The Collection of The End

Two thousand four hundred and eighty, North American Mythical War (331)

——dc, light——

Universe 0, Gotham City Zoo.

Since it was a holiday, there was an endless stream of tourists visiting the zoo. Many staff were busy maintaining order, while the performers wearing animal costumes and balloons at the door were at a loss because they were surrounded by children.

Unlike other tourists who visit with adults and children, there is a group of children who are incompatible with others in terms of clothing and appearance near the zoo gate, communicating with each other.

"Very good, it seems that everyone has received the 'Tourist Instructions'." The black-haired boy wearing a top hat and a black and white dress held his head high and patted the flyer in his hand: "If there are any words that you don't understand, You can ask me."

"You are looking down on me, Oswald," the beautiful girl with blond hair, wearing a blue dress and a small cat bag slung across her body, retorted: "We are already 11 years old, and no one can still recognize these simple things. word, isn’t it, Barbara?”

"Yes, yes, Selena." The girl wearing a pink dress of the same style, with short bright red hair and round glasses on the bridge of her nose responded timidly: "I recognize all the words on these 'Instructions'."

"You asked the wrong person. If that girl hadn't been young enough, she could have gone to Gotham University directly." The black-haired boy, who looked slightly taller than the other children and was wearing jeans, continued, "In her opinion, Come, this visit is just to play with the children."

"No, I didn't think so..." The girl named Barbara shook her head repeatedly.

"Are you talking about yourself? Billy?" The boy wearing a small brown suit with a small face looked at him: "Don't think that just because you can become an adult, you can call yourself an adult. That's 'Shazam' , not you."

"Please call me 'Superman,' little Bruce." Billy puffed up his chest proudly: "I am originally the 'guardian' of this visit. It doesn't matter what you say."

"Huh, silly guy." Bruce tilted his head.

"What are you talking about, 'bat'!"

"Idiot," Oswald interjected.

"What qualifications do you, a 'penguin', have to criticize me?!"

"Hmm... I can't understand the words in items 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 9..." The blond boy in a shirt and suspenders who had been reading the flyer in his hand raised his head: "What are they doing?"

"There is a fool who wants to be someone else's son, and he is not happy when he is stopped." Selina replied while watching the battle with her arms folded.

"Well...which words don't you understand? I'll teach you." Barbara said softly.

"You are dumber than the 'fish' over there!"

"Who are you calling stupid!" The boy in overalls dropped the flyer and rushed over.

"It's none of your business! Arthur!"

"Well done! You're a big fool too!"

Barbara, who had no teaching object, looked at Selina blankly.

"They've always been like this," Selina shrugged old-fashionedly: "You just got here, just get used to it."

"That," Barbara blinked, "I heard that males tend to show aggression towards other males in the presence of the females they like."

"You're not a light-hearted person either!" Selina stretched out her hand to pinch her little fleshy face.


After a chaotic period of indiscriminate physical attacks, the children regained order and began to walk toward the zoo gate.

"Uh, kids..."


The staff at the door originally wanted to stop them because they didn't have an adult leading the group, but unexpectedly, Billy transformed on the spot and his words were stuck in his throat.

For Gothamites, "superheroes" and "supercriminals" are almost legends. Some of the rumors that can be heard occasionally come from places like Metropolis, Star City, and Beach City. The first and legendary Asia A land city allied with Atlantis, who would dare to cause trouble here? In particular, I heard that the high-level officials had defeated alien invasions and omnic crises, and had bi secretly supporting them.

"I am responsible for ensuring the safety of these children in the garden. Do you feel at ease?]" The strong man in red looked down at him.

"...Of course, please come in." The staff gave way politely.

He took the time to glance at the children, and sure enough, they all had extraordinary temperaments, and most of them were children of important people. Only then could they hire a "superhero" who could transform into a child to protect them.

Uh... does this ability mean anything?


"I recommend going to the walking tour area first. I heard there are a lot of little rabbits there."

"Herbivore area! I want to see elephants!"

"I want to go see the big cats in the carnivore area."

"Yes, it's a lion."

Not surprisingly, when they encountered the first sign with a map of the park, the children started to quarrel again - Billy had changed back to his child form.

Obviously, due to different growth environments and different interests in wild animals, it is basically impossible to reach a consensus.

"Then let's do it for ourselves?"

"No, Bai A... sister made it clear that we are not allowed to separate, otherwise she will kill us within ten seconds and take us all back."

"Really, what are those adults doing? Barbara?"

"I heard that they were dealing with issues like 'overlapping multiverses', but I don't understand."

