The Collection of The End

Two thousand four hundred and seventy-nine, North American Mythical War (330)

——dc, darkness——


"So, you actually wanted to arrange some kind of 'surprise' in the zoo in advance, but after stealing the employees' clothes, you found yourself in a big trouble and couldn't handle it, so you came to ask for help?" Bruce, who quickly sorted out his thoughts, asked .

"You know, Waylon Jones is a reckless man. In addition to being strong and thick-skinned, he can at least have some ability to command animals. How can he have such a, uh...'space transfer'-like method?]" The clown exerted all his strength. Scratching his head: "Especially because he seems to be a victim of this kind of 'space transfer'.]"

"He is the only victim?" Bruce stared at him: "What about you?"

"Ah...this...]" The clown's eyes rolled around.

"Let me guess, once you enter the zoo, you will directly see the 'marine animal area'?" Bruce said: "Obviously, your behavior of 'wearing the zoo employee work clothes' also complies with or violates some kind of 'code' ',so……"

He paused and did not continue because he was now "Bruce Wayne", not "Batman".

"It's more than that, Master Bruce," the clown waved his hand and pointed outside: "Did you see it? The main entrance of the zoo!"

"Huh?" Bruce glanced out of the car window and found that it was just an ordinary street scene. Moreover, in his impression, this location was still far away from the zoo...

"The distance to the destination, Gotham City Zoo, is 3, 4, kilometers." Alfred thoughtfully poked at the voice announcement of the on-board automatic navigation.

"You said you could see the door?" Bruce's expression became serious.

If there is just an accident like space disorder in the zoo, even if it is done by a super criminal, the situation is still controllable, but if the impact may extend beyond the zoo or even the entire Gotham, things will become serious. .

"That's right, that's right. If I turn around any corner, I might suddenly see the zoo gate and that bastard aquarium behind the door!]" The clown gritted his teeth and said, "That's why I came to find you. After all, you are the same as that guy dressed as The God of Bats...the mysterious hero is familiar, maybe we can call him to deal with this mess.]"


Just when Bruce began to consider whether to find a place to "transform" directly, Alfred, who was driving a commercial vehicle, spoke.

"Sir, let me tell you my humble opinion," he said: "This Mr. Clown is probably in a state of 'violating the rules.'"

"Impossible!]" The clown stared: "After I saw the 'Aquarium', I didn't even enter the zoo!]"

"According to the code I just heard, it seems that employees are not allowed to 'ask for leave' at will. If something happens, they can only use 'paid leave' to offset it. So, have you gone through the procedures before leaving?" the housekeeper asked.

"...]" The clown was speechless for a moment.

"That is to say, you are now 'absent from work'." Alfred concluded.

Originally, he felt pity for the kidnapped zoo employee, but now that he thinks about it, he might be thanking and laughing at the fool who stole his work clothes and went to work for him.

Bruce gave up the idea of ​​"transformation", leaned back, and began to admire the street scenery along the way.


Gotham City Zoo.

"Welcome to the Municipal Zoo, Mr. Wayne!"

When the commercial vehicle stopped at the entrance of the zoo, Bruce stepped out of the car and saw a staff member wearing an upright rabbit costume and holding a large number of colorful balloons floating in the air waddling over.

"I received an invitation from Mr. Jones," Bruce quietly scanned the employee with an infrared sensor device and found nothing unusual: "Where are the others?"

"You know, our boss's image is a bit...cough," the rabbit employee said with a familiar attitude from senior Gotham residents: "He is waiting for you at the rest area in the park."

In the resting area, Bruce noticed this place that was highlighted in the employee regulations. It seemed to mean absolute safety. Jones would be there. Is it a coincidence, or... he was "unable to leave"?

"What a hell zoo..." The clown cooed as he got out of the car.

"Hey! Joe Cole! You're late!" The rabbit employee saw him at a glance: "Why are you with Mr. Wayne? Go to your job quickly!"

Joe Cole? Although this is the Joker's real name, does he leave his name behind when he kidnaps employees and steals his costumes? Or……

Bruce opened his eyes slightly, then turned to the Joker and shook his head slightly at him.

"I-" The clown originally seemed to be planning to get off the donkey along the slope, but saw Bruce's actions, so he changed his mind temporarily: "I am following the director's arrangement to greet the distinguished guest in person, and I have to take him to see him next. Director.】"

"...Really? Then go and come back quickly. There are so many customers today, I can't handle it all by myself." Rabbit employee was stunned, and then accepted this statement.

Extra... much? Bruce glanced at the almost deserted zoo gate and said nothing.

"Master, I will park the car in the parking lot right now. Please call me when you plan to leave." Alfred said from the driver's seat.

"Okay, Alfred." Bruce nodded slightly at him.

He had already made plans to drive directly into the park when the situation was bad.

"Ah, by the way, Mr. Wayne, this is a 'Zoo Visiting Instructions'. Of course, with my colleagues here, you may not need this." After Alfred drove away, Bruce was about to enter the zoo with the clown. At this time, the rabbit employee took out a stack of flyers from his doll suit, randomly picked one out and handed it over.


Seeing that the clown was trying to avoid him, Bruce raised his hand and took it: "Thank you."

Gotham City Zoo Tour Information]

1. The park has a ‘walking tour area’, ‘herbivore area’, ‘carnivore area’, ‘bird amphibian area’ and ‘marine animal area’. 】

Regional maps and landmark annotations]

2. Please do not feed the animals at will. They are fed regularly by the staff. Excessive nutrition may damage their health. 】

3. Please do not take photos at close range. Some animals may become aggressive and abusive when frightened, especially parrots. 】

4. Please do not climb the guardrail. If you accidentally slip and fall into the carnivore area, please stay quiet and wait for rescue, and do not irritate the animals. 】

5. Some overly active animals may leave the park. When you see animals that do not belong in the area - such as penguins - please do not approach and wait for the staff to deal with it. 】

6. The 'Marine Animal Zone' is located underground, with dark lights and complicated roads. Please be careful to avoid getting separated from your companions. 】

7. If you are accidentally separated, please go to the ‘Resting Area’ and ask the staff to conduct a search announcement in the park. 】

8. If you are separated, please seek help from the nearest staff and follow the instructions to the rest area. 】

9. Please do not knock on the waterproof wall of the ‘Aquarium’ at will. 】

I wish you a pleasant visit. 】

Compared with the obviously problematic employee rules, this tour guide is much more normal and can be matched in detail.

But... who is managing the "marine animal zone"?

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