacles.

He was a tall and burly blond man. Although his appearance was the traditional tights, Green Lantern logo and mask of the Green Lantern Corps, the details were very different. For example, his shirt was red, his pants were green, his belt was black, and his cape It is purple, the green light symbol is not a ring but an oil lamp, and the most distinctive thing is that he wears a total of five green light rings on his hands.

"Every time we meet, I have to say that even though being the 'original Green Lantern' and 'Legion Commander' can be special, your look is too exaggerated. Have you ever considered dressing more plainly?" Ion Shark Danshuai Tails turned to the Green Lantern: "Alan Scott.]"

"This outfit has special meaning to me," Scott replied: "Unless I step down from the position of legion commander, I probably won't change it."

"As a lamp beast, I don't care much about the specific personnel management structure of the legion. As long as the initial framework and legion rules are maintained," Ion Shark responded: "So, you are planning to hand over the responsibility of legion commander to Your daughter Jade? But it seems she is more willing to help Kyle Rayner.]"

"Handsome, gentle, powerful, and an artist, it's normal for Jade to be confused by his appearance," Scott's tone did not fluctuate at all: "But she will eventually discover that she is a pure green light. Kyle Rayner is not, in fact, the complete opposite."

"I'm just an AI. I don't understand emotional issues. You just have to know what's going on." Ion Shark flicked his tail and asked, "The 'Triwizard Tournament' you strongly promoted is coming to an end, and all the preset goals have been achieved." Has it been achieved?】"

"Absolutely," Scott looked outside the "box": "Clean up the stubborn 'cosmic disasters' around the Milky Way, confirm the limit of influence of the 'ocean dimension', and find out all the precautions for Asgard's response to 'Twilight of the Gods'" The overall progress of the eucalyptus loopholes has exceeded 90%."

"When others heard this, they thought you were going to seize the authority of the ocean dimension, bring about Ragnarok, and completely rule the galaxy," Ion Shark replied: "Although in the eyes of those cosmic demons, the earth and its surrounding areas are "The center of the universe", but to us it is just an ordinary planet that has a lot of troubles and requires a lot of effort. In the entire sector including the earth, including you, only three Green Lanterns were born. It shows that people with willpower The barrenness.]"

"That's probably because the 'Lord of the Ocean Dimension' plans to eliminate all human beings' 'walls of heart' and create a 'sea of ​​soul'. He has arranged something in advance, which leads to the general lack of strong will in human beings." Scott Te responded.

"I have had contact with her, and she doesn't look like such a sophisticated demon." Ion Shark looked towards the direction of the "Sanctuary" battleship: "If I have to say it, she is the same as the Chaos Dimension who likes to have fun. Lord Sithorn' is somewhat similar.】"


I am Odin, I am nearby...]

A dull and weird sound came from the cavity of "Leviathan", with waves of echoes:

…I will take the initiative to trigger ‘Twilight of the Gods’. 】

"Tsk!]" The ion shark dived into the body of "Leviathan" and rushed straight towards a certain organ shaped like a coconut that was making sounds in its body.

With the touch of the ion shark, the "coconut" quickly stabilized and stopped vibrating, continuing to rise and fall slightly with Leviathan's breathing.

After the sound stopped, Scott stepped into the interior, which was composed of carapace, scales, bone and flesh. Although it was a bit weird, it had a strange beauty. Then he looked at the ion shark that had just flown out of the "coconut": "What? explain?"

"It's my fault." The phantom of the Ion Shark had no visible expression, but its tone was quite annoyed: "What causes the heart of 'Leviathan' to 'resonate' is this 'revelation of the true body for full-band broadcasting'" Odin's behavior is theoretically only 0.06% possible, so I didn't take precautions at all.】"

"Perhaps the organ that serves as the heart was itself a communication organ in ancient times..." Scott muttered, and then said: "So, about the way and time when Odin took the initiative to trigger 'Twilight of the Gods'?"

"Excluding the possibility that Odin suddenly went crazy and used the Rainbow Bridge to lure all the enemies to Asgard, or started a war with multiple universe demons on the spot, excluding the possibility that these two possibilities are relatively high, there is only one conclusion,]" Ion Shark turned around Looking at the huge and golden tree on the horizon of Asgard: "He plans to release the enemies that the nine kingdoms have encountered in the history from the World Tree as a challenge for the third game and 'Twilight of the Gods. 's opponent.]"

"Historical enemies?" Scott smiled: "Not to mention anything else, just those on Earth..."

Before he finished speaking, Leviathan's "coconut heart" that had been silent suddenly began to tremble again, and a clear and magnetic female voice came out:

The earth does not participate in this event, so please do not disturb it. 】



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