"Ha! It doesn't sound very important."

"That's right, so where do we go first?"

"I think..." Arthur, who had been unable to speak, raised his hand as if he were in school, and after attracting everyone's attention, he said: "Go to the 'Marine Animal Zone'."

"Reason?" Billy asked while blowing bubble gum: "Haven't you seen enough at home?"

"I have recently become able to hear fish talk," he scratched his head: "But my mother won't let me go into the water and touch those sea kings, and the ornamental fish in the office are stupid."

"This is really..."

"So cool!"

"Go to the aquarium!"

The children accepted the proposal with little hesitation.


Perhaps to prevent water leakage, the zoo's aquarium is built underground. Combined with the blue water behind waterproof glass and various strange-looking deep-sea fish, it feels like you are truly in the deep sea, which has attracted many tourists' admiration.

However, the purpose of Bruce and his team is not to watch. When they visit each aquarium area one by one, they will gather together to discuss in low voices at a volume that does not attract the attention of other nearby tourists.

"This guy is so ugly, what is he saying?"

"It said...'No one is looking at the deep sea anyway, so just grow as long as you like.'"

"Wow, such a big mouth, help me ask if its chin is not sore?"

" said, 'Aren't you tired of standing and walking with such thin fins?'"

"The light in the aquarium is very bright, why is it still lighting a lantern?"

"It said it was a blind, blind fish, wearing a lantern to avoid being hit by other fish."

"It turned out to be a philosopher fish. How much did the Wayne Group buy it?"

"There's no point in telling me this."

"The Cobot family pays double,"

"It's no use telling me..."

And just as the children were whispering, a huge and noisy sound sounded in the exhibition area in front.


"Mermaid! It's a mermaid!"

"Look here, look here!"


Ahead is the dolphin area, where a mermaid is interacting with dolphins and other gentle deep-sea fish behind the waterproof wall, which attracts a large number of fussy and screaming children.

"Hey, is that true?" Billy poked Arthur.

"No, that's just decoration," Arthur looked at it carefully: "But some details are almost the same as those of real Atlanteans. Maybe the person who made the modeling has seen the real ones?"

"People with high enough status must know some inside information, but they actually use it to dress up as divers for performances..." Bruce frowned: "Will Aunt Atlanna be angry?"

"Maybe not? I'm not sure, after all, you can tell it's fake at a glance." Arthur responded.

At this time, Miss Diver brought a deep-sea fish close to the waterproof wall and gave an impromptu performance to the half-grown children outside the wall.

"Oh oh oh! Ouch!"

The naughty children let out meaningless screams and began to slap the wall, trying to interact more with the deep-sea fish.

"Oops," Arthur looked nervous: "That's not an ordinary deep-sea fish. It has a thin bloodline of the sea king type, has a bad temper, and takes this as a provocation... No! It's going to attack!"


Before Arthur could finish his words, the bulging deep-sea fish, which looked more like an amphibian and more like a fish, hit the waterproof wall. Miss Diver panicked and tried to comfort her, but to no avail.

"Do it again! Do it again!"

"Uh oh oh oh!"

The half-grown children looked even more excited.

Peng! Peng! Creaking...

However, as the deep-sea fish crashed wildly and cracks began to appear and expand on the waterproof wall, they finally began to feel scared and tried to retreat while looking at each other.

"Tsk..." Bruce frowned and turned to Billy: "Lend us your power."

"No need, I can handle it myself...wait, how do you know it can be lent?" Billy's eyes widened.

"Otherwise? When you were playing in Gotham, who was the 'Shazam' running around in Fawcett City?" Bruce looked disdainful to explain: "Hurry up and hand over your power!"

"..." Billy looked around and found that the other friends had the same attitude, so he honestly stretched out his hand: "Damn it, 'Superman' would be robbed."

"I don't want to go back and be talked about all day long," Selina put her hand on the back of Billy's hand: "Just think it was made by a passing superhero organization and give it a name?"

"How about calling it..." Bruce also put his hand on it: "'Justice League'?"

"It sounds awful."

"I object."

"It's better to call——"

Peng! Peng! Wow!

The angry deep-sea fish would not wait for them to finish their discussion. When the naughty children who provoked it turned around and started to run away, it smashed the waterproof wall with its head, and then a chain reaction occurred. Other waterproof walls and even the ceiling of the aquarium began to collapse at the same time. .

The new members of the Justice League had no time to continue their internal strife. They grabbed Billy's hand tightly, and then shouted the transformation lines together:

"s" "h" "a" "z" "a" "m"!

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